Classless Media Whore Terrence Williams Attacks Police Even As Female Officer Is Nursing Gunshot Wounds Received In Her Own Home

The much maligned and belea­guered Jamaica Constabulary force has been fight­ing through some of it’s most dif­fi­cult times.
In recent weeks the JCF has suf­fered sev­er­al attacks on it’s mem­bers in their own homes.
In fact in less that two weeks three offi­cers have been shot in their homes.
Though this is not new it marks an esca­la­tion in the war being waged on the Island’s Law enforce­ment by the crim­i­nal underworld.

In recent days the police has with­stood those assaults and have actu­al­ly tak­en out the cop killer Marlon Duppy film Perry .
They have been involved in sev­er­al shoot­ings in which dan­ger­ous killers have been removed from the streets and have with­stood ambushes.

Just some of the weapon­ry which have flood­ed the Island and are in the hands of gangsters.

Additionally, they have recov­ered sev­er­al guns and numer­ous amounts of ammu­ni­tion ren­der­ing the streets, high­ways and byways of the Island some­what safer.

Caches of guns the police recov­er almost daily.

All of this has gen­er­at­ed much pos­i­tive press for the police but more impor­tant­ly the chat­ter on social media has been changing.
The nar­ra­tive have been much more sup­port­ive of the police of late and that ter­ri­fies some peo­ple who eat the flesh of dead cops and drink their blood..
If you are a crim­i­nal or you are in the busi­ness of dem­a­goguery, lies and sen­sa­tion­al­ism against the police that is bad for business.
So what do you know, chief dem­a­gogue and media whore, the com­mis­sion­er of the crime enhance­ment agency INDECOM , decid­ed he want­ed some of the spotlight.

Terrence Williams (right) com­mis­sion­er of the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM), Hamish Campbell, left.

Williams aid­ed by his friends in the media was not about to allow the police a sin­gle moment of respite so he found a way to worm him­self into the limelight.

Big Gleaner headline.

JCF Slowly Responding To INDECOM On Sanctions.

(INDECOM) Terrence Williams yes­ter­day said that respons­es are slow­ly com­ing in from the hier­ar­chy of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) and the Police Service Commission a day after he informed Parliament that the lead­er­ship has failed to take action against 138 senior cops rec­om­mend­ed for dis­ci­pli­nary sanc­tions.

The only trou­ble with this attempt to draw atten­tion to him­self, is that this was in rela­tion to INDECOM’s April to June report to the parliament.
Terrence Williams aid­ed by his loy­al lieutenant[sic] British trans­plant Hamish Campbell said that the police have respond­ed by let­ter in some cas­es say­ing that the depart­ment has decid­ed not to act on some of the reports.

We have received some let­ters updat­ing us. Some of the let­ters are say­ing that they are going to con­duct fur­ther inves­ti­ga­tions. Some are say­ing that too much time has passed and they are not going to take any fur­ther action or dis­ci­pli­nary pro­ceed­ings, and some are say­ing that they agree with us.” 

Williams said that while the law allows for the con­stab­u­lary to explain to Parliament why no sanc­tions have been under­tak­en, no expla­na­tion has been tendered.

In oth­er words not only have Terrence Williams decid­ed to usurp the press the JCF is get­ting on it’s suc­cess­es, he has decid­ed­ly tak­en on the role of lec­tur­ing the Parliament.
Remember that in cas­es where the police decide not to act on a rec­om­men­da­tion of INDECOM, in the inter­est of trans­paren­cy and account­abil­i­ty they are man­dat­ed to give rea­sons for their decision.
The Parliament have not issued a com­plaint or made any demand for addi­tion­al respons­es from the police.
In fact it is with­in the pre­rog­a­tive of the police to make the deter­mi­na­tion whether Williams’ rec­om­men­da­tions are act­ed upon as he suggest.
Upon mak­ing the rec­om­men­da­tion Williams’ job is done.

Even as a female offi­cer and her daugh­ter were shot, their wounds still raw, the glo­ry hunt­ing, media whor­ing Terrence Williams had one intention.
Get the cam­eras on him­self, how pathet­ic and inse­cure this lit­tle man must be?

Deceased Cop killer Marlon Perry (dup­py film)

Williams went on to rat­tle off num­bers which points to increas­es in police fatal shoot­ings. In the same breath he made no men­tion of the shoot­ings in which offi­cers are shot in their own homes.

Said Williams; ”

Investigations by INDECOM show that a sig­nif­i­cant per­cent­age of those shoot­ings are not in accor­dance with eye-wit­ness accounts pro­vid­ed. Of the 185 peo­ple who have either been shot and killed or shot and injured, 42 per cent of them did not have a firearm. A small­er num­ber had oth­er weapons like ice picks, stones, a piece of wood, and a num­ber hav­ing a machete or knife.”

So though he has the pow­er and the author­i­ty to pros­e­cute if there is evi­dence of wrong­do­ing, and even though he clear­ly has no evi­dence which could poten­tial­ly crim­i­nal­ly indict offi­cers who use lethal force in case where ice-picks and machetes are used, and even though we all know that the sup­posed wit­ness­es are gen­er­al­ly crim­i­nals them­selves, Terrence Williams chose demagoguery.
And at a time when the police high com­mand raised the threat lev­el against it’s offi­cers to severe.

Terrence Williams is a sick, dement­ed nar­cis­sist who is hell bent on doing what­ev­er he needs to do to remain relevant.
If Williams believes ice-picks and machetes pose no threat then he should do us a favor and take on the role of a police officer.
It would be a tremen­dous favor to our coun­try and to human kind.
The nation should reject INDECOM in’it’s present form and should unequiv­o­cal­ly reject the polit­i­cal plant Terrence Williams before he does more dam­age to our country.

One thought on “Classless Media Whore Terrence Williams Attacks Police Even As Female Officer Is Nursing Gunshot Wounds Received In Her Own Home

  1. I remem­ber when Minister of National Security Dudley Thompson when every­thing failed gave Police and Soldiers orders, “Shoot them like Dogs” not that peo­ple were shoot­ing dogs. The peo­ple who pro­tect these crim­i­nals were deemed then just as Guilty as they ben­e­fit­ed from Crime. The People of Jamaica, the Country will ben­e­fit as Jamaica become a nation where peo­ple are free to walk our streets vis­it our parks any time of day. The real­i­ty is no one under 30 years old knows what it is to walk at mid­night from Harbor View Drive In to Duhaney Park, we must con­tin­ue to sup­port our the mem­bers of the Jamaica con­stab­u­lary force, thanks for this arti­cle again good work.

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