Chief among the speculation regarding Owen Ellington’s departure is.
1) The Americans took his Visa because of associations.
2) That Ellington fell out of favor with Portia. Imagine that.
3) The Americans wanted Ellington gone because of nagging questions of Human Rights abuse and the Americans are unwilling to sell arms and ammunition to Jamaica as a result.
Let’s juxtapose the latter with the new call from certain quarters in civil society and the Media , chiefly The Gleaner’s Editorial page to look overseas for a Commissioner.
First lets put things in context. America has no moral authority to lecture any Country about Human Rights. Every day black and brown people are killed and abused by law enforcement officers all across America without a whisper from the Federal Government.
Now it would be a major irony if the Americans called for Ellington’s head when it was they who called for the extradition of Christopher Dudus Coke.
If the Americans believed that it was easy to get Coke, surely they could have volunteered to go get him themselves. They were far better equipped to remove him with minimum collateral damage. Yes collateral damage , it was a war.
How then could they demand the Commissioner’s head for doing exactly what they wanted?
Lets give credence to the narrative that it was nagging Human Rights allegations which precipitated Jamaica’s international Partners (America & England) alleged demand for Ellington’s head. How could that demand be legitimate in light of Ellington“s body of work in rooting out corruption and abuse from the JCF? Experts and non-experts alike will argue Owen Ellington has been the best Commissioner of Police in modern times.
If this is correct, both Ellington and the country has Carolyn Gomes to thank for the defaming of our Countrty. This in addition to corrupting young people with counter-culture teachings and literature, which were once alien to our Nation.
If there is truth to the allegations America and Britain had something to do with Ellington’s departure, then the push by some in society to get a Commissioner from overseas plays directly into the plans Carolyn Gomes and Susan Goffe laid, using a gullible and naïve Ellington in the process toward removing Police powers from Jamaicans.
We did warn about this for a long time.
We did ask what did these foreign Governments want for the money they gave to Gomes?
We did ask for accountability. We did warn that once the Police were demoralized they would bring in foreign cops. They have, and they want to bring in a cop to head the Department.
I did warn they would do these things in these very blogs. The Homosexual Agenda demands total acquiescence and capitulation of our culture. There has been numerous allegations that Jamaican cops are not helpful to gays. Commissioner Ellington granted a permit for the Churches to rally against a Gay Jamaican counter-culture. A few days later he was gone, now they want foreigners to head our Police Force.
Failing to connect the dots will completely overwhelm our culture.
The Commissioner of Police is a political appointment, read between the dots.….Ellington, though one of the most outstanding Commish in recent times , should not have been elevated to the position , never, not ever . If international best practices, as it regards selection of the head of a national Law enforcement agency were followed , Ellington would not have been appointed . I admire the man’s intellect, he was a reservoir of strategic planning but this does not hide the fact that he had skeletal in his closet that would have remained hidden had he not been elevated to the post. There is an old saying in Jamaica ’ the higher the monkey climb, the more he is exposed ’ . Oh , incidentally, I am in total disagreement with one of your piece , alluding that the commis’ intellect supersedes other officers , rubbish I say . In fact there are many within the system , who are immensely talented adn have chosen not to be in the spot light . The job is demanding ‚look at Ellington at 51 .….… I enjoy perspective Mike …I will continue to read .
“Oh , incidentally, I am in total disagreement with one of your piece , alluding that the commis’ intellect supersedes other officers ‚”
I can unequovically tell you that you did not read that quote from any article I wrote.
I merely reposted that line in social media, which were the words of a female sergeant regarding the Commissioner , intended to remind her of her own words. They were not my words. I have no metric nor desire to measure the intellect of others.
put the peices together .schoolboy ritchie ellington read between the lines