Cops Kill One, Hold Three After Blazing Gunfight

Cops converge on the scene of the shooting
Cops con­verge on the scene of the shooting

The dra­ma start­ed to unfold about 11:00 am after mem­bers of the Highway Patrol respond­ed to a call from a motorist that he was robbed along the Bogue Gate sec­tion of the North Coast Highway, near Falmouth.

Police spot­ted the motor car with the sus­pects aboard and gave chase after the dri­ver dis­obeyed their sig­nal to stop. The vehi­cle was sub­se­quent­ly inter­cept­ed at the inter­sec­tion of Newton and Cornwall Street where a shoot-out ensued after the men alight­ed from the vehi­cle and opened fire at the police.

Officers from the Falmouth Police Station then went to the assis­tance of their col­leagues as the men ran in dif­fer­ent direc­tions. One of the men who ran in the direc­tion of the Falmouth fish­ing beach was shot and killed dur­ing a blaz­ing gun bat­tle, while per­sons along the beach scam­pered for cover.

Police said they recov­ered a Smith and Wesson pis­tol from the uniden­ti­fied man.

The oth­er three rob­bers who were even­tu­al­ly appre­hend­ed remained behind bars up to last night. The first one was held after he turned up at the Falmouth General Hospital with gun­shot wounds. He was tak­en into police cus­tody imme­di­ate­ly after he was treat­ed at hos­pi­tal and released.

Shortly after, the two oth­ers who found hid­ing behind a con­crete wall in the his­toric town, were also tak­en into custody.

The Independent Commission of Investigations has, mean­while, com­menced an inves­ti­ga­tion into the inci­dent. Story orig­i­nat­ed here: Cops kill one, hold three after blaz­ing gunfight