Cop Who Threatened To Kill Protesters Identified

The sub­ur­ban St. Louis police offi­cer whothreat­ened to kill pro­test­ers with his weapon drawn in Ferguson is Lt. Ray Albers, his boss said.

Albers, 46, a 20-year police vet­er­an who served four years in the Army, is the man caught on video scream­ing at pro­test­ers, “I will fuck­ing kill you,” while point­ing his rifle at civil­ians, St. Ann Police Chief Aaron Jimenez told The Huffington Post Wednesday night.

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Albers told the chief he was sick to his stom­ach and “should have known bet­ter,” Jimenez said. He has been placed on indef­i­nite, unpaid sus­pen­sion from the force while an inves­ti­ga­tion is underway.

It’s frus­trat­ing, because we told [our offi­cers] before we went down there that there would be lots of peo­ple try­ing to antag­o­nize to pro­voke them into say­ing some­thing,” Jimenez said. “Whether you’re a pedes­tri­an or pro­test­ers, you have to be pro­fes­sion­al, and [Albers’] actions weren’t in any way, shape or form.” The police chief said his depart­ment sup­ports Albers’ rais­ing of his weapon at protesters.

He saw three to four sus­pects with ban­danas on, and saw one of them raise a gun towards him,” Jimenez said. “That made him draw his weapon up to the crowd, and he was scan­ning and mov­ing that weapon back and forth, try­ing to assess the scene. … Him see­ing the gun in the crowd, he had every right to pro­tect him­self in fear of dan­ger until he assessed the scene.” http://​www​.huff​in​g​ton​post​.com/​2​0​1​4​/​0​8​/​2​0​/​r​a​y​-​a​l​b​e​r​s​-​f​e​r​g​u​s​o​n​-​p​r​o​t​e​s​t​e​r​s​_​n​_​5​6​9​6​7​1​5​.​h​t​m​l​?​u​t​m​_​h​p​_​r​e​f​=​m​o​s​t​p​o​p​u​lar.

Now it is becom­ing shock­ing­ly clear to the World just what liars these cops are. Does any­one believe these cops would have allowed some­one point­ing a gun at them to live? Not only are they mur­der­ers, they are hor­ren­dous liars. What these liars are doing is blam­ing the peo­ple for their own das­tard­ly actions .

I got­ta warn you my read­ers , with the mas­sive rev­e­la­tion of mur­ders and oth­er atroc­i­ties being com­mit­ted by police, states will move aggres­sive­ly to crim­i­nal­ize cit­i­zens who video­tape police in action. In fact 12 states have already done so . Making it a crim­i­nal offense to video­tape cops in action , unless they the police, give per­mis­sion for it to be done.

2 thoughts on “Cop Who Threatened To Kill Protesters Identified

  1. It’s a fight against law and order..It is only the begin­ning of the sys­tem that our dear President wants to set in order with his own pri­vate army. See how quick­ly they sent in the National guard..It is a social­ist plot to take over America..That’s all..

    • This is so dumb; Obama is plan­ning to take over the coun­try, but he’s using white cops to kill blacks first. You should be hap­py; at the rate at which these cops are killing blacks, pret­ty soon only whites will be left.

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