Cop Killed For Being A Cop

Constable Preddie
Constable Preddie

She walked in this morn­ing and greet­ed me as she always did when she comes in to trans­act busi­ness. I real­ized some­thing was wrong as soon as I looked up to return her greet­ing. She told me her cousin was shot and killed in Jamaica last night. Killing is nor­mal now more-so in some places than oth­ers. In Jamaica it’s more-so.

My heart went out to her, she was very much there for me and my fam­i­ly in April when we lost our beloved son Kodi.
I felt a sense of empa­thy for her loss. I do so now even more than I did before. Death of a loved one does that to you.
Then she tells me her cousin was a police offi­cer and my heart dropped. Not because police offi­cers lives are worth more than that of any­one else, but because they stand between those who would do us harm and ourselves.

Jamaican Police say Constable Preddie who was off duty and unarmed was relax­ing with friends at a bar in the remote com­mu­ni­ty of Farm in the Asia police divi­sion of south­ern Manchester when sev­er­al men armed with guns entered the premis­es. The crim­i­nals pro­ceed­ed to rob patrons and in the process of going through their pock­ets dis­cov­ered Preddie’s police iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. One of the gun­men prompt­ly shot him in the head. He report­ed­ly died on the spot. Preddie was mar­ried with two chil­dren aged eight years and 18 months.

The death of this offi­cer sends a chill­ing mes­sage to law abid­ing cit­i­zens, “we will kill any­thing and any­one who stand in our way”. The fact that con­sta­ble Preddie was unarmed is some­what trou­bling. Why would a police offi­cer not have a ser­vice weapon in this day and age is beyond me?
Did Preddie have access to a weapon but naïve­ly allowed him­self to be lulled into a false sense of security?
Did the depart­ment take their weapon after they fin­ished using him dur­ing his tour of duty?
Those are per­ti­nent ques­tions which begs swift answers.
Jamaican author­i­ties and civ­il soci­ety, places extra­or­di­nary stock on the lives of crim­i­nals and con­vict­ed felons, not on the lives and inter­est of police offi­cers. My heart goes out to his fam­i­ly ‚to my friend Trish and more than any­one else, his wife and two lit­tle kids.
May God give you com­fort and peace.
To the scum who took his life, may you rest easy in the knowl­edge you do not have some­one like me on your trail for this killing .
Demonizing police offi­cers gives pow­er to garbage like these scum, that is the Jamaican way.
I ask that all offi­cers take this death per­son­al­ly, go get these pieces of garbage.Whether you bring them to jus­tice or you bring jus­tice to them is all the same to me.