Children Innocent But Are All The Women ?


Some of the most per­plex­ing and heart­break­ing crimes we read about dai­ly are the killing of women and inno­cent chil­dren. Our default reac­tion to these killings is gen­er­al­ly “what kind of crea­tures kill inno­cent women and children”?
To some degree there has been an unwrit­ten rule between foes that despite blood hatred for each oth­er, women and chil­dren would not be touched.
In the United States and Italy where (La Costa Nosta ) ruled the crim­i­nal under­world it was not out of the ordi­nary for gang­sters to show up to the funer­al of oth­er deceased gang­sters they ordered killed, bear­ing gifts of cash and oth­er valu­ables for the wid­ow and chil­dren of their victims.

Of late all of this has changed not just in Jamaica but across the Globe. Women and chil­dren are increas­ing­ly being caught in the cross hairs of Terrorists and crim­i­nal vio­lence. We have also seen an increased pres­ence of women on the fore­front of lib­er­a­tion and polit­i­cal struggles.
Whether or not the ele­va­tion of women to the fore­front of bat­tle fields removes them from the off-lim­its cat­e­go­ry is yet to be determined.

Jamaican Police yes­ter­day report­ed that 28 women and sev­en chil­dren have been vic­tims of gun attack in the west­ern end of the island since the start of the year. The Police Communications Unit report­ed that dur­ing the peri­od, 15 of the women and six chil­dren were killed, while 13 women and a child were shot and injured in the area. The police spec­u­late that the attacks are due to women har­bor­ing and enabling crim­i­nals in their homes and com­mu­ni­ties. The Area One Police are sub­se­quent­ly appeal­ing to women to desist from this practice.

A pebble in the water makes creates a ripple effect. Every action in this world bears a consequence. (boards
A peb­ble in the water cre­ates a rip­ple effect.
Every action in this world bears a con­se­quence.
(boards of wis​dom​.com)

An appeal from the Police will not change an inte­gral part of the Nation’s Pop cul­ture. The pro­ceeds Jamaicans (par­tic­u­lar­ly women)derive from har­bor­ing crim­i­nals is just icing on the cake for recip­i­ents. Jamaicans have always main­tained a tox­ic affin­i­ty for criminality.
As a small child in grade school I devel­oped an aver­sion to the way crim­i­nals were pre­sent­ed as heroes. This was a con­stant and Persistent glo­ri­fi­ca­tion and roman­ti­ciz­ing of com­mon crim­i­nals from Three fin­ger Jack, to Rigen and others.
Most crim­i­nals who came out of the Nations sub-cul­ture dur­ing the 60’s-90’s were blood thirsty sub-human Demons who cared noth­ing about the sanc­ti­ty of human life.
Yet some­how the Media and soci­ety roman­ti­cized them, san­i­tized their bar­bar­ic deeds effec­tive­ly mak­ing them heroes. Not the bar­bar­ic demons they were. This prac­tice con­tin­ue to this day.
This per­me­ates every stra­ta of the sys­tem from grade school to the Godless halls of Academia, crim­i­nals are made out to be vic­tims, not the oppor­tunis­tic preda­tors they actu­al­ly are.

Conversely there is a par­al­lel nar­ra­tive which demo­nize those who place their lives on the line in defense of the Nation.
Contrary to what some believe if you plant corn for a thou­sand years you will reap corn for a thou­sand years.
Not peas.
Jamaica can prag­mat­i­cal­ly look at what it is doing wrong or it may sim­ply con­tin­ue on the path it’s on.
In the end the peo­ple decide the direc­tion they wish to take.
No one should force good on any­one if they are desirous of deca­dence and decay.
As I said ini­tial­ly we tend to default to the per­spec­tive that women and chil­dren are inno­cent vic­tims in all of this.
Unfortunately that state­ment would only be par­tial­ly cor­rect. The chil­dren are inno­cent vic­tims total­ly unde­serv­ing of the the vio­lence being per­pet­u­at­ed against them.
Unfortunately not all women can lay claim to inno­cence. Jamaican women have played a sig­nif­i­cant part in the nation’s crime cul­ture for all of the coun­try’s recent his­to­ry. They have done so by aid­ing and abet­ting fam­i­ly mem­bers involved in crime.
Probably more impor­tant­ly they have made being in a Romantic rela­tion­ship with them con­tin­gent on the man’s abil­i­ty to deliv­er illic­it­ly obtained monies and valu­ables. In essence many of the Country’s women are actu­al­ly the dri­vers of crime in the society.

Players under­stand the game. Members of the under­world under­stand the game, they know where their con­tem­po­raries lay low. When they show up at the door and ask these women for the men in their lives they know when they are lying about not knowing.
When you receive the pro­ceeds of crime , when you har­bor crim­i­nals get­ting killed is also one of the things you unwit­ting­ly sign up for.
As we con­tem­plate the crime scourge on a National scope. It is instruc­tive to look at this par­tic­u­lar sec­tion of what’s dri­ving crime in the Island Nation.
Individual involve­ment dri­ves crime.
National involve­ment dri­ves crime expo­nen­tial­ly. It’s has the rip­ple effect of a a peb­ble in a brook.