Clarence Tom Ass Says He Wasn’t Required To Report Trips

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Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas pushed back Friday against crit­i­cism after a report revealed he had secret­ly accept­ed lav­ish trips fund­ed by a GOP donor over the past two decades but had failed to report them, a pos­si­ble vio­la­tion of fed­er­al law. In a state­ment, Thomas acknowl­edged that he and his wife, Ginni Thomas, had joined bil­lion­aire GOP megadonor Harlan Crow and his wife Kathy on a num­ber of “fam­i­ly trips” dur­ing the more than a quar­ter cen­tu­ry they have known them. He described the cou­ple as “among our dear­est friends.” “Early in my tenure at the court, I sought guid­ance from my col­leagues and oth­ers in the judi­cia­ry, and was advised that this sort of per­son­al hos­pi­tal­i­ty from close per­son­al friends, who did not have busi­ness before the court, was not reportable,” Thomas said. “I have endeav­ored to fol­low that coun­sel through­out my tenure and have always sought to com­ply with the dis­clo­sure guide­lines,” he said. Read the sto­ry here https://​news​.yahoo​.com/​s​u​p​r​e​m​e​-​c​o​u​r​t​-​j​u​s​t​i​c​e​-​c​l​a​r​e​n​c​e​-​t​h​o​m​a​s​-​1​5​3​8​5​5​9​4​8​.​h​tml