Christian Fealty To A State Whose Religion And Actions Are Not Christ-like

As a child raised in what we like to char­ac­ter­ize as a Christian home we were led to believe that there was a holi­ness to the land of Israel. Christians today are still rev­er­en­tial to Israel as a spe­cial place sanc­tioned by God.
Pastors like John Hagee preach about a com­ing Armageddon in which the forces of good and evil will meet and Israel will defeat the forces of evil arrayed against her.
Hagee him­self would be advised to stay away from that bat­tle based on his own philosophy.

As a Christian myself I had a hard time rec­on­cil­ing the nar­ra­tive of the west­ern Christian Church, includ­ing the white evan­gel­i­cals who demon­strate an undy­ing feal­ty to Israel.
So I start­ed dig­ging with a view to find­ing out for myself what was it about Israel which makes it so near and dear to America. You know out­side of the fact that the state of Israel nev­er exist­ed before 1948.

It also struck me that the peo­ple who pop­u­lat­ed the Palestinian’s land were actu­al­ly white Europeans flee­ing Hitler’s rage.
Never mind that as far as Judaism is con­cerned, the prac­ti­tion­ers of that faith does not believe that Jesus, the dark-skinned Nazarene was the son of God. In fact, so angry were the Jews with Yeshua that they offered him up to Pontius Pilate the Roman Governor for exe­cu­tion, once they real­ized he was­n’t going to lead them into a war to top­ple the Roman occupiers.

But let us not get caught up in the weeds about Jews in the Bible at the time of Jesus Christ, because con­trary to what you hear now, Hebrew-Jews and Gentiles lived side by side in Palestine for thou­sands of years before Jesus Christ arrived, much less just 70-years ago when the Americans and Brits con­fis­cat­ed huge swaths of land from the Palestinians and gave it to white peo­ple who adopt­ed the ide­ol­o­gy (Zionism) which is essen­tial­ly a move­ment which pur­ports to ensure the safe­ty of those prac­tic­ing the Jewish faith.
Zionism, Jewish nation­al­ist move­ment that has had as its goal the cre­ation and sup­port of a Jewish nation­al state in Palestine.
Zionism is priv­i­leg­ing one group of peo­ple (Israelis) over anoth­er the(Palestinians.
By that very mea­sure the very essence of a Zionist state of Israel is by it’s own def­i­n­i­tion, an apartheid state.

The cre­ation of the state of Israel and the strate­gic place­ment of the so-called Jewish state, can­not be ful­ly under­stood unless its geo­graph­ic-place­ment, arma­ment, and main­te­nance are viewed against the strate­gic vital inter­ests of the west­ern world.
On the table for dis­cus­sion is the ques­tion of a dif­fer­ent set of rules for Israel than that which obtains for oth­ers, par­tic­u­lar­ly African nations.

The strat­e­gy of label­ing any­one who crit­i­cizes Israel’s crimes, “anti-Semitic” also has its roots in the pre­ferred nation sta­tus bestowed upon her by America. It is a strat­e­gy designed to take full advan­tage of the empa­thy derived from the Holocaust by silenc­ing any­one who dares to speak out against Israel’s crimes against humanity.
A strat­e­gy which insu­lates and inoc­u­lates the apartheid state regard­less of its myr­i­ad trans­gres­sions of inter­na­tion­al law.
If you believe the con­cept of a pie-in-the-sky white God who has favorites, then it is easy to ignore the mass slaugh­ter of Palestinian civil­ians by Isreali defense force soldiers.
It is easy to ignore chil­dren picked off like flies while sol­diers of one of the best trained, best-equipped mil­i­tary in the world hoops it up like they are shoot­ing at inan­i­mate objects, not human beings.

As long as you are com­fort­able with the blan­ket state­ments that every Palestinian mur­dered are ter­ror­ists then you are good because their lives were already deval­ued by the Apartheid state and its supporters.
But if you are not a star­ry-eyed Christian brain­washed by those who enslaved our ances­tors, you will read­i­ly appre­ci­ate that a God who is tout­ed to be “just”, could under no cir­cum­stances have (cho­sen peo­ple).

You could under no cir­cum­stances believe that-that God signs off on the wan­ton and reck­less mur­der of inno­cent men, women, and chil­dren with the ratio­nal­iza­tion that they posed an exis­ten­tial threat to the state of Israel.
But the lead­ers of the Apartheid state is no longer try­ing to con­vince the entire world it is wrong and they are right.
They are engaged in sys­tem­at­ic harass­ment and deten­tion of some peo­ple who enter the apartheid state and may have pre­vi­ous­ly expressed dis­sent­ing opin­ions on whether we should all agree it is not okay to have snipers killing unarmed protest­ing men women and children.

Peter Beinart, a lead­ing Jewish-American jour­nal­ist, was detained for ques­tion­ing at the Ben-Gurion International Airport while enter­ing Israel. According to Haaretz​.com Beinart who is him­self of Jewish her­itage and a well-known journalist.
Beinart has writ­ten exten­sive­ly on the Israeli-Palestinian con­flict for years. He has pub­licly expressed sup­port for boy­cotting prod­ucts man­u­fac­tured in Israeli set­tle­ments in the West Bank. His ques­tion­ing this week­end, he report­ed, did­n’t focus on that issue, but includ­ed a broad list of ques­tions about his polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tions and his ties to groups in Israel that oppose the set­tle­ments and the poli­cies of the cur­rent right-wing gov­ern­ment in Jerusalem.

The coun­try’s right-wing prime min­is­ter Benjamin Netanyahu has issued a half-heart­ed apol­o­gy to Beinart but the dam­age was already done. Clearly, Shin Bet the Israeli secu­ri­ty ser­vice felt suf­fi­cient­ly empow­ered to harass peo­ple who have dif­fer­ent views than they do.
In a state­ment released to the press, Netanyahu said that he “heard of Mr. Beinart’s ques­tion­ing at Ben Gurion air­port and imme­di­ate­ly spoke with Israel’s secu­ri­ty forces to inquire how this hap­pened. He was told it was an admin­is­tra­tive mis­take. Israel is an open soci­ety which wel­comes all – crit­ics and sup­port­ers alike.
Keep in mind that this very same Netanyahu has brand­ed African Jews and oth­er immi­grants to the state of Israel “inter­lop­ers”.
Netanyahu and oth­ers in his right-wing gov­ern­ment insist if they allow Africans to stay they will change the char­ac­ter of the Jewish state.
Never mind that by 2019 Israel is expect­ed to receive $3.3 bil­lion in American aid much of that, mon­ey comes from the tax­es of African Americans people.

According to Haaretz, Beinart’s inter­ro­ga­tion is the lat­est in a series of inci­dents at Israel’s bor­der entry and exit points that involved polit­i­cal ques­tion­ing of Jewish Americans..
Jewish American phil­an­thropist who donat­ed mil­lions to Israeli hos­pi­tals and schools was inter­ro­gat­ed because secu­ri­ty at Ben Gurion found a book­let about Palestine in his suit­case. Last week, two left-wing Jewish American activists were detained for three hours at the bor­der cross­ing between Israel and Egypt. One of the activists, Simone Zimmerman- who is one of the found­ing mem­bers of the Jewish anti-occu­pa­tion IfNotNow- claimed she was inter­ro­gat­ed about her polit­i­cal opin­ions.

How long will the world ignore Israel’s crime and spe­cial treat­ment made pos­si­ble by America’s sup­port and arma­ment, while oth­er Nations are inces­sant­ly maligned and forced to bear bru­tal sanctions?
Why International laws are not applic­a­ble to Israel is a ques­tion the world will have to con­front soon­er or later.