Cesar Sayoc Identified As Mail Bomb Suspect: Reports


A sus­pect has report­ed­ly been arrest­ed in con­nec­tion with more than 10 pack­ages con­tain­ing like­ly pipe bombs mailed in the past week to peo­ple crit­i­cal of President Donald Trump.

The Department of Justice con­firmed Friday that a man in Florida has been arrest­ed in con­nec­tion with the terrorism.

The sus­pect is report­ed­ly Cesar Sayoc, 56, of South Florida, accord­ing to Reuters, NBC News and The Wall Street Journal, cit­ing law enforce­ment officials.

DOJ offi­cials are set to brief reporters this afternoon.

Read more about Sayoc here.

In remarks at the White House before a youth lead­er­ship sum­mit, Trump con­grat­u­lat­ed local and nation­al law enforce­ment agen­cies for appre­hend­ing the sus­pect. The pres­i­dent pledged to pros­e­cute those respon­si­ble ― “them, him, her, who­ev­er it may be,” he said ― to the fullest extent of the law.

We must nev­er allow polit­i­cal vio­lence to take root in America,” Trump said.

The bot­tom line is that Americans must uni­fy,” he went on. His com­ments echoed those he has deliv­ered at ral­lies and sent over Twitter in the wake of the bomb scares, call­ing for uni­ty and a calmer dis­course but refus­ing to tone down his own inflam­ma­to­ry rhetoric.

Minutes after address­ing the threats to promi­nent Democrats, Trump claimed Republicans are often attacked for sup­port­ing him. “Come to think of it, does any­one get attacked more than me?” Trump said.

The devel­op­ment came hours after two addi­tion­al pack­ages were dis­cov­ered, one addressed to Sen. Cory Booker (D‑N.J.), and the oth­er to for­mer Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

Authorities have height­ened their search in Florida, as sev­er­al of the pack­ages may have passed through the state. The FBI said Friday that the pack­age for Booker was found in a Florida mail facility.

Throughout the week, more than 10 pack­ages con­tain­ing poten­tial explo­sive devices have been mailed to law­mak­ers and oth­er pub­lic fig­ures crit­i­cal of Trump, includ­ing for­mer President Barack Obama, for­mer President Bill Clinton, Trump’s 2016 pres­i­den­tial oppo­nent Hillary Clinton, Rep. Maxine Waters (D‑Calif.), actor Robert De Niro and for­mer CIA Director John Brennan.

The pack­age addressed Brennan was sent to CNN’s New York City bureau, spark­ing an evac­u­a­tion Wednesday. Brennan is an MSNBC and NBC con­trib­u­tor. On Friday, postal offi­cials inter­cept­ed the pack­age for Clapper, a CNN con­trib­u­tor, before it could reach the CNN offices, where it was addressed, accord­ing to the network.

All of the pack­ages list­ed the Florida office of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D‑Fla.), the for­mer chair­woman of the Democratic National Committee, as the return address. Story orig­i­nat­ed here: https://​www​.huff​in​g​ton​post​.com/​e​n​t​r​y​/​m​a​i​l​-​p​i​p​e​-​b​o​m​b​-​p​l​o​t​-​s​u​s​p​e​c​t​_​u​s​_​5​b​d​3​2​b​4​d​e​4​b​0​d​3​8​b​5​8​8​2​c​a62