Charges Dropped Against Grandmother ‘Slammed’ To The Ground By Maryland Police (viral Video Inside)

Pikesville, MD — Rena Mellerson, a 76-year old grand­moth­er from Maryland who was vio­lent­ly arrest­ed by police, is no longer fac­ing any charges. All charges against her includ­ing sec­ond-degree assault, resist­ing and inter­fer­ing with an arrest, and obstruc­tion have been dropped.

The inci­dent that hap­pened in January stemmed from offi­cers try­ing to arrest her grand­daugh­ter at her home. Officers respond­ed to a 911 call about two women alleged­ly hav­ing an argu­ment in pub­lic. Body cam­era footage of the inci­dent was recent­ly released.
After clear­ing the scene, Baltimore County Police Corporal Brennan fol­lowed one of the women iden­ti­fied as Mellerson’s grand­daugh­ter who went to Mellerson’s home. Brennan told Mellerson that Floyd was under arrest for dis­or­der­ly con­duct, but she refused to let him in.
A strug­gle between the two then ensued. Brennan then pulled out a Taser and told Mellerson that she is also under arrest for inter­fer­ing with the inves­ti­ga­tion. Ms Mellerson tried to con­vince Floyd to go with the police but she refused.

Brennan con­tin­ued to force the door open and even used his pep­per spray. He suc­cess­ful­ly entered the house with his gun drawn as Mellerson tried to run. He then grabbed her arm and anoth­er offi­cer forced her to the ground.
A video of the alter­ca­tion tak­en by a wit­ness went pub­lic and has caused a back­lash against the depart­ment. An inves­ti­ga­tion regard­ing the appar­ent exces­sive use of force is report­ed­ly underway.