Cop Apparently Caught On Video Hitting A Kid On A Bike Then Fleeing…

You cannot make these things up.
I thought that it was a serious crime for a motorist to knowingly hit a pedestrian or to be involved in any vehicular accident and leave the scene unless it is for a damn good reason like to save the life of the person injured or to avoid been killed by an angry mob etc.?
Well, obviously, I am wrong; if you are a cop, you can simply keep on going, and worse, no other cop will even bother to take a report. Talk about being above the law!!!

The offi­cer appears to have hit the boy but did­n’t stop to help him

L.A.’s KTLA5 reports, a moth­er and a com­mu­ni­ty, are out­raged after an alleged hit and run that left a 14-year-old boy injured. The car cap­tured on video hit­ting him was a California Highway Patrol cruis­er. The dri­ver fled the scene.

The inci­dent hap­pened on June 27th. The boy was attend­ing a local car show in East L.A. when it hap­pened. Luckily wit­ness­es at the event not only saw what hap­pened but record­ed it as well. What’s most shock­ing is that after the offi­cer hit the boy, he just kept going. The boy suf­fered some seri­ous injuries, includ­ing a shoul­der injury and con­cus­sion, and the effects are still being felt a month lat­er. His moth­er, Sara Cervantes, said the con­cus­sion was so bad, the boy’s speech was slurred, say­ing, “You could tell that some­thing was wrong and he couldn’t talk cor­rect­ly; he was slur­ring his words.”

What’s more out­ra­geous is that oth­er offi­cers seem­ing­ly moved to pro­tect the offi­cer in question:

Community activists and the boy’s moth­er claim that the offi­cer didn’t stop to help the boy. They also said that sev­er­al indi­vid­u­als tried to report the hit-and-run to oth­er offi­cers who were patrolling the area, but not a sin­gle offi­cer would take a report.

Now out­rage has spread with­in the com­mu­ni­ty with calls for the CHP to release the officer’s name and ter­mi­nate him.
“It was absolute­ly dis­gust­ing to see the video of them just hit him and take off, and didn’t even try to find out where his par­ent was or seek med­ical atten­tion for him,” said Alejandra Estrada, a com­mu­ni­ty activist.
There’s still been no response from the CHP.

Of course not; why would they respond to the tax­pay­ing pub­lic that hires them and pays their salaries? They are unac­count­able to anyone?
But that is exact­ly what they are allowed to do in the United States. Why?
Because in the United States, the police have always been the oppres­sors of the abused African-American com­mu­ni­ty. Police serve as a bul­wark that pro­tects white supremacy.
Therefore, the thing we know as ‘police’ has always been an ene­my of the Black com­mu­ni­ty, regard­less of whether there are Black offi­cers in their departments.