Police Corporal Roan Morrison and Constable Collis ‘Chucky’ Brown have been freed of criminal charges in the so called police death squad trial.
For almost five weeks, the cops were on trial for murder and wounding with intent. But after deliberating for one hour and 45 minutes, the jury found them not guilty. During the five-week trial, 18 witnesses were called. It’s relief for both men.
While in custody last night, Brown learned that his father had passed away. Justice Jennifer Straw, who presided over the trial, had told the jurors that they should arrive at a verdict based on the evidence before them. She also told them that, if possible, their verdict must be unanimous.
Morrison and Brown were arrested and charged by the Independent Commission of Investigations following a shooting incident in May Pen, Clarendon on February 13, 2010 in which 20-year-old Phaebian Dinnal was killed and another man injured. The police claim the men were killed after cops were fired on. But the prosecution has rejected that claim. http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/news/20170315/just-cops-freed-murder-wounding-charges-death-squad-trial