Chang’s Response To Diaspora Groups Statements Ignorant And Unhelpful…

I ran across an arti­cle in one Jamaican dai­ly. The min­is­ter of nation­al secu­ri­ty, Horace Chang, respond­ed to state­ments a dias­po­ra group con­cerned about crime made in response to the Government.
The group, obvi­ous­ly con­cerned about the nation’s crime sit­u­a­tion, has embarked upon a plan to set up a fund with the aim of rais­ing US$10-million to help the police secure much-need­ed equipment.
The group is report­ed­ly head­ed by a for­mer lance-cor­po­ral of the JDF Mark Parkinson. Mister Parkinson, not hav­ing faith in the coun­try’s polit­i­cal lead­er­ship, report­ed­ly said, “No funds col­lect­ed under the pro­pos­al will be turned over to the Government or its agen­cies. “Our help will be project-based and in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the JCF.” [Jamaica Constabulary Force].

The state­ment obvi­ous­ly drew the ire of Horace Chang, most like­ly offend­ed that an ordi­nary sol­dier and his peers could have the temer­i­ty to want to col­lect such a nice tidy sum of mon­ey and not hand it over for them to pilfer.
Said Chang;.»»»»»

” Any con­tri­bu­tion of that sort that comes into the coun­try does not go into the con­sol­i­dat­ed fund. It nev­er goes there.”
“They are free to raise the mon­ey, but they would have to give it to the Jamaican Embassy in Washington and through that to the police com­mis­sion­er’s office. I told them that in my recent town hall meet­ing with them.“Everything must come through the appro­pri­ate chan­nels, which is the embassy and then to the com­mis­sion­er’s office.“If ‘John Brown’ gives police sta­tion ‘A’ $500,000 and he is a nice guy, fine, but if ‘Mr. Jones’ comes, who is a big-time wheel­er-deal­er around the road and says he is giv­ing $500,000, and we refuse it, it will look like we are par­ti­san. All funds must come through the com­mis­sion­er’s office, and there­fore the police sta­tions don’t owe anybody.“
“The Government has put $54 bil­lion in the police over the past four years because we are avoid­ing that kind of pet­ti­fog­ging thing with the police. We are going to equip them as we have done.

The Government’s posi­tion is that pro­pos­als to assist the police force from the Diaspora must come through the appro­pri­ate chan­nel, which is the embassy, and then it is direct­ed to the appro­pri­ate chan­nel which is the com­mis­sion­er’s office,” Chang said. “Manpower help can­not be done ad hoc. If a man wants to come and give a moti­va­tion­al lec­ture, we don’t have a prob­lem. In fact, one mem­ber of the Diaspora came down with some tech­ni­cal knowl­edge which we thought was very use­ful, and he was direct­ed to go to the com­mis­sion­er, and they are work­ing out some­thing. “I don’t know any­body who has made any sen­si­ble offer that we have reject­ed… and we wel­come any help from the Diaspora, as we did in the case I spoke about earlier.«««««

I got­ta be hon­est; I do not know how to respond to this gib­ber­ish, suf­fic­ing to say that the rank igno­rance of the Minister’s rant is rem­i­nis­cent of the men­tal­i­ty among the idiots who make up the two polit­i­cal parties.
Is there any won­der that the nation is over­run with vio­lent crime under the lead­er­ship of these igno­rant clowns?
At the same time that the min­is­ter was try­ing to cre­ate bar­ri­ers against help for the JCF, the same medi­um report­ed that there were sev­en peo­ple killed in a 48-hour period.
Suppose a group of Jamaicans is inter­est­ed in help­ing, whether, through finan­cial sup­port or tech­ni­cal or oth­er help, that ought to be a pri­or­i­ty for the Minister to meet with those indi­vid­u­als or groups and find ways to chan­nel their help where pos­si­ble to the JCF. Why would the group or indi­vid­ual be forced to go to Washington DC to coör­di­nate with the Jamaican Ambassador? On the con­trary, most Jamaicans would be hap­py to hop on a flight to Kingston to help coör­di­nate with the JCF, to offer what­ev­er help they want to impart.
In typ­i­cal Jamaican ver­nac­u­lar, the min­is­ter ‘wrenk and brite’, Jamaicans send home so much mon­e­tary help that the mon­ey we send back amounts to the Island’s num­ber two for­eign exchange earn­er. Additionally, many Jamaicans return as tourists; their mon­ey helps to sup­port the hotel industry.
Horace Chang should watch his stu­pid mouth, Jamaicans liv­ing over­seas deserves much more respect from these igno­rant clowns, and could some­one tell me why the fuck Chang has a prob­lem with pet­ti­fog­ging?
The dias­po­ra has every right to want to iron out every detail; it is some­thing Horace Chang should learn about.
The min­is­ter’s response val­i­dates my own per­son­al view that they do not want a capa­ble, well-equipped policed Department, as such a depart­ment will be a threat to their corruption.
We will have to wrest Jamaica away from these peo­ple; they have a sys­tem that works to facil­i­tate their cor­rup­tion, they do not want to upset that applecart.



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.