Chicago Cop Attacks Black Woman Walking Her Dog…

You are not going to believe what you see here.
Would this creep walk up to a white woman walk­ing her dog and assault her? The answer is absolute­ly not. He is still on the job.


Officials are inves­ti­gat­ing after a video from this week­end showed a Chicago police offi­cer fol­low and grab a Black woman as she walked along the lake­front. Videos from the con­fronta­tion — which show an offi­cer walk­ing close­ly after Nikkita Brown, grab­bing her and hold­ing her as she tried to leave the park — have spread quick­ly on social media. Mayor Lori Lightfoot said she’s urg­ing the Civilian Office of Police Accountability to inves­ti­gate the inci­dent quickly.
“I was quite dis­turbed by what I saw,” Lightfoot said at an unre­lat­ed news con­fer­ence Monday morn­ing. “It looked like the woman was fol­low­ing the direc­tion of the offi­cer and leav­ing the beach. … This is a pret­ty straight­for­ward mat­ter. It’s con­cern­ing what we saw in the video.” The Civilian Office of Police Accountability, which han­dles poten­tial mis­con­duct and uses of force by police offi­cers, con­firmed it is inves­ti­gat­ing. But Brown’s attor­ney — Keenan Saulter, who is also rep­re­sent­ing Anjanette Young, the woman whose home police wrong­ful­ly raid­ed — said the Police Department hasn’t giv­en Brown a copy of her police report, and his office needs help iden­ti­fy­ing the officer.

This was an obvi­ous case of racial pro­fil­ing,” Saulter’s office said in a news release. “Ms. Brown is suf­fer­ing from emo­tion­al trau­ma as a result of this bru­tal, unpro­voked, and unlaw­ful attack by this Chicago Police Department officer.”
About 12:12 a.m. Saturday, Brown was walk­ing her dog near the lake­front in Lincoln Park when an offi­cer walked up to her, accord­ing to Saulter’s office. The offi­cer said he was con­fronting Brown because the park was sup­posed to be closed, accord­ing to Saulter’s law office.
Brown told the offi­cer she was leav­ing the park asked him to stay social­ly dis­tant because he was not wear­ing a mask, but he ignored her request, accord­ing to Saulter’s office. Video shows Brown ask­ing the offi­cer to stay dis­tant and say­ing she’s leav­ing the park, but the offi­cer tells her he’s going to hand­cuff her and doesn’t need to wear a mask since they are outside.

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Brown record­ed the offi­cer with her phone as she tried to leave, but the offi­cer attacked her, accord­ing to her attorney’s office.
Video shows Brown walk­ing away from the offi­cer as he walked after her, wav­ing his arms at her.
At one point, Brown stops walk­ing and appears to be using her phone. The offi­cer tries to grab the phone from her hands and then grabs Brown’s arms as she screams for him to “let go” and tries to get away. He wraps his arms around her holds her.
Brown’s small dog gets yanked around dur­ing the encounter as the offi­cer grabbed her, and Brown’s phone gets knocked out of her hands. The offi­cer lets Brown go, and she picks up her belong­ings and walks away while the offi­cer watches.

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There were oth­er peo­ple walk­ing in the park when the offi­cer chose to stop Brown, includ­ing a group of four white peo­ple she saw behind her, accord­ing to Saulter’s office. Witnesses who were in the area record­ed a video of the confrontation.
“I am deeply con­cerned by what is depict­ed on the lake­front beach in that video,” Lightfoot wrote on Twitter.
The Police Department said the inci­dent is under inves­ti­ga­tion but oth­er­wise declined to comment.
The Civilian Office of Police Accountability said it is inves­ti­gat­ing and is “in com­mu­ni­ca­tion” with Brown’s attorney.
During a news con­fer­ence Monday morn­ing, Supt. David Brown, he’d only received pre­lim­i­nary infor­ma­tion about the inci­dent and was going to get more infor­ma­tion. He asked for peo­ple to allow COPA to inves­ti­gate. “We don’t have the person’s full account­ing of what hap­pened, why it hap­pened, what was said,” David Brown said. “Nor do we have the full account­ing of the officer’s statement.

Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot
I am deeply con­cerned by what is depict­ed on the lake­front beach in that video. I am aware of the inci­dent, and it is cur­rent­ly under investigation.

COPA is aware of the inci­dent & video cur­rent­ly cir­cu­lat­ing on social media regard­ing a CPD offi­cer & woman with her dog on a Chicago beach. We are inves­ti­gat­ing and in com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the woman’s attorney.
Block (club Chicago)

It will not be the first time that the Mayor of Chicago has expressed [con­cern] at a video of her offi­cers pre­sum­ably engaged in grave mis­con­duct, but rather than take cor­rec­tive steps to enhance the process of jus­tice has dragged her feet and allowed the process to cov­er for cops.
As a con­se­quence, the Chicago Police Department has one of the worst records of cor­rup­tion as a police depart­ment any­where in the world, dat­ing back to Al Capone’s days.
These are police depart­ments that were not built on serv­ing and pro­tect­ing; nei­ther were they built on respect­ing the rights of African-Americans. As such, these edi­fices of oppres­sion From the LAPD through Minnesota, Chicago, Pennsylvania, New York up to Maine must be decon­struct­ed if there is to be true racial jus­tice in America.