UN Condemns U.S. Police Brutality, Calls For ‘Stand Your Ground’ Review

we cannot ask murderers to stop killing us we must make them stop
we can­not ask mur­der­ers to stop killing us we must make them stop

Finally the UN has mus­tered the courage to chal­lenge the United States of America to halt the police abuse and killing of African-American people.

The American Press has done a ter­ri­ble job of high­light­ing what is an epi­dem­ic of abuse, and mur­der of African-Americans by police all across the Country. For decades blacks have com­plained of inequities in the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem. Today it is just as bad with stud­ies show­ing that even in grade schools African-American chil­dren are much more like­ly to be dis­ci­plined, sus­pend­ed and expelled from school. This con­tin­ues through­out the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem. Police tar­get, pro­file, and sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly abuse and kill blacks as a mat­ter of course. For the most part, whites remain silent, and in many cas­es are sup­port­ive of the bru­tal­i­ty met­ed out to their black and brown neigh­bors. Many peo­ple of col­or argue it is much more dif­fi­cult to deal with the police than the Klux Klux Klan, how do you fight back against the law they bemoan?

Rev Al Sharpton
Rev Al Sharpton

The courts are not much bet­ter, in many cas­es Judges mete out longer sen­tences to black offend­ers than they do for white offend­ers for sim­i­lar offences. Even at the high­est lev­el, the Supreme Court, there is sys­tem­at­ic and insti­tu­tion­al­ized Racism. Just recent­ly that body stripped away key sec­tions of the vot­ing rights act, which pro­tect­ed the rights of minori­ties to vote.

It is not get­ting bet­ter, in fact it has arguably got­ten much worse since President Obama was elect­ed to office in 2008. It appears to be a white-lash[sic] against African-Americans being exe­cut­ed by the police. This page has con­sis­tent­ly called for Human Rights Agencies to stop play­ing favorites by ignor­ing the atroc­i­ties being car­ried out by police in the United States. We have demand­ed that these Agencies risk irrel­e­vance if the con­tin­ue to ignore what is hap­pen­ing in America while they trum­pet abuse in small­er less pow­er­ful nations.

American offi­cials will seek to min­i­mize and dis­cred­it the UN con­dem­na­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly the reac­tionar­ies on the Political Right. They will do so as they did while they beat the drums of war against Iraq. This spot­light from the UN may not mean any­thing to many white Americans, but to the rest of the world it means a hell of a lot.


Where are the Human Rights Agencies in America? http://chatt-a-box.com/​human-rights-agen­cies-amer­i­ca/​

this is what happens to blacks in America who dare stand up for their rights
this is what hap­pens to blacks in America who dare stand up for their rights

There is a seri­ous and ever increas­ing threat to cit­i­zens rights as a result of Police aggres­sive­ness and dis­re­spect of the very cit­i­zen­ry they sup­pos­ed­ly serve. It is shock­ing that after serv­ing 10 years myself as a Police Officer I am now loathe to encour­age a young per­son to serve as a law enforce­ment officer.

Law Enforcement is no longer pub­lic safe­ty, it is now Government con­tain­ment of the mass­es through bru­tal and mur­der­ous police depart­ments. We are unable to divest our­selves of the Police as an enti­ty, after all the police are nec­es­sary in a civ­i­lized soci­ety. there is a huge prob­lem when the police can­not be trust­ed to act with civil­ity and are seen as an equal offend­er to peace and good order.

As the father of black sons, my great­est fear when my sons get in their cars to enter the streets, is not for reg­u­lar crim­i­nals but for some of the crim­i­nals now wear­ing badges and parad­ing as police offi­cers. There is a grow­ing trend by police in the United States to charge peo­ple they do not like with resist­ing arrest. Unwitting law mak­ers attach seri­ous penal­ties to the charge to encour­age cit­i­zens to sub­mit peace­ably to being arrested.

this was Boston
this was Boston

What police have done is use it to send cit­i­zens to prison unjust­ly, as well as to jus­tify using exces­sive force on those they want to admin­is­ter a beat­ing to. In New City alone the New York city Police Department filed over 55,000 resist­ing arrest charges against New Yorkers over a 10 year peri­od. Even though the first charge was for a minor offense. Thankfully some Judges are not blind­ed by police sup­port, most of these cas­es have been tossed out along with the under­ly­ing charge.

GENEVA, Aug 29 (Reuters) — The U.N. racism watch­dog urged the United States on Friday to halt the exces­sive use of force by police after the fatal shoot­ing of an unarmed black teenag­er by a white police­man touched off riots in Ferguson, Missouri.

Minorities, par­tic­u­lar­ly African Americans, are vic­tims of dis­par­i­ties, the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) said after exam­in­ing the U.S. record.

scenes from Ferguson
scenes from Ferguson

Racial and eth­nic dis­crim­i­na­tion remains a seri­ous and per­sis­tent prob­lem in all areas of life from de fac­to school seg­re­ga­tion, access to health care and hous­ing,” Noureddine Amir, CERD com­mit­tee vice chair­man, told a news briefing.

Teenager Michael Brown was shot dead by a white police offi­cer on Aug. 9, trig­ger­ing vio­lent protests that rocked Ferguson — a St. Louis sub­urb — and shone a glob­al spot­light on the state of race rela­tions in America.

The exces­sive use of force by law enforce­ment offi­cials against racial and eth­nic minori­ties is an ongo­ing issue of con­cern and par­tic­u­lar­ly in light of the shoot­ing of Michael Brown,” said Amir, an expert from Algeria.

This is not an iso­lat­ed event and illus­trates a big­ger prob­lem in the United States, such as racial bias among law enforce­ment offi­cials, the lack of prop­er imple­men­ta­tion of rules and reg­u­la­tions gov­ern­ing the use of force, and the inad­e­qua­cy of train­ing of law enforce­ment officials.”

The pan­el of 18 inde­pen­dent experts grilled a senior U.S. del­e­ga­tion on Aug. 13 about what they said was per­sis­tent racial dis­crim­i­na­tion against African-Americans and oth­er minori­ties, includ­ing with­in the crim­i­nal jus­tice system.

U.S. Ambassador Keith Harper told the pan­el that his nation had made “great strides toward elim­i­nat­ing racial dis­crim­i­na­tion” but con­ced­ed that “we have much left to do”.

scenes from Ferguson
scenes from Ferguson

Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, who shot Brown, has been put on paid leave and is in hid­ing. A St. Louis County grand jury has begun hear­ing evi­dence and the U.S. Justice Department has opened its own investigation.

Police have said Brown strug­gled with Wilson when shot. But some wit­ness­es say Brown held up his hands and was sur­ren­der­ing when he was shot mul­ti­ple times in the head and chest.


In its con­clu­sions issued on Friday, the U.N. pan­el said “Stand Your Ground” Laws, a con­tro­ver­sial self-defense statute in 22 U.S. states, should be reviewed to “remove far-reach­ing immu­ni­ty and ensure strict adher­ence to prin­ci­ples of neces­si­ty and pro­por­tion­al­i­ty when dead­ly force is used for self-defense”.

Ron Davis, father of Jordan Davis, a 17-year-old shot dead in a car in Jacksonville, Florida dur­ing an argu­ment over loud rap music in November 2012, attend­ed the Geneva ses­sion. Sybrina Fulton, moth­er of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teen killed in Miami, Florida by a neigh­bor­hood watch vol­un­teer, testified.

The U.N. pan­el mon­i­tors com­pli­ance with a treaty rat­i­fied by 177 coun­tries includ­ing the United States.

scenes from Ferguson
scenes from Ferguson

The Committee remains con­cerned at the prac­tice of racial pro­fil­ing of racial or eth­nic minori­ties by law enforce­ment offi­cials, includ­ing the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Transportation Security Administration, bor­der enforce­ment offi­cials and local police,” it said, urg­ing investigations.

The experts called for address­ing obsta­cles faced by minori­ties and indige­nous peo­ples to exer­cise their right to vote effec­tive­ly. This was due to restric­tive vot­er iden­ti­fi­ca­tion laws, dis­trict ger­ry­man­der­ing and state-lev­el laws that dis­en­fran­chise peo­ple con­vict­ed of felonies, it said.

Jamil Dakwar of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said the U.N. rec­om­men­da­tions high­light­ed “short­com­ings on racial equal­i­ty that we are see­ing play out today on our streets, at our bor­ders and in the vot­ing booth.

When it comes to human rights, the United States must prac­tice at home what it preach­es abroad,” he said.
