Commish Believes Feedback On His Performance Mainly Based On Murder Trends

Minister and Members of the Police High CommandDr Carl Williams says his time as Police Commissioner to date, does not indi­cate that he has been a suc­cess­ful crime fight­er in the Jamaica Constabulary Force. 

He says peo­ple judge a com­mis­sion­er’s per­for­mance main­ly based on mur­der fig­ures and with cur­rents trends on the rise, he does not expect pos­i­tive feed­back. Dr Williams, a 30-year vet­er­an of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, was appoint­ed com­mis­sion­er in September last year.

Commissioner Williams has been cred­it­ed as being instru­men­tal in the devel­op­ment of pro­grammes aimed at reduc­ing the sup­ply of ille­gal drugs in Jamaica and devel­op­ing a task force to tar­get lot­tery scam­ming. It is part of the rea­son why, while speak­ing yes­ter­day to Gerrard McDaniel onRJR’s Palav, Dr Williams said he has been a “pret­ty suc­cess­ful police offi­cer”. However, he notes that since his appoint­ment last September, it has been a dif­fi­cult jour­ney. He says the jour­ney is even hard­er when there is an increase in mur­ders, the key fac­tor used by the pub­lic to judge a com­mis­sion­er’s performance.

Last week, he told a par­lia­men­tary com­mit­tee that 1,038 peo­ple were mur­dered for the peri­od January to October, rep­re­sent­ing a 22 per cent increase com­pared with the sim­i­lar peri­od last year. The com­mis­sion­er says he does not expect mur­ders to pass the 1,200 mur­der fig­ure record­ed in 2013. The JCF has received addi­tion­al vehi­cles to assist mem­bers of the force with crime fight­ing ini­tia­tives. The army has been called out to play a more active role in fight­ing crime.
Read more here: http://​jamaica​glean​er​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​/​n​e​w​s​/​2​0​1​5​1​1​1​6​/​c​o​m​m​i​s​h​-​b​e​l​i​e​v​e​s​-​f​e​e​d​b​a​c​k​-​h​i​s​-​p​e​r​f​o​r​m​a​n​c​e​-​m​a​i​n​l​y​-​b​a​s​e​d​-​m​u​r​d​e​r​-​t​r​e​nds