Commissioner Anderson Speaks Out Against Judges, Late And Half-hearted/well Kinda…

Let me add my voice to that of Police Commissioner Antony Anderson who had an epiphany that the light and some­times no sen­tences giv­en to seri­ous offend­ers is fuelling crime on the Island.
Let me be very clear; I sup­port Anderson’s stance because this has been the stance of pret­ty much every cop who served in the JCF, includ­ing this writer.
My prob­lem with Anderson’s state­ments is that they are years late, and still, he pars­es words argu­ing that he is not point­ing fin­gers at any judges or the jus­tice sys­tem; who the hell are you speak­ing to then?
What a lame-ass thing to say; it just goes to show that these offi­cials val­ue their posi­tions more than they do the sur­vival of our nation.
Seriously, do you care that much that you will not be invit­ed to any more of their lit­tle func­tions were they down cock­tails and nib­ble on del­i­ca­cies as they con­verse in fake accents?
Mister Commissioner, as I am sure you know, I have repeat­ed­ly called for harsh­er sen­tences for vio­lent offend­ers and peo­ple arrest­ed with guns. One of my issues with your appoint­ment is that [you] should have only accept­ed the job of com­mis­sion­er of police under the guar­an­tee that the issue of appro­pri­ate sen­tenc­ing would be imme­di­ate­ly addressed.
Speaking out, now that almost a thou­sand (991) have again been mur­dered this year, smacks of you try­ing to deflect blame from yourself.


I believe that you are not respon­si­ble for the killings, and I also believe that you are doing your best, but that is exact­ly the prob­lem. Commissioner Antony Anderson was also the nation’s first National Security Adviser. A post cre­at­ed by the Holness Administration seem­ing­ly for Anderson should have advised his boss as an advis­er that this issue is a nation­al secu­ri­ty threat.
But in real­i­ty, Commissioner Anderson did not, and could not, because you see,- mis­ter Anderson was nev­er a cop, so even though he was advis­ing the Prime Minister on National Security, one of the bur­geon­ing threats was out­side his under­stand­ing because as he had no train­ing or expe­ri­ence in law enforcement.

Anderson spoke to spe­cif­ic issues; rough­ly 1,000 peo­ple were released from prison each year, between 430 to 480 of them became re-offend­ers with­in two and a half years“In an envi­ron­ment where 92 per­cent of our peo­ple killed last week were killed with a gun, it can­not be ade­quate. When I reviewed 16 cas­es from the begin­ning of the year, none of those cas­es of ille­gal pos­ses­sion were the per­sons required to go to jail. It was either a fine, a sus­pend­ed sen­tence, or pro­ba­tion. This is real, and I am not blam­ing any­one, but it is just how our sys­tem works, and the rea­son it has­n’t been effec­tive in deter­ring is that it does­n’t deter.”In anoth­er case involv­ing three women, two from Westmoreland and the oth­er from St Elizabeth, the com­mis­sion­er said they were robbed and wound­ed but still man­aged to help inves­ti­ga­tors build a strong case. He said they went to court and tes­ti­fied, only to see the men walk­ing around the fol­low­ing day, even though they were convicted.
“The very next day after these per­sons were con­vict­ed, those per­pe­tra­tors are walk­ing past the same women in the com­mu­ni­ty. Something is wrong, and I have a prob­lem with that. That is not a nice process. You have to keep reliv­ing and talk­ing about the thing that impact­ed you. What about that will deter that crim­i­nal from offend­ing or give these women con­fi­dence that the State is fair and just. These peo­ple I am talk­ing about are peo­ple who were convicted.”
“What we see as a fea­ture of these con­flicts is that gang­sters are more will­ing now; if they can’t get the per­sons, they are after to go after the fam­i­ly and asso­ciates of these gang­sters and go after all of them col­lec­tive­ly, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the low­er part of St Andrew, Kingston, and Clarendon, and more recent­ly Westmoreland and ear­li­er in the year in St James.”
The Commissioner lamented.


Here is where the rub­ber meets the road; Jamaica has a severe crime prob­lem. Even though judges are not whol­ly to be blamed, their harm to the coun­try as unelect­ed offi­cials is incalculable.
The issue is exac­er­bat­ed by those who ben­e­fit from it and those who would shut down any­one who would do any­thing about it. Commissioner of Police Antony Anderson does not want to speak out against these robed char­la­tans because he fears they will gang up on him and do a work stop­page; yes, they did it before.
But I am nei­ther afraid of them, nei­ther do I care what they have to say; no one elect­ed them, yet they are a thorn in the side of the coun­try’s efforts to rid the streets of the most dan­ger­ous criminals.
Therefore, the peo­ple’s elect­ed offi­cials, the leg­is­la­tors [must] do what the peo­ple elect­ed them to do to pro­tect them from the vicious mon­sters who prey on the innocent.
That means doing what I have called for many times. (a)Passing laws that have teeth. (b) Passing laws with manda­to­ry min­i­mum sen­tences for vio­lent offend­ers. © Truth in sen­tenc­ing, mean­ing that statu­to­ri­ly ten years in prison means ten years in prison.
There is a cri­sis of crit­i­cal think­ing. Those who claim to be edu­cat­ed got the edu­ca­tion to gain access to pow­er- pow­er they then use for their own nefar­i­ous purposes.
The issue of Jamaica’s unelect­ed crim­i­nal-lov­ing judges is a sore one that has caused many crime fight­ers to step aside. Officers walk away because their efforts con­tin­ue to be thwart­ed by igno­rant opin­ion­at­ed judges who use the sys­tem to act out their lib­er­al crim­i­nal-lov­ing agen­das, agen­das they were indoc­tri­nat­ed into from their affil­i­a­tion with the left­ist insti­tu­tions in which they were brainwashed.


Commissioner Anderson’s state­ments are a day late and a dol­lar short. Even though he made fac­tu­al state­ments years lat­er than he should, he still refus­es to stand up to the morons who sit in judg­ment of these vicious killers and shooters.
Regardless of the bull­shit, they try to feed the peo­ple about sen­tenc­ing guide­lines and time spent in jail; these unelect­ed shit­heads are car­ry­ing out an anti­thet­i­cal ide­ol­o­gy to the Jamaican peo­ple’s interest.
The peo­ple must demand that the Legislature pass laws that pro­tect them from the gun-tot­ing crim­i­nals and their asso­ciates on the bench.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.