Copologists A New Word.…


Q:What hap­pens to a mem­ber of the pub­lic who dri­ves some­one to the scene of a crime?
A:That per­son is a prin­ci­pal in the com­mis­sion of the crime.
Q:What hap­pens to some­one who holds some­one down and allow anoth­er per­son to take that per­son­’s life, even if he/​she did not deal the death blow?
A: That per­son is a prin­ci­pal offender.
Q:What hap­pens to some­one who know­ing­ly hides, har­bors, or help anoth­er to con­ceal evi­dence of a crime?
A:That per­son is crim­i­nal­ly liable as an acces­so­ry after the fact
Q:What hap­pens to some­one who will­ing­ly plays even the most minute role in the com­mis­sion of a crime?
A: That per­son may still be pros­e­cut­ed as pro­vid­ed by law.
Okay you get the pic­ture , you par­tic­i­pate in the com­mis­sion of a crime you are going to jail ‚but does that rule apply to all criminals?
In fact, whether the offence is mur­der, or a mis­de­meanor, say sell­ing un-taxed cig­a­rettes, it’s still an offence irre­spec­tive of who com­mits it Right?
If you said right to my last ques­tion you would be wrong!
What do you mean wrong , are you nuts Mike?
No not in New York State inci­den­tal­ly. If you sell un-taxed cig­a­rettes you are going to jail. If for any rea­son you weren’t sell­ing any cig­a­rettes at the time the police comes around and wants to arrest you for the thou­sandth time even though you may not have been guilty on that occa­sion you will be killed.
So what hap­pens to the actu­al killers, this is America , I know they will be held account­able, they are going to jail. This is the coun­try which locks up more of it’s cit­i­zens than any other?
Well I’m glad you asked, you see, not all mur­ders are murders!
Especially if you are black.
What !! Of course all mur­ders are mur­ders, what are you talk­ing about?
Not so fast, if a mur­der is com­mit­ted by the Police it is not murder!
It is called a jus­ti­fi­able homicide.
What are you talk­ing about? That sort of thing only hap­pened in Apartheid South Africa and that end­ed years ago.
The Police are there to pro­tect all of us, you are so wrong Mike!!!
Yah , tell that to the fam­i­lies of these killed by police right here in the good old US of A.

Rumain Brisbon, 34, Phoenix, Ariz. — Dec. 2, 2014.
Tamir Rice, 12, Cleveland, Ohio — Nov. 22, 2014.
Akai Gurley, 28, Brooklyn, NY — Nov. 20, 2014.
Darrien Hunt 22 Saratoga Springs Utah Sept 16, 2014
Kajieme Powell, 25, St. Louis, Mo. — August 19, 2014.
Ezell Ford, 25, Los Angeles, Calif. — August 12, 2014.
Dante Parker, 36, San Bernardino County, Calif. — August 12, 2014.
Michael Brown, 18, Ferguson, Mo. — August 9, 2014.
John Crawford III, 22, Beavercreek, Ohio — August 5, 2014.
Tyree Woodson, 38, Baltimore, Md. — August 2, 2014.
Eric Garner, 43, New York, N.Y. — July 17, 2014.
Victor White III, 22, Iberia Parish, La. — March 22, 2014.
Yvette Smith, 47, Bastrop, Texas — February 16, 2014.
McKenzie Cochran, 25, Southfield, Mich. — January 28, 2014.
Jordan Baker, 26, Houston, Texas — January 16, 2014.
Andy Lopez, 13, Santa Rosa, Calif. — October 22, 2013.
Miriam Carey, 34, Washington, D.C. — October 3, 2013.
Jonathan Ferrell, 24, Bradfield Farms, N.C. — September 14, 2013.
Carlos Alcis, 43, New York, N.Y. — August 15, 2013.
Larry Eugene Jackson, Jr., 32, Austin, Texas — July 26, 2013.
Deion Fludd, 17, New York, N.Y. — May 5, 2013.
Kimani Gray, 16, New York, N.Y. — March 9, 2013.
Johnnie Kamahi Warren, 43, Dotham, Ala. — December 10, 2012.
Malissa Williams, 30, and Timothy Russell, 43, Cleveland, Ohio — Nov,29, 2012.
Reynaldo Cuevas, 20, New York, N.Y. — September 7, 2012.
Chavis Carter, 21, Jonesboro, Ark. — July 29, 2012.
Shantel Davis, 23, New York, N.Y. — June 14, 2012.
Sharmel Edwards, 49, Las Vegas, Nev. — April 21, 2012.
Tamon Robinson, 27, New York, N.Y. — April 18, 2012.
Ervin Jefferson, 18, Atlanta, Ga. — March 24, 2012.
Kendrec McDade, 19, Pasadena, Calif. — March 24, 2012.
Rekia Boyd, 22, Chicago, Ill. — March 21, 2012.
Shereese Francis, 30, New York, N.Y. — March 15, 2012.
Wendell Allen, 20, New Orleans, La. — March 7, 2012.
Nehemiah Dillard, 29, Gainesville, Fla. — March 5, 2012.
Dante Price, 25, Dayton, Ohio — March 1, 2012.
Raymond Allen, 34, Galveston, Texas — February 27, 2012.
Sgt. Manuel Loggins, Jr., 31, Orange County, Calif. — February 7, 2012>
Ramarley Graham, 18, New York, N.Y. — February 2, 2012.
Kenneth Chamberlain, 68, White Plains, N.Y. — November 19, 2011..
Alonzo Ashley, 29, Denver, Colo. — July 18, 2011.
Kenneth Harding, 19, San Francisco, Calif. — July 16, 2011.
Raheim Brown, 20, Oakland, Calif. — January 22, 2011.
Reginald Doucet, 25, Los Angeles, Calif. — January 14, 2011.
Derrick Jones, 37, Oakland, Calif. — November 8, 2010.
Danroy Henry, 20, Thornwood, N.Y. — October 17, 2010.
Aiyana Jones, 7, Detroit, Mich. — May 16, 2010.
Steven Eugene Washington, 27, Los Angeles, CA — March 20, 2010.
Aaron Campbell, 25, Portland, Ore. — January 29, 2010.
Kiwane Carrington, 15, Champaign, Ill. — October 9, 2009.
Victor Steen, 17, Pensacola, Fla. — October 3, 2009.
Shem Walker, 49, New York, N.Y. — July 11, 2009.
Oscar Grant, 22, Oakland, Calif. — January 1, 2009.
Tarika Wilson, 26, Lima, Ohio — January 4, 2008.
DeAunta Terrel Farrow, 12, West Memphis, Ark. — July 22, 2007.
Sean Bell, 23, New York, N.Y. — November 25, 2006.
Henry Glover, 31, New Orleans, La. — September 2, 2005.
Ronald Madison, 40, and James Brisette, 17, New Orleans, La. — Sept. 4, 2005.
Timothy Stansbury, 19, New York, N.Y. — January 24, 2004.
Alberta Spruill, 57, New York, N.Y. — May 16, 2003.
Ousmane Zongo, 43, New York, N.Y. — May 22, 2003.
Orlando Barlow, 28, Las Vegas, Nev. — February 28, 2003.
Timothy Thomas, 19, Cincinnati, Ohio — April 7, 2001.
Prince Jones, 25, Fairfax County, Va. — Sept. 1, 2000.
Ronald Beasley, 36, and Earl Murray, 36, Dellwood, Mo. — June 12, 2000.
Patrick Dorismond, 26, New York, NY — March 16, 2000.
Malcolm Ferguson, 23, New York, N.Y. — March 1, 2000.
Amadou Diallo, 23, New York, N.Y. — Feb. 4, 1999.
To protect and serve who?
To pro­tect and serve who?

This list is by no means com­plete, nei­ther does it rep­re­sent all of the unarmed peo­ple mur­dered by police.
There are a huge cross sec­tion of peo­ple for whom cops can do no wrong, espe­cial­ly when they kill black people.

They are cop-apol­o­gists. Lately with the killing of of two New York City Cops every­one is a cop-apol­o­gist. Everyone is shed­ding tears. There is absolute­ly noth­ing wrong with cry­ing for two dead offi­cers. As a for­mer cop I wel­come the out pour­ing of love the NYPD is get­ting after these two deaths. 
As much as I feel sym­pa­thy for the fam­i­lies of the two slain offi­cers, I can­not share in the hand wring­ing because of the bla­tant dis­re­gard the police depart­ment and their (copol­o­gists new­ly coined phrase)[sic] friends,showed to the fam­i­lies of those who unlaw­ful­ly died at the hands of police. When Patrick Lynch blamed Eric Garner for his own death and copol­o­gists heaped scorn on the fam­i­ly and on Garner’s weight that was dis­gust­ing and unfor­giv­able. Then they have the nerve to blame the deaths on the Mayor and oth­ers. Not sat­is­fied they engage in the dis­gust­ing, dis­re­spect­ful spec­ta­cles of turn­ing their backs on the Mayor.
It is time every con­sci­en­tious per­son of col­or turn their backs on these creeps when­ev­er they come across them.
It does not mat­ter how many copol­o­gists sing their prais­es, it does not make them wor­thy of respect.
But Mike they say the police keep us safe, that’s what the peo­ple on FOX say. Giuliani the for­mer Mayor also said so . In fact a lot of very impor­tant peo­ple say the police are great. They say there is no prob­lem of police abuse in the United States. They say offi­cers go out and put their lives on the line every day to keep “us” safe. How can what you are say­ing be true when all of these peo­ple say the cops are there to pro­tect “us”?

Well did you ask these nice peo­ple to tell you exact­ly who “us“is?