Cop’s Ear Bitten Off In Clash With Motorist, Gun Allegedly Stolen

Police processing the scene
Police pro­cess­ing the scene

KINGSTON, Jamaica – An off-duty police­man who report­ed­ly wit­nessed a motor vehi­cle acci­dent in St Andrew on Saturday is now in hos­pi­tal after he was attacked by a motorist.

OBSERVER ONLINE has learnt that the policeman’s ear was bit­ten off and his gun alleged­ly stolen.

The Jamaica Constabulary Force’s Corporate Communications Unit has con­firmed the attack on the off-duty police­man. The unit said Sunday that the inci­dent occurred after the police­man wit­nessed an acci­dent and attempt­ed to assist. They were, how­ev­er, unable to pro­vide fur­ther details.

Reports reach­ing OBSERVER ONLINE are that the police­man wit­nessed the motor vehi­cle acci­dent on Hope Road some time before mid­night. One of the motorists involved fled the scene and the police­man report­ed­ly gave chase, inter­cept­ing the motor vehi­cle at West King’s House Road.

This was when the police­man was report­ed­ly attacked, beat­en, one of his ears bit­ten off, and his gun alleged­ly stolen.

His alleged attack­er fled the scene, aban­don­ing the motor vehicle.

More infor­ma­tion lat­er. Cop’s ear bit­ten off in clash with motorist, gun alleged­ly stolen