Commissioner of Police Dr. Carl Williams is lobbying to again change the laws allowing police to arrest people they suspect of committing crimes even without enough evidence.
Williams reportedly said “We want to, hopefully, get an amendment to the Bail Act, so that even persons who are not charged for criminal offences can be arrested and bailed prior to charge,”
What does that even mean?
So the Commissioner is seeking an amendment to the Bail Act. So that persons not charged with an offense may be arrested and Bailed prior to being charged?
Simply put, the Commissioner seeks a return to the days of the Suppression of Crimes Act which allowed Police to just gather up huge groups of young men from certain deprived areas and throw them in Jail sometimes for weeks on end.
I must confess that the duration of my 10 years of service was under those special powers and yes crime was lower across the board. However it cannot be said that locking up dozens and dozens of young men from a particular area is the way to go strategically if the goal is to have crime trend down on a continuüm.
The Gleaner reports that; In 2011, the Supreme Court struck down amendments made to the Bail Act which were made by Parliament the year before. Among other things, the amendments provided for the detention of a suspect on gun and murder offences for 60 days without bail. Additionally, accused were being required to satisfy the court as to why they should be released on bail, a provision which runs counter to the Constitution. They could be held for up to 72 hours before being charged, instead of the 24-hour provided for by the Constitution.
I am tempted to blast the Liberal Supreme Court for standing in the way of anything which would alleviate the crime problem and I would be on the mark . Nevertheless the Supreme Court has a duty to follow the Constitution.
This brings us to the question of constitutional reform. Jamaica needs a new Constitution. I believe the time is right for either a new Constitution or major overhaul to the present one geared at protecting the citizens of our Country.
The Commissioner is seemingly at a loss as to the way forward ‚. Recently I saw something in the papers about old retired Detectives willing to offer their expertise toward solving the Nation’s crime problem. The commissioner should take them up on their offer.
The JCF must extricate itself from the ancient thinking of brutality and mass incarceration without charge, as a way of addressing crime.There are no substitutes for…
♦ Good Detective work.
♦ Scientific evidence. Improvements in Forensics.
♦ Bringing communities along on strategies.
♦ Community Policing.
♦ Developing and executing effective crime strategies.
Commissioner Williams is a PhD.
We were told that what we needed to adequately fix our crime problem were no more big ‑foot-fool-fool-police bway.
The Force has undergone much supposed improvements since my departure over two decades ago,still the nation is yet to realize much in the way of returns on investments.
Sorry Commissioner this is not the way forward, whether you were joking about your performance being 10 out of 10 or not , this latest strategy has you batting 0 – 2 .
Will you strike out?
Time will tell.…..