Every time you think you’ve seen it all, they kill and this incident will certainly not be the last. But we live in a police state in which police are administering or ordering medics to administer drugs to people.
We are told that the drug Narcan was administered to this man who died at the hospital.
It is the same drug that was administered to the innocent Elijah McLain, it killed him.
If it wasn’t so serious one could have a real laugh at the buzz-words they use when they know they may be held accountable. They are words like, stop resisting, knock it off, you want to sit up? while they are applying incredible pressure on the individual in an effort to kill him. We are trying to help you, relax dude, you gotta be coöperative , we wanna help you, you gotta stop fighting with us. Those are words not directed at the victim they are killing but at the body cams they are wearing in case anyone bothers to look at their actions.
It is despicable.