Cops Rammed Wrong Car Carrying Black Woman Her Friend & Two Minors Including A One-year-old Toddler…

Look at these Virginia cops; they rammed their patrol cars into a black wom­an’s car where she had two minor chil­dren, includ­ing a one-year-old baby.

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Not only did the cops have the wrong car, they hand­cuffed the woman, placed her and her chil­dren, and placed them into the back of their patrol cars.
As hor­rif­ic and unbe­liev­able as their behav­ior was, they weren’t done. Not only did they not apol­o­gize for their mis­take as they should have they were dis­mis­sive and extreme­ly dis­re­spect­ful of her and her com­plaints. Again these are not police offi­cers, as I have been writ­ing about for a long time; these are hyped-up racist crim­i­nal beasts who have zero respect for the peo­ple of col­or they come across daily.
No one in their right mind would believe that any­thing like this could ever hap­pen to a white woman. Worse yet, if they rammed her car with­out know­ing who was inside, they would have fall­en over them­selves to apol­o­gize and cop-splain to her what caused them to act with such igno­rant and moron­ic irrationality.
The woman Jamee Kimble said she was still hurt­ing, hav­ing had a c‑section deliv­er of her child just days pri­or. “This was a very trau­mat­ic sit­u­a­tion, and for a long time, prob­a­bly for­ev­er for me and my 5‑year-old, this will for­ev­er affect us,” Kimble said.

Kimble said she’s sched­uled to speak to a police depart­ment rep­re­sen­ta­tive by phone on Wednesday.
This is the part that gets me riled up; who the f*** do these ani­mals think they are that they will grace her with a phone call instead of find­ing her home and apol­o­giz­ing pro­fuse­ly to her and her children?