Circling The Wagons Around Their Own In The Ahmaud Arbery Killing…

We try our best to increase aware­ness about some of the things we iden­ti­fy as con­tin­ued exam­ples of entrenched white suprema­cy in America. How they shape lit­er­al­ly every issue in the African-American com­mu­ni­ty, and the need for greater edu­ca­tion and mil­i­tan­cy of though in the black com­mu­ni­ty.
The vicious actions of the police we see dai­ly, brazen acts of dis­re­spect cul­mi­nat­ing in acts of vio­lent aggres­sion & brutish state spon­sored mur­der.
But their actions are only the tip of the ice­berg that lurks wait­ing to sink the ship of black exis­tence.
Working to bring atten­tion to these issues some­times seem futile, we can hard­ly focus many of our peo­ple to read a sign on the locked door of a store in a pan­dem­ic, and so they return to the same locked store day after day rather than sim­ply read the damn sign.

The killing of Ahmaud Arbery in a Satilla Shores neigh­bor­hood in the State of Georgia by Gregory McMichael 64, a for­mer Glynn County police offi­cer, and a for­mer inves­ti­ga­tor with the local dis­trict attorney’s office, and his 34-year-old son Travis McMichael, as he jogged down a road has begun to evoke shock and anger across the coun­try.
Despite the wall-to-wall pan­dem­ic com­men­tary in the [bought and paid for media], the fact that nei­ther of the mur­der­ers has been arrest­ed, has many peo­ple won­der­ing how a man run­ning down the street could be mur­dered and no one has been arrest­ed?
To those, I say wel­come to America, to those I say google some names, Emmit Till. Travon Martin. etc. etc etc.
Google the Chicago Riots, Google the Tulsa Massacre. Google the Rosewood mas­sacre. on and on it goes.

The behind the scenes acts of col­lu­sion to cov­er up this crime should alarm every American regard­less of col­or.
In the end, we are all in this thing togeth­er, whether we real­ize it or not. In the post-war con­fes­sion first made in German in 1946 by the German Lutheran pas­tor Martin Niemöller,-Niemöller chas­tised German Clergy, includ­ing him­self for not speak­ing out about the purge of Jerman Jews from German soci­ety.
In his prose Martin Niemöller, wrote;
First, they came for the social­ists, and I did not speak out—
 Because I was not a social­ist.
Then they came for the trade union­ists, and I did not speak out—
 Because I was not a trade union­ist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
 Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.
Maybe it’s time that whites on both sides of the polit­i­cal divide begin to real­ize that there is no immu­ni­ty. In this coun­try in which a gen­er­a­tion fought and died to put down the rise and rapid growth of Nazism, anoth­er gen­er­a­tion is march­ing under that very ban­ner. Some 75 mil­lion peo­ple died dur­ing WW 11 includ­ing 20 mil­lion mil­i­tary per­son­nel.
A large per­cent­age of that 75 mil­lion were white peo­ple, hate has no morals.

The caul­dron of cor­rup­tion and con­spir­a­to­r­i­al malfea­sance should set aboil the blood or every per­son who claims to rev­el in the con­cept of Americanism. 


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Public Release IncidentReport for G20– 11303
Subject: fired Officer: Brandeberry # 128 Date: 02/​23/​2020
On Sunday, February 23, 2020, I respond­ed to the inter­sec­tion of Satilla
Drive and Holmes Drive in ref­er­ence to shots fired. While in the route I was advised there were shots fired and a male on the ground ” bleed­ing out “. A short time lat­er I was advised the male on the ground was deceased.

Upon my arrival, I observed Officer Minshew ( 184) set­ting up a perime­ter.
I began speak­ing with Gregory McMichael who was a wit­ness to the inci­dent. McMichael stat­ed there have been sev­er­al Break-ins in the neigh­bor­hood and fur­ther the sus­pect was caught on sur­veil­lance video. Mi
his front yard and saw the sus­pect from the break-ins “haul­ing ass” down Satilla Drive toward Burford Drive. McMichael stat­ed he then ran inside his house and called to Travis ( ) and said: ” Travis the guy is run­ning down the street lets go”. McMichael stat­ed he went to his bed­room and grabbed his.

Magnum and Travis grabbed his shot­gun because they ” did­n’t know if the male was armed or not”. Michael stat­ed ” the oth­er night” they saw the same male and he stuck his hand down his pants which lead them to believe the male was armed.
McMichael stat­ed he and Travis got in the truck and drove down Satilla Drive toward Burford Drive McMichael stat­ed when they arrived at the inter­sec­tion of Satilla Drive and Holmes Drive, they saw the uniden­ti­fied male run­ning down Burford dri­ve McMichael then stat­ed Travis dri­ve down Burford and attempt­ed to cut off the male. He stat­ed the uniden­ti­fied male turned around and began run­ning back the direc­tion from which he came and ” Roddy “attempt­ed to block him which was unsuc­cess­ful Michael stat­ed he then jumped into the bed of the truck and he and Travis con­tin­ued to Holmes in an attempt to inter­cept him.

McMichael stat­ed they saw the uniden­ti­fied male and shout­ed: ” stop stop,
we want to talk to you”. Michael stat­ed they pulled up beside the male and shout­ed stop again at which time Travis exit­ed the truck with the shot­gun. McMichael stat­ed the uniden­ti­fied male began to vio­lent­ly attack Travis and the two men then start­ed fight­ing over the shot­gun at which point Travis fired a shot and then a sec­ond lat­er there was a sec­ond shot. Michael stat­ed the male fell face­down on the pave­ment with his hand under his body.
McMichael stat­ed he rolled the man over to see if the male had a weapon.
I observed blood on McMichael’s hands from rolling the uniden­ti­fied male over. Photographs were tak­en of McMichael’s hands and were uploaded to Spillman.

Those of you who watched the video of Ahmaud Arbery’s lynch­ing that was leaked, now know that every word of what the police claimed the McMichaels stat­ed in their state­ments were indeed lies.
Furthermore, the author­i­ties who are charged with law enforce­ment, police, and pros­e­cu­tors knew that the video evi­dence of Ahmaud Arbery’s slaugh­ter exist­ed, knew what was in it, yet they took no action to act on what was their sworn duty. In fact there is evi­dence that they sought to mis­lead the fam­i­ly even after they had lost their love one.
They are now call­ing for an inquiry as to how the video was leaked which is the most remark­able of ironies, con­sid­er­ing that they should be in jail for abdi­cat­ing their sworn responsibilities.

According to the [New York Times], Shortly after the shoot­ing, the pros­e­cu­tor for the Brunswick judi­cial dis­trict recused her­self because Gregory McMichael had worked in her office. The case was sent to George E. Barnhill, the dis­trict attor­ney in Waycross, Ga., who even­tu­al­ly recused him­self from the case after Mr. Arbery’s moth­er argued that he had a con­flict because his son also works for the Brunswick dis­trict attor­ney.
However, before recus­ing him­self George Barnhill wrote a report to the Glynn County Police Department.

George Barnhill’s let­ter to Glynn County Police Department.

After talk­ing by tele­phone with you yes­ter­day, I appre­ci­ate there is imme­di­ate pres­sure on your depart­ment as to the issue of Arrest”. Since I have already giv­en you an ini­tial opin­ion the day after the shoot­ing, I feel I can still com­ment on this lim­it­ed issue. First
I am the cur­rent elect­ed District Attorney for the Waycross Circuit, I have worked as a crim­i­nal pros­e­cu­tor for some 36 years. As an Assistant District Attorney in Waycross and Brunswick, as Chief Assistant in Waycross for 20 years and served as the District Attorney for the last 5 years; I have been active­ly involved in over 100murder cas­es and assist­ed oth­er pros­e­cu­tors with at least 100 more. I have no idea how many Aggravated Assault cas­es involv­ing gun­shots and wounds of all types; Plus I have attend­ed count­less schools, class­es, and sem­i­nars on crim­i­nal pros­e­cu­tion and crim­i­nal acts and evi­dence. I and one of my Senior Trial Attorneys have reviewed the evi­dence exten­sive­ly and con­cur on all points.

As to the case at hand: Itismy pro­fes­sion­al belief the autop­sy con­firm­swhatwe­had already viewed as shown in the video tape, with the pho­tographs & from the wit­ness state­ments tak­en imme­di­ate­ly atthe scene. The autop­sy sup­ports the ini­tial opin­ion we gave you on February 24th , 2020 at the brief­ing room in the Glynn County Police Department after review­ing the evi­dencey­ouha­datthat­time. Wedonotseegroundsforanarrestofanyofthethreeparties.

It appears Travis McMichael, Greg McMichael, and Bryan William were fol­low­ing, in pur­suit of a bur­glary suspect,t with sol­id first-hand prob­a­ble cause, in their neigh­bor­hood, and asking/​telling him to stop. It appears their intent was to stop and hold this crim­i­nal sus­pect until law enforce­ment arrived. UnderGeorgia Law this is per­fect­ly legal,
OCGA17‑4 – 60 A pri­vate per­son may arrest an offend­er if the offense is com­mit­ted in his pres­ence or with­in his imme­di­ate knowl­edge. If the offense is a felony and the offend­er is escap­ing or attempt­ing to escape, a pri­vate per­son may arrest him upon rea­son­able and prob­a­ble grounds of suspicion .”


It clear­ly appears Travis McMichael and Greg McMichaelhad firearms­be­ing car­ried in an open fash­ion . The inves­ti­ga­tion shows nei­ther of them to be con­vict­ed felons or under felony super­vi­sion , they were in a motor vehi­cle owned by Travis McMichael. UnderGeorgia Law this is lega­lopen carry .

OCGA 16– 11– 126

a) Any per­son who is not pro­hib­it­ed by law from pos­sess­ing a hand­gun or long gun may have or car­ry on his or her per­son a weapon or long gun on his or her prop­er­ty or inside his or her home, motor vehi­cle, or place of busi­ness with­out valid weapons car­ry license.
(b) Any per­son who is not pro­hib­it­ed by law from pos­sess­ing a hand gun or long gun may have or car­ry on his or her per­son a long gun with­out valid weapons car­ry license, pro­vid­ed that if the long gun is loaded, it shall only be car­ried in an open and ful­ly exposed manner.” 

The video made by William Bryan clear­ly shows the shoot­ing in real­time. From the said video it appears Ahmaud Arbery was run­ning along the right side of the McMichael truck then abrupt­ly turns 90 degrees to the left and attacks Travis McMichaelwho was stand­ing at the front left cor­ner of the truck. A brief skir­mish ensues in which it appears Arbery strikes McMichael and appears to grab the shot­gun and pull it from McMichael The shot is through Arbery s right-hand palm which is con­sis­tent with him grab­bing and pulling the shot­gun at the bar­rel tip, the 2nd and 3rd wounds are con­sis­tent with the strug­gle for the shot­gun as depict­ed in the video, the angle of the 2nd shot with the rear of the butt­stock being pushed away and down from the fight are also con­sis­tent with the upward angle of blood plume shown in the video and that McMichael was attempt­ing to push the gun away from Arbery while Arbery was pulling it toward himself.

The 3rd shot too, appears to be in a strug­gle over the gun. The angle of the shots and the video show this was from the begin­ning or almost imme­di­ate­ly became– a fight over the shot­gun. Given the fact Arbery ini­ti­at­ed the fight, at the point Arbery grabbed the shot­gun, under Georgia Law, McMichael was allowed to use dead­ly force to pro­tect him­self.
Just as impor­tant­ly, while we know McMichael had his fin­ger on the trig­ger, we do not know who caused the fir­ings. Arbery would only have to pull the shot­gun approx­i­mate­ly 1/ 16th to 1/​8th of one inch to fire weapon him­self and in the height of an alter­ca­tion, this is entire­ly pos­si­ble. Arbery s men­tal health records & pri­or con­vic­tions help explain his appar­ent aggres­sive nature and his pos­si­ble thought pat­tern to attack an armed man.

OCGA 16 – 3‑21UseofForcein Defense, once con­front­ed with a dead­ly force sit­u­a­tion an indi­vid­ual is allowed to use dead­ly force to defend them­selves or oth­ers OCGA 16 — 3– 23 . 1Georgia ’ s No Duty to Retreat law, an indi­vid­ual is not required to back away from or sub­mit to an attack; OCGA 16 ‑3– 24 [b] The use of force which is intend­ed or like­ly to cause death or great bod­i­ly harm to pre­vent tres­pass on or oth­er tor­tious or crim­i­nal inter­fer­ence with real prop­er­ty oth­er than a habi­ta­tion or per­son­al prop­er­ty is not jus­ti­fied unless the per­son using such force rea­son­ably believes that it is nec­es­sary to pre­vent the com­mis­sion of a forcible felony.
OCGA16‑3 – 24.2 A A A 

A per­son prop­er­ly and legal­ly defend­ing them­selves are immune from pros­e­cu­tion For the above and fore­go­ing rea­sons, it is our con­clu­sion there is insuf­fi­cient prob­a­ble cause to issue arrest war­rants at this time.

As to any fur­ther issues on whether to present this to a Glynn County Grand jury, that will have to wait for the next District Attorney s review. Please con­sid­er this an OPEN file until that deci­sion is made and restrict the release of any infor­ma­tion under the Georgia Open Records Act requests.


George E. Barnhill District Attorney Waycross Judicial Circuit

George Barnhill’s sum­ma­tion does four (4) obvi­ous­ly immoral things. (1) He asked the Glynn County Police to sus­pend real­i­ty, there­by embrac­ing a the­o­ry that is not sup­port­ed by what is evi­dent in the video, ie a stalked man mak­ing a seri­ous and more than rea­son­able attempt to avoid an armed poten­tial­ly dan­ger­ous aggres­sor in his direct path by going the oth­er way around a vehi­cle stopped in the mid­dle of the road, & defend­ing him­self against that aggres­sion. (2) Injecting his own opin­ions into a clear case of mur­der, by unscrupu­lous­ly using the vic­tim’s record as a means to jus­ti­fy his killing. (3) Making ref­er­ence in his sup­posed-legal opin­ions as to the men­tal state of
Ahmaud Arbery even though he is not a psy­chi­a­trist, or has any train­ing that would qual­i­fy him to make such eval­u­a­tions.
More impor­tant­ly, we see once again police and pros­e­cu­tors trot­ting out black vic­tim’s crim­i­nal records as a form of jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for their mur­der.
(4) It appears their intent was to stop and hold this crim­i­nal sus­pect until law enforce­ment arrived. George Barnhill even know­ing the facts of what occurred, default­ed to label­ing the vic­tim a quote; crim­i­nal sus­pect” there­by cre­at­ing a pho­ny jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for his mur­der.
Even if he was a crim­i­nal sus­pect, no one, (includ­ing police), has the author­i­ty to mur­der him.
Barnhill attempt­ed to get into the mind of the two killers by assum­ing what they were think­ing, quote;” It appears their intent was to stop and hold this crim­i­nal sus­pect until law enforce­ment arrived”. There is no evi­dence of that, nei­ther of the actors involved, made any attempt to noti­fy the police before set­ting out with their guns and record­ing device, in what may only be seen as a mod­ern-day posse/​lynch mob.


Since this sto­ry was pub­lished, the two mur­der­ers have been arrested.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Jamaican police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, researcher, and blog­ger. 
He is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al web­sites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.