The Chilling Loophole That Lets Police Stop, Question And Search You For No Good Reason

shutterstock_117901750-620x412Checkpoints occu­py a unique posi­tion in the American jus­tice sys­tem. At these road­side sta­tions, where police ques­tion dri­vers in search of the ine­bri­at­ed or “ille­gal,” any­one can be stopped and ques­tioned, regard­less of prob­a­ble cause, vio­lat­ing the Fourth Amendment’s pro­tec­tion against “gen­er­al war­rants” that do not spec­i­fy the who/​what/​where/​why of a search or seizure. Though the Supreme Court agrees that check­points skirt the Fourth Amendment, the Court has been clear that the “spe­cial needs” check­points serve, like traf­fic safe­ty and immi­gra­tion enforce­ment, trump the “slight” intru­sions on motorists’ rights.

We have check­points for bicy­cle safe­ty, gath­er­ing wit­ness­es, drug traf­fick­ing, “ille­gal” immi­gra­tion and traf­fic safe­ty. Many states, like California, require cops to abide by “neu­tral” math­e­mat­i­cal for­mu­las when choos­ing which dri­vers to pull over (like 1 in every 10 cars). In real­i­ty, these deci­sions are left to the dis­cre­tion of indi­vid­ual police offi­cers, which results in a type of vehic­u­lar stop and frisk.

That’s why peo­ple in Arizona have sued the Department of Homeland Security for its wan­ton deploy­ment of immi­gra­tion check­points in their state. Among their com­plaints are racial pro­fil­ing, harass­ment, assault and unwar­rant­ed inter­ro­ga­tion, and deten­tion not relat­ed to the express “spe­cial need” of deter­min­ing peo­ples’ immi­gra­tion status.

A key legal detail about check­points is that they can­not be used for crime con­trol, as that would require indi­vid­u­al­ized prob­a­ble cause. But legal schol­ars argue that non-crim­i­nal­ly-mind­ed check­points are also ille­gal. They point out that the Fourth Amendment pro­tect­ed the colonists from being searched for non-crim­i­nal “wrong­do­ing.” Doing noth­ing wrong at all, they argue, is not grounds to be searched or have your prop­er­ty seized​.Read more here. http://​www​.salon​.com/