Romney ‚my dad gave my mom a rose every day of his life and when she ran for the Senate he was there for her every step of the way, a direct pan­der to women.

He spoke about his tenure as Governor , harken­ing to his putting women in his cab­i­net, he spoke about the Republican women Martinez, Ayatt, Haley, Secretary Rice, again pan­der­ing to women.further.

Romney talks about his wife rais­ing their boys again mak­ing a pitch for women vot­ers, Quote : “As you all have seen Anne could have suc­ceed­ed at any­thing she want­ed to do”.

He touched on faith, nev­er men­tion­ing that he was Mormon, he touched on his father being in Mexico an attempt to pan­der to Latinos.

He touched on cre­at­ing Bain Capital, argu­ing that Bain is now a suc­cess story.

Romney argued that Obama can­not rea­son­ably tell Americans that they are bet­ter off than when he was elected.

He cyn­i­cal­ly argued that pres­i­dents Carter and Obama are the only two pres­i­dents who can­not say that. Obviously the push going for­ward will be an attempt to link those two pres­i­dents together.

Jobs , jobs, jobs he utterd that word over and over and over again, the truth is American pres­i­dents do not cre­at jobs. It is a mis­nomer, a down­right lie, pres­i­den­t’s poli­cies may allow jobs to be cre­at­ed , par­tic­u­lar­ly if they are will­ing to hand over our del­i­cate eco-sys­tem to rich indus­tri­al­ists like the Koch broth­ers to do with it what­ev­er they please.

President Obama promised to slow the rise of the Oceans, he has promised to heal the plan­et, Romney said , “I promise I will help you and your fam­i­lies”. TO RACOUS APLAUSE.

Obviously the Republicans in the room does not under­stand that a pres­i­dent may slow the rise of the Ocean and heal the plan­et, sim­ply by pro­tect­ing our wet-lands, slow­ing the melt­ing of the polar ice-caps which when melt­ed releas­es humungous amounts of fresh water into our oceans dis­rupt­ing the del­i­cate eco-system.

It forces peo­ple fur­ther inland, destroy­ing fresh water sup­plies, food sup­plies, and scarce liv­ing spaces, and is a self per­pet­u­at­ing cat­a­stro­phe which if not arrest­ed by pres­i­den­tial inter­ven­tion will have catro­sph­ic con­se­quences for our planet.

Yes Mitt Romney and Republican flat earth believ­ers with­in that room, a pres­i­dent can do big things , Obama has done big things despite repub­li­can obstruc­tion­ism, a pres­i­dent can do much more than pro­vide a job for people.

Actually pres­i­dents real­ly do not cre­at jobs.

On this speech you failed big time.