Cops Involved In Serious Auto-crash

Constables Nigel Brown and Andrew Simmonds of SAS were involved in a seri­ous auto­mo­bile acci­dent at the inter­sec­tion of Port Royal and Pechon Streets.
Constable Simmonds is report­ed­ly bleed­ing from the head while his col­league, con­sta­ble Nugel Brown is report­ed­ly unresponsive.

The two police­men were return­ing from court with an inmate from the Tower Street Adult Correctional Centre, when their vehi­cle was struck by a Toyota Probox motor car.
The dri­ver of the Probox and his two female pas­sen­gers were also injured. Workers at a near­by fur­ni­ture mak­er estab­lish­ment helped the offi­cers from their vehi­cle.
According to them, one offi­cer, bare­ly able to stand, much less walk, imme­di­ate­ly grabbed the hand­cuffs of the inmate and secured his ser­vice rifle until help came.
All six pas­sen­gers from both vehi­cles were tak­en to the hos­pi­tal and treat­ed for non-life threat­en­ing injuries.

This sto­ry has been updat­ed from since it orig­i­nal posting.