Colorado State Senator Switches Political Parties…

Colorado lawmaker leaves GOP citing Jan. 6 attack and Trump…

Kevin Priola

Citing alarm toward the Republican Party’s wide­spread embrace of 2020 elec­tion con­spir­a­cies, a mod­er­ate GOP Colorado state sen­a­tor Kevin Priola has switched his affil­i­a­tion to Democrat, enhanc­ing that party’s prospects to retain its major­i­ty in the cham­ber in the November midterms.

  • It also deflates the GOP’s hopes of retak­ing the Democratic-con­trolled Colorado Senate, one of the most tar­get­ed leg­isla­tive bat­tles in the coun­try. Democrats now hold a 20 – 15 advan­tage, mak­ing a flip less likely.
  • Priola went out of his way to advo­cate against his par­ty in the 2022 midterms, say­ing: “Democrats in charge because our plan­et and democ­ra­cy depend on it.“Democratic Gov. Jared Polis issued a state­ment wel­com­ing Priola to the party.
    • We are a broad tent par­ty, always seek­ing good ideas from the left and right to move [Colorado] for­ward,” he said. “Senator Priola is a strong leader on cli­mate issues and will hope­ful­ly be even more effec­tive on the Democratic side of the aisle.

    The oth­er side: Sean Paige, a for­mer spokesper­son for the state Senate GOP cau­cus, said Priola’s switch is not sur­pris­ing. “He’s beyond just a big pho­ny; he’s a squir­re­ly and cal­cu­lat­ing oppor­tunist. But I’m glad, for his con­science, that he final­ly came out of the clos­et,” Paige said.

    • A promi­nent Republican activist said vot­ers should recall Priola after the switch.