Connecticut Police Allegedly Issued 26,000 Fake Tickets To Cover Up Racism

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This web­site, and oth­ers, has been laser-like focused on bring­ing you the many ways American police oper­ate with total impuni­ty. This impuni­ty comes from rul­ings by the high­est court that, at best, is ille­git­i­mate and, worse, corrupt.
American police are not only gangs that oper­ate out­side the law at heart. They are, for the most part, unac­count­able and deeply corrupt.
There is real­ly no good police depart­ment in the United States that is not taint­ed by racism and prej­u­dice. As I have said before, this prob­lem can­not be reme­di­at­ed. The entire con­struct of polic­ing obtained from slave patrols must be reimag­ined to have any sem­blance of authen­tic­i­ty to con­scious peo­ple who are not Caucasians.

A Connecticut State Police Ford Taurus Crusier.
A Connecticut State Police Ford Taurus Crusier.

An inves­ti­ga­tion is report­ed­ly being launched in Connecticut after an audit found a “high like­li­hood” that hun­dreds of Connecticut State Police troop­ers have been fal­si­fy­ing tens of thou­sands of traf­fic tick­et records over the past decade to hide ram­pant racism, accord­ing to CT Insider.
The report found that there was a “high like­li­hood” that at least 25,996 tick­ets were com­plete­ly made up between 2014 and 2021. A fur­ther 32,587 records dur­ing that same peri­od show “sig­nif­i­cant inac­cu­ra­cies,” and audi­tors feel those may also be false. Remember that the audi­tors empha­sized that their analy­sis was extreme­ly con­ser­v­a­tive and “the num­ber of fal­si­fied records is like­ly larg­er than we con­fi­dent­ly iden­ti­fied.” The false reports were sub­mit­ted by about one-quar­ter of the 1,301 troop­ers who wrote tick­ets in the time period.

The out­let also reports that the find­ings alleged a sys­tem­at­ic vio­la­tion of state laws and that the mis­re­port­ing skewed racial pro­fil­ing data to make it appear as though troop­ers were tick­et­ing more white dri­vers and few­er non-white dri­vers than they real­ly were.
“This report sug­gests a his­tor­i­cal pat­tern and prac­tice among some troop­ers and con­sta­bles of sub­mit­ting infrac­tion records that were like­ly false or inac­cu­rate,” CT Insider reports the audit read.
Now, Governor Ned Lamont’s admin­is­tra­tion is said to be con­duct­ing an “inde­pen­dent inves­ti­ga­tion.” However, he also urged the pub­lic not to rush to judg­ment and took issue with the tick­ets being labeled as “false.” He report­ed­ly empha­sized that the issues had been declin­ing over the years.

From CT Insider:

Auditors said the mis­re­port­ing they uncov­ered had “a sub­stan­tive and sta­tis­ti­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant impact” on pre­vi­ous­ly pub­lished analy­ses of racial pro­fil­ing of police traf­fic stops in Connecticut. Overreported records were more like­ly to be report­ed as white dri­vers and less like­ly to be report­ed as Black or Hispanic dri­vers, the audi­tors found.

While under­re­port­ed records were more like­ly to be Hispanic or some oth­er race and less like­ly to be white, the audit said.

Previous annu­al analy­ses of state police traf­fic stops by the racial pro­fil­ing project have doc­u­ment­ed con­cern­ing pat­terns in recent years, includ­ing troop­ers were more like­ly to stop Hispanic motorists dur­ing day­light hours and more like­ly to search dri­vers of color.

The out­let says that the part of the audit that focused on traf­fic stops that took place in 2018 war­rants “con­cern that the Connecticut State Police have appeared each year as hav­ing sta­tis­ti­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant dis­par­i­ty in either or both of minor­i­ty traf­fic stops and vehic­u­lar search­es.” At this point, I sug­gest head­ing over to CT Insider for the full sto­ry. You’ll get a great break­down of who exact­ly was fal­si­fy­ing the reports and how the audit came to be back in the late 2010s.