Clown Parade Each Cycle.…..


Whats up with Republicans and their obses­sion with oppos­ing every­thing the President is for ? You know even as I ask this ques­tion and already know­ing the answer I have to jump to John Boehner the Republican Speaker of the House . This man has got to be the worst Speaker in history.
One would have thought that [the crier] John Boehner who grew up in mod­est cir­cum­stances would have been a man of under­stand­ing and con­vic­tion. Boehner who tell the sto­ry of hav­ing shared one bath­room with his eleven sib­lings in a two-bed­room house in Cincinnati has not had any balls in stand­ing up to the Nativist Reactionary forces with­in the Republican cau­cus. Instead Boehner chose to stand with the worst of the worst in blan­ket oppo­si­tion to even the most com­mons sense issues of the day.
Today the Tea Party camped out in Washington DC to call for the death of the President’s Iran deal. Of course the lie com­ing from the racist fringe is that they need a bet­ter deal.
They need­ed a bet­ter health plan also .

Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney

They need­ed small­er Government.
They need­ed a dif­fer­ent time­line of troop with­draw­al . Even though it was George Bush who nego­ti­at­ed that agree­ment with the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki.
So too were they opposed to the Iran deal before there was as deal. The fact is that they do not want peace . What they have been clam­or­ing for is war the only com­po­nent miss­ing is a Republican pres­i­dent who is will­ing to dive head­long into anoth­er war of choice as George Bush did with the urg­ing of war crim­i­nal Dick Cheney.

So what’s real­ly at stake in this ? Why have the clown parade of Ted Cruz the Canadian-born Hispanic now trans­formed into a south­ern white Supremacist . Donald trump the Tea-Party orange-haired Carnival-Barker . Sarah Palin and


Michelle Bachmann the per­son­i­fi­ca­tion of idio­cy gath­ered in Washington DC with the con­spir­a­cy idiot fringe who vote against their own self interest?
Well to begin with the Iran Nuclear deal will of course bear the sig­na­ture of Barack Obama. Remember Obama dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed him­self in 2008 against Hillary Clinton by say­ing “she vot­ed for the Iraq war I did not”.
This is about three things > (1) Oil Prices are falling . If and when the deal is rat­i­fied and sanc­tions are lift­ed Iran will once again be free to sell it’s oil on the world mar­ket and they have lots of it . (2) If Iran resume oper­at­ing in the com­mu­ni­ty of Nations and do busi­ness with­in the glob­al mar­ket­place, Benjamin Netanyahu does not have hege­mo­ny over the mid­dle east, mon­ey equals pow­er. (3) Obama’s lega­cy . Barack Obama has already won at health care. He won at end­ing two wars as he said he would. He won at bring­ing the econ­o­my back from the brink of col­lapse. He won (the arguable vic­to­ry) on mar­riage equal­i­ty. He is now

Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz

win­ning on the Iran nuclear deal.
You can hate on lega­cy, you can try to dis­tort the facts of his­to­ry but you can­not change the facts of his­to­ry . Barack Obama will go down as a great and effec­tive President. That both­ers them. That is at the heart of Republican intran­si­gence. It is at the heart of Republican Obstruction. Despite their best efforts even their own Supreme Court appointees have large­ly rub­ber-stamped Obama’s leg­isla­tive achievements.

The idio­cy of this gath­er­ing in Washington DC today is that Obama has already won. The President has the votes he needs to pass the deal, he has the votes he needs, he does­n’t even have to use his veto . This will be done with­in the con­gress with­out the need for a Presidential veto .


In essence the Clown parade is doing what it has done through­out his­to­ry bray at

Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson. You can't make this up..
Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson.
You can’t make this up..

the moon. They are a bunch of losers and intel­lec­tu­al­ly chal­lenged light­weight wannabe nativists who are real­ly.….….….….. not natives at all . That idio­cy is encap­su­lat­ed in one man Donald Trump a total clown, and a bunch of illog­i­cal racists who long for the way it used to be .…
Hang on for the ride.……