Cops Cannot Apprehend Anyone Without The Person Dying, (Video)

Every time you think you’ve seen it all, they kill and this inci­dent will cer­tain­ly not be the last. But we live in a police state in which police are admin­is­ter­ing or order­ing medics to admin­is­ter drugs to people.
We are told that the drug Narcan was admin­is­tered to this man who died at the hospital.
It is the same drug that was admin­is­tered to the inno­cent Elijah McLain, it killed him.
If it was­n’t so seri­ous one could have a real laugh at the buzz-words they use when they know they may be held account­able. They are words like, stop resist­ing, knock it off, you want to sit up? while they are apply­ing incred­i­ble pres­sure on the indi­vid­ual in an effort to kill him. We are try­ing to help you, relax dude, you got­ta be coöper­a­tive , we wan­na help you, you got­ta stop fight­ing with us. Those are words not direct­ed at the vic­tim they are killing but at the body cams they are wear­ing in case any­one both­ers to look at their actions.
It is despicable.


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