Cleveland Cop Michael Brelo Found Not Guilty In 2012 Shooting Deaths Of Unarmed Couple

Cleveland Police Officer (Michael Brelo) Found Not Guilty in Shooting Deaths of Unarmed Couple
Cleveland Police Officer (Michael Brelo) Found Not Guilty in Shooting Deaths of Unarmed Couple

A Cleveland cop accused of fatal­ly shoot­ing two unarmed peo­ple in a 137-shot bar­rage of police gun­fire is not guilty of vol­un­tar­i­ly manslaugh­ter, an Ohio judge ruled Saturday. Michael Brelo, 31, was one of 13 offi­cers who unleashed a hail of bul­lets into the cou­ple’s car dur­ing a high-speed chase in November 2012, killing Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams. Prosecutors said Brelo reloaded his gun after they were no longer a threat, mount­ed the car’s hood and fired 15 rounds into the

wind­shield. Brelo wept as the long judge’s rul­ing was read Saturday and at times crossed him­self and held his head in his hands. After being declared not guilty, he hugged his attor­neys in the crowd­ed court­room. The ver­dict capped a four-week tri­al that end­ed on May 5.

Judge John P. O'Donnell
Judge John P. O’Donnell

Russell, 43, and Williams, 30, were each shot more than 20 times in less than eight sec­onds. The chase began after offi­cers in a patrol car mis­took the sound of the cou­ple’s car back­fir­ing for gun shots on Nov. 29, 2012. More than 60 squad cars chased the man and woman for about 20 miles. Five oth­er offi­cers were indict­ed on less­er charges of dere­lic­tion of duty and are await­ing tri­al. There were weapons found in the cou­ple’s car.

Judge John P. O’Donnell was seeking free publicity for his Ohio Supreme Court race in setting Oct. 22 trial date in Cleveland police shooting case, defense attorney says (document)

The con­tro­ver­sial shoot­ing is one of sev­er­al not­ed in a 2014 U.S. Justice Department report that showed the Cleveland Police Department has pat­tern of using exces­sive force. “The offi­cers, who were fir­ing on the car from all sides, report­ed believ­ing that they were being fired at by the sus­pects. It now appears that those shots were being fired by fel­low offi­cers,” the report said of the fusil­lade of bul­lets. The rul­ing fol­lows a year of out­rage and demon­stra­tions over police shoot­ings of unarmed black peo­ple in Missouri, New York, Baltimore and anoth­er Cleveland shoot­ing involv­ing 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who shot to death by police after he was seen play­ing with a gun, which turned out to be a toy.‑1.2233146