Colonization Of The Mind, This Time By So-called Educated Blacks/​colonization Nonetheless…

As a soci­ety, Jamaica has so far to go that it is some­times eas­i­er to throw up the prover­bial arm and say there is no point in try­ing to fix the problems.
The lev­el of cor­rup­tion and stu­pid­i­ty is incom­pre­hen­si­ble. Additionally, the peo­ple are not exact­ly edu­cat­ed on how mod­ern soci­eties are sup­posed to oper­ate; we are in seri­ous trouble.
We can safe­ly drill down on how the peo­ple edu­cat­ed at the University of the West Indies and the oth­er left­ist col­leges on the Island have been able to do so much dam­age to our once pris­tine Island culture.
We are pret­ty con­ver­sant by now that the Country’s lead­ers have all but for a few excep­tions, been edu­cat­ed, or should I say indoc­tri­nat­ed.…. say it with me-“up by uwi,” dwl.
You see the group­think; you see the one-track mono­lith­ic thought process­es of the actors, regard­less of the branch of gov­ern­ment in which they bur­rowed themselves.
From the courts to Jamaica House and else­where, we see how those insti­tu­tions have indoc­tri­nat­ed rather than edu­cat­ed result­ing in dire con­se­quences for our country.

Nowhere is that evi­dence more vis­i­ble than in the qual­i­ty of the polit­i­cal lead­ers we have run­ning our coun­try; dum­b­ass­es who are inca­pable of sit­ting togeth­er and look­ing at laws that have worked for oth­er coun­tries, see­ing how they would fit Jamaica, and pass laws that pro­tect the cit­i­zens of our country.
Arrogant nar­cis­sists, most­ly unlearned loud­mouths, lack­ing the humil­i­ty nec­es­sary to say I was wrong or I don’t know.
So the coun­try is caught up in an exis­ten­tial cyclone of igno­rance and stu­pid­i­ty, cre­at­ed and nur­tured by those the peo­ple chose to lead.
But what could we expect when lead­ers are not cho­sen because of their intel­lect or track record of sound leadership?
We have always been peo­ple impressed with form, not sub­stance. We always val­ued soar­ing rhetoric over rea­soned per­for­mance, flashy per­sonas over lev­el-head­ed ret­i­cent, proven leadership.
Yup, we are the peo­ple who call for the release of con­vict­ed mur­der­ers and dem­a­gogue preach­ers of the gospel; we lit­er­al­ly do these things.

It is easy then that they who have supped from the bit­ter cup of decep­tion and brain­wash­ing can so eas­i­ly deceive the rest of us who got our edu­ca­tion down by grass yard or at the uni­ver­si­ty of hard-knocks.
Of course, they take us for fools.
How else could judges decide on what they want to do with mur­der­ers out­side of the dic­tates of the laws?
How else could defense lawyers ask police wit­ness­es why they did not inform INDECOM that he had swift­ly removed a coop­er­at­ing wit­ness from a crime scene?
Do these defense lawyers know that INDECOM has noth­ing to do with police inves­ti­ga­tions and strate­gies? Or do they throw shit against a wall and see what sticks?
Fortunately, Bryan Sykes pre­sid­ing over the Klansman tri­al told the lit­tle twerp that this was a bench tri­al and that he would not be ana­lyz­ing the evi­dence through the lens of a jury.
Doing what they are used to doing, throw­ing innu­en­dos and unsub­stan­ti­at­ed alle­ga­tions to igno­rant juries that are some­times made up of peo­ple with active crim­i­nals in their fam­i­lies in an effort to cre­ate doubt, result­ing in guilty mur­der­ers being set free.
What did we expect when we have defense lawyers defend­ing crim­i­nals in court in the morn­ing, then run­ning over to the par­lia­ment build­ing to decide on crim­i­nal statutes as mem­bers of parliament?
How did we expect to have laws friend­ly to the good of ordi­nary law-abid­ing Jamaicans when we allowed this kind of con­flict of interest?
Worse yet, many judges come from the defense side of the aisle rather than the pros­e­cu­tor’s side. Can we now see why judges in Jamaica are so hos­tile to the peo­ple’s interests?

The bot­tom line is that these lit­tle Tadpoles from up by Uwi, swim­ming around in the lit­tle pool, are real­ly con­temp­tu­ous of the Jamaican peo­ple. They do not care about the twelve hun­dred plus mur­ders each year. They do not care that Travel agents are shun­ning jamaica, and major nations are issu­ing trav­el advi­sories to their nation­als wish­ing to trav­el to our country.
They have con­vinced them­selves they are smarter than the rest of us; after all, they were all edu­cat­ed -“up by uwi.”
And that makes them experts in all things, and they would rather burn the damn thing down and rule over the ashes.
They can only feel good about them­selves when they oper­ate as lords among a pop­u­la­tion of serfs.
It is anoth­er form of col­o­niza­tion, but the peo­ple are blind to it.
That is their mind­set until the rest of us put a stop to it.








Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.