Celebrating The Death Of Someone Who Held Up A Mirror To Your Face Does Not Say Anything Negative About The Departed, It Speaks To Your Character, Or Should I Say The Lack Thereof?.…

Kevin Samuels

Once we are set­tled on some­thing we have been taught for years or real­ly want to believe because they val­i­date our own feel­ings, we are some­times reluc­tant to let go of those beliefs. Regardless of the lev­el of verac­i­ty in new infor­ma­tion avail­able, some peo­ple are pre­dis­posed to turn­ing their backs on new infor­ma­tion because it makes them uncomfortable.
As a result, we some­times end up in a cir­cle of lies that fail to advance us indi­vid­u­al­ly or collectively.
The death of Youtube rela­tion­ship sen­sa­tion Kevin Samuels should have been a sad moment, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the Black com­mu­ni­ty. Across the American expe­ri­ence, Black men are the least pro­tect­ed, most hat­ed, and hunted.
Unfortunately, black-skinned folks have fall­en vic­tim to the same web of deceit and lack of uni­ty that caused us to be shack­led and brought here over four hun­dred years ago, not as proud peo­ple but as dehu­man­ized chat­tel to be exploited.
Whether or not mis­ter Samuels died poor in a small sub­let apart­ment, was his mes­sage any less what it was because he may or may not have had a huge bank account?
Kevin Samuels did not have a tele­vi­sion or radio show; he was rel­e­gat­ed to a Youtube chan­nel. Despite that, women and men logged on to his chan­nel to ask him for rela­tion­ship advice.
I did not know about Kevin Samuels until a few months before his pass­ing. Being curi­ous, I watched a few of his shows; admit­ted­ly, not always in their entire­ty, I do have a short atten­tion span.
I observed that what­ev­er he said must be processed with­in the con­text of the ques­tion or the state­ment made to him.
The sad real­i­ty is that crit­ics gen­er­al­ly don’t care about [con­text]; their objec­tive is not to be ratio­nal and fair; they want to tear down and destroy.

The women who called Kevin Samuels sought him out; he did not call them, so when a woman tells him she want­ed a so-called ‑high-val­ue man, ‑what­ev­er that is? It is only fair that he asked her about her edu­ca­tion, weight, age, and how many chil­dren she has, among oth­er questions.
After all, we live in a shal­low-Al-style soci­ety that val­ues how peo­ple look and how much mon­ey they have. Acquiescing to those real­i­ties, Samuels made deter­mi­na­tions based on what the woman brought to the table and what, in his judg­ment, he believed her pros and cons would attract.
People do not like to hear truths, so they dis­par­age the mes­sen­ger rather than process the mes­sage. That has been one of the Achilles heels of Black America. It is eas­i­er to ridicule the mes­sen­ger than look in the mir­ror and change. They had so much ven­om and dis­gust for Bill Cosby because he chal­lenged young men to pull up their damn pants. They were over­joyed when Cosby was brought down because it made them feel bet­ter about themselves.
Kevin Samuels spoke the truth to women, but that was not what they logged onto his pro­gram for; they were there for him to val­i­date their bullshit.
They want­ed him to tell them that with three chil­dren for three dif­fer­ent baby-dad­dies, no edu­ca­tion, and weigh­ing 280 pounds, they were enti­tled to a man mak­ing six fig­ures, who would cater to her every desire, and he must have no baby-mom­ma drama.
These fan­tasies may exist on plan­et Utopia, and I recent­ly heard they might also be on plan­et Uranus.

If you watch tele­vi­sion and do not like the con­tent, thank God we still have the free­dom to turn the chan­nel. The peo­ple who called and watched Kevin Samuels were there because they want­ed his advice; I find it odd that those who did not like what he had to say or how he said what he said would find joy and com­fort in his pass­ing. That includes not just some of the women who tell them­selves they are queens (small q), but also some sor­ry-ass brothas, who have noth­ing going for them­selves out­side of their pathet­ic abil­i­ties to tear down. Any fool can tear down, it takes real men and women of char­ac­ter to build up. Those who can only tear down include some so-called preach­ers who can­not cut it in the real world, so they pros­ti­tute God’s word to enrich them­selves. There is a spe­cial hell for those demons.
I am all for wok­e­ness, but we delude our­selves when we con­tin­ue to lie to our­selves that we are kings and queens because it makes us feel good in our negativity.
Far too many women seem to think they have a right to be treat­ed with def­er­ence because she is a queen, with four kids, for four dif­fer­ent men and noth­ing else but a bad atti­tude with genitalia.
No one owes you any­thing in rela­tion­ships; add val­ue to your­self, and hope­ful­ly, some­one will see that as some­thing appealing.
Demanding that a man make six fig­ures to allow you to buy fake ass­es, fake hair, fake nails, fake eye­lash­es, fake every­thing is sil­ly. Real men do not want to see you in any of that stuff, for starters.……You attract what you dress for.

Accusing dis­senters of your BS of being misog­y­nis­tic or hav­ing a pho­bia is sim­plis­tic, disin­gen­u­ous & self-serv­ing. Hard truths are not misog­y­ny, regard­less of how often the cor­po­rate media say it is. Far too many women want ready-made wealth rather than com­mit to work­ing with a man who has a good plan. Many of you lie to your­selves that you do not want a man because you can­not get or keep a good man.
You harm your chil­dren through your tox­ic behav­ior toward the fathers who leave you because of that tox­i­c­i­ty. You then weaponize their chil­dren against them, then claim they are dead-bead dads.
You fall prey to the lure of a sys­tem that delib­er­ate­ly cre­at­ed the envi­ron­ment to insti­tu­tion­al­ize Black men leav­ing their chil­dren father­less so they can become fod­der for the prison indus­tri­al com­plex. But you are either too stu­pid or too pride­ful to real­ize it because you are a queen, right?
You are hurt­ing your chil­dren when you sep­a­rate them from their fathers. You are hurt­ing your chil­dren when you fol­low blind­ly behind an American soci­ety that has laid the trap that incen­tivizes you to dis­re­spect your man in front of his chil­dren and call the police and accuse him of abus­ing you.
Society wants the Black man in prison because it knows a child with­out a father in the home is more like­ly to end up in prison and less like­ly to become a pro­duc­tive mem­ber of society.
But you under­stand none of this because you are a queen.…… that thir­ty-five-year-old, six foot five Black man liv­ing with you is not your man but your son; your baby, right? And he, in his igno­rance, sees wher­ev­er you live as his crib, too.
Because of your tox­i­c­i­ty, you raise him to believe the world owes him a liv­ing, but you not only destroy his rela­tion­ship with his father, you make it impos­si­ble for him to become the father he should be. But guess what he most like­ly will be a father to sev­er­al chil­dren, a dys­func­tion­al one. One that the racist sys­tem rev­els in, one that the sys­tem designed with you in mind.

Whether or not Kevin Samuels had mon­ey is not impor­tant. A man’s worth can­not ratio­nal­ly be mea­sured by the mate­r­i­al pos­ses­sions he acquired but by the lega­cy of ser­vice he gave to his fel­low man. Assigning cred­i­bil­i­ty to wealth is asi­nine; it is the rea­son immoral char­ac­ters with mon­ey, and even those who lie about being rich are ele­vat­ed to posi­tions of power.
The most con­se­quen­tial peo­ple to ever grace this earth had no mate­r­i­al wealth of which to speak, yet their lega­cy con­tin­ues to guide the way we live.
Celebrating the death of some­one who held up a mir­ror to your face does not say any­thing neg­a­tive about the depart­ed; it speaks to your char­ac­ter, or should I say the lack thereof?.…
Rest in peace, King!!!






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, a free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.