Cop Fired 9 Times Into The Back Of A Wheelchair-bound Man Killing Him…

When a Kenosha Wisconsin cop Rusten Shensky delib­er­ate­ly and cal­cu­lat­ing­ly placed 7 shots into the back of an unarmed Jacob Blake last year. Many folks with a con­science thought that those actions were so uncon­scionable and inde­fen­si­ble that there was no way that Rusten Shensky would not be sent to prison for the remain­der of his life for the betray­al of his oath, and for being a rot­ten excuse of a human being.
Those folks were wrong. Rusten Shensky was inves­ti­gat­ed by oth­er cops who said noth­ing to see here it is total­ly cool to shoot some­one in the back.….….. In fact, it is per­fect­ly fine to shoot anoth­er human being in the back as many times as you feel is nec­es­sary, on one condition.
You must be wear­ing the uni­form of an American police officer.
And just so you know those of you who tend to believe that the United States Justice Department is real­ly about jus­tice you may want to recon­sid­er that mind­set. The Justice Department looked at the shoot­ing of mis­ter Jacob Blake who will nev­er walk again and decid­ed, we looked at the evi­dence and we don’t see any­thing here either, move along folks”.
Jacob Blake is Black.
Rusten Shensky who is white was returned to the streets to kill and maim again.

Rusten Shesky

The shoot­ing of Jacob Blake in that fash­ion set off a firestorm of protests in Kenosha Wisconsin and across the state and country.
Out of that inci­dent, Kyle Rittenhouse Supremacist-inspired AR15 tot­ing thug went to Kenosha Wisconsin from his home in Illinois sup­pos­ed­ly to counter the Black Lives Matter pro­test­ers who were protest­ing the shoot­ing of Jacob Blake.
There Kyle Rittenhouse mur­dered two pro­test­ers and seri­ous­ly injured another.
Rittenhouse was even­tu­al­ly charged for those crimes but was quick­ly exon­er­at­ed of all charges by a Kenosha jury and a judge who made it clear whose side he was on.
At the time of the uncon­scionable shoot­ing of Jacob Blake by a cop who is sup­posed to under­stand restraint and the com­mit­ment to pro­tect life many peo­ple, (whites) choose as usu­al to cre­ate jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for the rep­re­hen­si­ble actions of the cow­ard­ly cop.
Those jus­ti­fi­ca­tions ranged from the eye-rolling, to too dis­gust­ing to dig­ni­fy. The thing about those jus­ti­fi­ca­tions is that from one end of the spec­trum to the oth­er, they were all influ­enced by the race of Blake and Shensky.
This brings me to a quote I have bor­rowed through­out the years that I have been a writer.

First, they came for the social­ists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade union­ists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me. (Martin Niemöller).
The mur­der­er and his rapa­cious and uncon­scionable defend­ers will use the deceased man’s past to cre­ate jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for his mur­der and they may well pre­vail in a sys­tem in which police are allowed to sum­mar­i­ly be judge, jury, and executioner.
I say take the guns away from these ani­mals and see how many of them resign; that I believe, is the best way to bring san­i­ty to this state of madness.


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Harrowing footage caught the moment an off-duty Arizona cop work­ing as a Walmart secu­ri­ty guard shot a 61-year-old man in a wheel­chair nine times in the back, killing him — after the dis­abled man alleged­ly shoplift­ed. The offi­cer, Ryan Remington, was on assign­ment at the Walmart in Tucson on Monday when an employ­ee alert­ed him about 6 p.m. that a cus­tomer in a motor­ized wheel­chair had swiped a tool­box, KGUN report­ed. The employ­ee caught up with the sus­pect, iden­ti­fied lat­er as Richard Lee Richards, and asked him to show a receipt in the park­ing lot. “Instead of pro­vid­ing the receipt, Mr. Richards bran­dished a knife and said, ‘Here’s your receipt,’” Police Chief Chris Magnus said in a state­ment, accord­ing to CNN.

61-year-old wheel­chair-bound Richard Lee Richards, bla­tant­ly mur­dered by a cop who shot him nine times in the back…

The chief said Remington, a four-year mem­ber of the Tucson police force, also fol­lowed Richards while “attempt­ing to gain his coöper­a­tion” and sur­ren­der the blade. “Mr. Richards refused to com­ply, and instead con­tin­ued to head through the Walmart and Lowe’s park­ing lots,” Magnus said. “According to the Walmart employ­ee, Mr. Richards said, ‘If you want me to put down the knife, you’re going to have to shoot me.’ A sec­ond offi­cer then joined Remington at the scene, where they warned the sus­pect not to enter the Lowe’s but he again report­ed­ly ignored the commands.
The graph­ic video shows Richards begins to enter the store as Remington tells him, “Do not go into the store, sir.” He then opens fire at the sus­pect, who slumps over and crum­ples to the ground after being hit nine times. Remington is then seen hand­cuff­ing the man, who is not moving.

To be clear, I am deeply dis­turbed by Officer Remington’s actions, his use of dead­ly force in this inci­dent is a clear vio­la­tion of depart­ment pol­i­cy and direct­ly con­tra­dicts mul­ti­ple aspects of our use of force train­ing,” Magnus said in a press con­fer­ence Tuesday “As a result, the depart­ment moved ear­li­er today to ter­mi­nate Officer Remington,” he said, adding that the shoot­ing will be reviewed by the Pima County Attorney’s Office. Magnus said med­ical per­son­nel was called to the scene “but a short time lat­er Mr. Richards was declared dead.” Mike Storie, an attor­ney for the Tucson Police Officers Association, said: “What you saw was the police department’s edit­ed ver­sion of this event, which was cut and past­ed pieces of video of this event,” KGUN report­ed. “He thought it was appro­pri­ate at the time he used it and he still does,” Storie added, refer­ring to Remington In a state­ment, Mayor Regina Romero said: “The actions of the offi­cer involved in last night’s dead­ly shoot­ing are uncon­scionable and inde­fen­si­ble. The County Attorney’s Office has my full sup­port as they pro­ceed with their inves­ti­ga­tion. “It is moments like this that test our resolve to ensure jus­tice and account­abil­i­ty. We owe this to all Tucsonans. I ask our com­mu­ni­ty to remain calm and be patient as inves­ti­ga­tions ensue,” she added.