Connect The Dots

Chief among the spec­u­la­tion regard­ing Owen Ellington’s depar­ture is.

1) The Americans took his Visa because of associations.

2) That Ellington fell out of favor with Portia. Imagine that.images (2)

3) The Americans want­ed Ellington gone because of nag­ging ques­tions of Human Rights abuse and the Americans are unwill­ing to sell arms and ammu­ni­tion to Jamaica as a result.

Let’s jux­ta­pose the lat­ter with the new call from cer­tain quar­ters in civ­il soci­ety and the Media , chiefly The Gleaner’s Editorial page to look over­seas for a Commissioner.

First lets put things in con­text. America has no moral author­i­ty to lec­ture any Country about Human Rights. Every day black and brown peo­ple are killed and abused by law enforce­ment offi­cers all across America with­out a whis­per from the Federal Government.

Now it would be a major irony if the Americans called for Ellington’s head when it was they who called for the extra­di­tion of Christopher Dudus Coke.

If the Americans believed that it was easy to get Coke, sure­ly they could have vol­un­teered to go get him them­selves. They were far bet­ter equipped to remove him with min­i­mum col­lat­er­al dam­age. Yes col­lat­er­al dam­age , it was a war.

How then could they demand the Commissioner’s head for doing exact­ly what they wanted?

Lets give cre­dence to the nar­ra­tive that it was nag­ging Human Rights alle­ga­tions which pre­cip­i­tat­ed Jamaica’s inter­na­tion­al Partners (America & England) alleged demand for Ellington’s head. How could that demand be legit­i­mate in light of Ellington“s body of work in root­ing out cor­rup­tion and abuse from the JCF? Experts and non-experts alike will argue Owen Ellington has been the best Commissioner of Police in mod­ern times.

If this is cor­rect, both Ellington and the coun­try has Carolyn Gomes to thank for the defam­ing of our Countrty. This in addi­tion to cor­rupt­ing young peo­ple with counter-cul­ture teach­ings and lit­er­a­ture, which were once alien to our Nation.

If there is truth to the alle­ga­tions America and Britain had some­thing to do with Ellington’s depar­ture, then the push by some in soci­ety to get a Commissioner from over­seas plays direct­ly into the plans Carolyn Gomes and Susan Goffe laid, using a gullible and naïve Ellington in the process toward remov­ing Police pow­ers from Jamaicans.

We did warn about this for a long time.

We did ask what did these for­eign Governments want for the mon­ey they gave to Gomes?

We did ask for account­abil­i­ty. We did warn that once the Police were demor­al­ized they would bring in for­eign cops. They have, and they want to bring in a cop to head the Department.

I did warn they would do these things in these very blogs. The Homosexual Agenda demands total acqui­es­cence and capit­u­la­tion of our cul­ture. There has been numer­ous alle­ga­tions that Jamaican cops are not help­ful to gays. Commissioner Ellington grant­ed a per­mit for the Churches to ral­ly against a Gay Jamaican counter-cul­ture. A few days lat­er he was gone, now they want for­eign­ers to head our Police Force.

Failing to con­nect the dots will com­plete­ly over­whelm our culture.

3 thoughts on “Connect The Dots

  1. The Commissioner of Police is a polit­i­cal appoint­ment, read between the dots.….Ellington, though one of the most out­stand­ing Commish in recent times , should not have been ele­vat­ed to the posi­tion , nev­er, not ever . If inter­na­tion­al best prac­tices, as it regards selec­tion of the head of a nation­al Law enforce­ment agency were fol­lowed , Ellington would not have been appoint­ed . I admire the man’s intel­lect, he was a reser­voir of strate­gic plan­ning but this does not hide the fact that he had skele­tal in his clos­et that would have remained hid­den had he not been ele­vat­ed to the post. There is an old say­ing in Jamaica ’ the high­er the mon­key climb, the more he is exposed ’ . Oh , inci­den­tal­ly, I am in total dis­agree­ment with one of your piece , allud­ing that the com­mis’ intel­lect super­sedes oth­er offi­cers , rub­bish I say . In fact there are many with­in the sys­tem , who are immense­ly tal­ent­ed adn have cho­sen not to be in the spot light . The job is demand­ing ‚look at Ellington at 51 .….… I enjoy per­spec­tive Mike …I will con­tin­ue to read .

    • Oh , inci­den­tally, I am in total dis­agree­ment with one of your piece , allud­ing that the com­mis’ intel­lect super­sedes oth­er officers ‚”

      I can unequovi­cal­ly tell you that you did not read that quote from any arti­cle I wrote.
      I mere­ly repost­ed that line in social media, which were the words of a female sergeant regard­ing the Commissioner , intend­ed to remind her of her own words. They were not my words. I have no met­ric nor desire to mea­sure the intel­lect of others.

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