Choke-hold Victim: I Was On My Last Breath.…..

image of the savages beating Floyd Dent
image of the sav­ages beat­ing Floyd Dent

Once again new infor­ma­tion has crept to the fore of Criminal cops bru­tal­iz­ing and ter­ror­iz­ing citizens.
Floyd Dent a 57 year old Detroit native was pulled over because he was sup­pos­ed­ly in a known drug zone.
Cops pulled Dent over under the guise that he rolled through a stop sign ‚pulled him from his Cadillac at gun­point, threw him to the pave­ment and placed him in a choke-hold. Police in a shock­ing­ly famil­iar scene caught on dash­board cam­era video. An offi­cer put Floyd Dent, 57, in a choke-hold with one arm and began throw­ing right-hand­ed hay-mak­ers to the man’s head. Video shows the full, vicious assault: 16 blows to the head and a kick to the arm, and anoth­er offi­cer shock­ing Dent with a stun gun three times.
Cops lied that dent was try­ing to flee but it appeared they for­got about their own dash-cam video which proved no such thing hap­pened. des­per­ate­ly seek­ing to jus­ti­fy their unwar­rant­ed on the 57 year old man, they lied that he said “I will kill you as they dragged him from his car”. Of course there was no evi­dence of that as they had turned of their microphones.
They arrest­ed Dent on a slew of charges, includ­ing dri­ving with sus­pend­ed license and pos­ses­sion of crack cocaine they allege was found in the car, accord­ing to Click On Detroit. Dent has no crim­i­nal past and a blood test at the hos­pi­tal revealed no drugs or alco­hol in his sys­tem. State police told Dent’s attor­ney this week they were inves­ti­gat­ing the inci­dent. William Melendez, the Inkster, Mich., offi­cer who placed Dent in the choke­hold, was accused of mis­con­duct as a Detroit police offi­cer in 2004 as part of a group of cops acquit­ted in a fed­er­al tri­al for civ­il rights abus­es, the Detroit Free Press report­ed. A judge dis­missed all but the drug charge against Dent, who faces an April 1 court date. He refused a plea deal for pro­ba­tion, his attor­ney said.“
Mister Dent Dent has no crim­i­nal past and a blood test at the hos­pi­tal revealed no drugs or alco­hol in his system. 


Floyd Dent
Floyd Dent

There is no nation­al media atten­tion on this issue!
Once again we see the issue of brazen, unpro­voked police aggres­sion being unleashed against mem­bers of the black community.

Which begs the ques­tion, when are peo­ple going to fight back against these crim­i­nal cops?
On these pages we have repeat­ed­ly asked, why isn’t it a felony for cops to turn off micro­phones or oth­er­wise tam­per with devices which may be need­ed for evidence?
More impor­tant­ly why are cops not pros­e­cut­ed to the full extent of the law when they plant evi­dence, and fal­si­fy reports?
Why are cops allowed to keep their jobs when they com­mit crimes against cit­i­zens, or worse, case allowed to qui­et­ly move to dif­fer­ent depart­ments to car­ry out their sadis­tic pow­er trips on citizens?
Why would Prosecutors offer mis­ter Dent a plea deal on the drug charge know­ing their police wit­ness­es were clear­ly caught try­ing to frame mis­ter Dent? 
Why is it more impor­tant to snag mis­ter Dent into the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem with a fraud­u­lent guilty plea than to aggres­sive­ly pros­e­cute the cops who obvi­ous­ly plant­ed evi­dence, bru­tal­ly assault­ed him and fal­si­fied reports to jus­ti­fy their actions? 

How much longer is this coun­try going to pre­tend that the seri­ous issue of police abuse, par­tic­u­lar­ly black cit­i­zens are iso­lat­ed events, or worse, does not war­rant seri­ous action?
Every inci­dent of police mis­con­duct which goes unpun­ished tells cit­i­zens that is how soci­ety wants it to be.
The stark real­i­ty is that much of the abuse police dish out to black cit­i­zens is done based on their racist mis­con­cep­tions of Black Americans.
Lets not fool our­selves Racism is deeply insti­tu­tion­al­ized and endem­ic in American society. 
There are won­der­ful police offi­cers just as there are won­der­ful doc­tors nurs­es and fire­men, but there are also a dan­ger­ous cadre of racist igno­ra­mus­es who are wear­ing police uni­forms and are seri­ous­ly abus­ing cit­i­zens , fal­si­fy­ing evi­dence to gain con­vic­tions and killing peo­ple they hate.

These cow­ard­ly punks get away with it because of America’s love affair with cops and law-enforcement.
The prob­lem for black cit­i­zens is that the love affair with cops walks hand in hand with the hatred many har­bor for us.
Never mind that if any­one had the right to be hate­ful and mad it would cer­tain­ly be us for what has been done and what is still being done to our people.
How do you defend against those hid­ing behind a badge? 
The tragedy for good cops is that when the rage boils over their is no dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion, a cop is a cop.
We have seen it hap­pen before.
Those who sup­port cops regard­less of the atroc­i­ties they com­mit are not law abid­ing intel­li­gent citizens.
Intelligent cit­i­zens are aware that when cops com­mit crimes and gets away with it, it erodes the respect cit­i­zens have for the rule of law.
They are aware it places the lives of all cops in jeopardy. 
You do not sup­port crim­i­nal cops in their abuse of cit­i­zens because you care about the well being of cops.

You do so because they car­ry out a sick sadis­tic desire you har­bor to inflict pain and death on those you hate.