Cop Shoots Wife In The Face With Rifle

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A police offi­cer accused of shoot­ing his wife in the face has been arrest­ed and relieved of his duties, accord­ing to a Texas police chief. Houston Police Chief Troy Finner said in a news brief­ing the shoot­ing hap­pened just after mid­night Monday, June 12, at an apart­ment on the north­west side of the city. 
Officers found the 30-year-old female vic­tim had been shot in the face by her hus­band, an offi­cer with the Houston Police Department, Finner said.
The woman was tak­en into surgery, and her con­di­tion is unknown. “We pray that she’s going to be alright and recov­er,” the police chief said.

Houston Police Department video screengrab

It’s believed that a rifle was used in the shoot­ing, accord­ing to the police chief. The Houston Police Department does not issue rifles, so the weapon may have been pur­chased by the offi­cer, Finner said. Police said it’s unclear what led to the shoot­ing. The accused shoot­er and gun­shot vic­tim were the only peo­ple inside the apart­ment, the chief said. The offi­cer, who has been with the depart­ment for two years, was arrest­ed and faces a charge of aggra­vat­ed assault with a dead­ly weapon, Finner said. Because for­mal charges have not been filed, his name has not been pub­licly released. Finner said the offi­cer was “imme­di­ate­ly relieved of duty.” An inves­ti­ga­tion will be con­duct­ed. “We all took an oath of office to serve and pro­tect, but we’re human as well. This hurts. It hurts all of us,” Finner said.

We all took an oath of office to serve and pro­tect, but we’re human as well. This hurts. It hurts all of us,” Finner said.
This sounds like a weak defense, I hope they have more that we are all human as a defense.