Cops Not Above The Law :Prosecutor

People in Baltimore stand against police violence.
People in Baltimore stand against police violence.

Police have a right to due process like every­one else.
With that said the Baltimore Police Union’s atti­tude seem to be that their offi­cers are above the laws.
No one is above the laws.
It is only when laws are applied fair­ly and equi­tably can a nation expect to have peace and order.
What seem to be hap­pen­ing is that these Union Reps are in shock , clear­ly they are not used to hav­ing their offi­cers held account­able for their crimes.
In Staten Island and Ferguson Missouri and oth­er munic­i­pal­i­ties all across America white men in con­trol of the sys­tem have demon­stra­bly abused the sys­tem to suit their own.
That is not Justice that is not fairness.
It is only when every­one are sub­ject to the same treat­ment under the law that peace will prevail.

Whites live in a Utopian enclave where they are shield­ed from the vis­cous assault of police.
In many cas­es the police have sim­ply removed the sheets and replaced them with police uniforms.
How do peo­ple fight back against the law?
Therein lies the problem.
And they know it.
Most cops are cow­ard­ly punks who would not dare step to a black man unless he is hid­ing behind a badge.
For those who are ready to pounce , I am a for­mer police offi­cer, what these sav­ages are doing is not policing.
Those who sup­port them or remain silent are just as bad.
The lie you hear them tell that only a small amount of cops are crim­i­nals is sim­ply that, a lie…