Cop Held, Beaten During Attempted Break-in

thCAWTXLPMCLARENDON, Jamaica – Residents of Morgan’s dis­trict in Spaulding, Clarendon, this morn­ing set upon rob­bers in their com­mu­ni­ty, only to lat­er dis­cov­er that one of the men was a police con­sta­ble. Reports reach­ing OBSERVER ONLINE are that the police­man and two oth­ers were attempt­ing to break into a house in the area about 3:00 am. The policeman’s accom­plices man­aged to escape, but he was held and beat­en by the res­i­dents before being hand­ed over to the police. Sources say he received sev­er­al blows to the head and has been admit­ted to hos­pi­tal in seri­ous con­di­tion. When con­tact­ed, the police’s Corporate Communications Unit (CCU) said they were unaware of the incident.

See sto­ry here: Cop held, beat­en dur­ing attempt­ed break-in