Hall Of Shame.…..An International Disgrace

Gallery of shame
Gallery of shame

Forty (47) Republicans Senators attached their sig­na­ture to a Letter which they sent to the Iranian Government.
The gist of the mes­sage to the Iranian Government is that what­ev­er deal President Obama (America’s sit­ting President and com­man­der in chief) strikes with them, can and may be wiped away after the pres­i­dent demit office.
Please take a moment to absorb , and assim­i­late the impact and the pos­si­ble con­se­quences of this unprece­dent­ed move.
Pundits and his­to­ri­ans alike have stat­ed there is no prece­dent for this.
Some argue this bor­ders on treason.
Never before in the his­to­ry of the Republic , his­to­ri­ans lament, has the con­gress or parts of it,ever attempt­ed to usurp the author­i­ty of the President in this way much less on for­eign affairs.

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton

Former Democratic Senator and pres­i­den­tial front run­ner Hillary Clinton said quote<one has to ask, what was the pur­pose of this let­ter?

There appear to be two log­i­cal answers,” Clinton said. “Either these sen­a­tors were try­ing to be help­ful to the Iranians or harm­ful to the com­man­der-in-chief in the midst of high-stakes inter­na­tion­al diplo­ma­cy. Either answer does dis­cred­it to the let­ter’s signatories.”

Well Hillary, this is not the first time they have been dis­re­spect­ful or tried to under­mine this President . Remember Joe Wilson’s “You lie”?
Since then it has been inces­sant, just recent­ly Boehner invit­ed Israel’s prime min­is­ter Benjamin Netanyahu to use the US house of Representatives to blast the Iran pol­i­cy of the sit­ting President.
So there is prece­dent for their behavior.
They would rather col­lude with a for­eign pow­er against this President, that try to find com­mon ground toward secur­ing America’s future, and the future of the planet.
Which means they col­lude against their own country.
I am not a Lawyer, and cer­tain­ly not a Constitutional lawyer by any stretch , but if it looks like treason,smells like trea­son behaves like trea­son, oh well.….…..

President Barack Obama slammed the let­ter on Monday, accus­ing the GOP of mak­ing “com­mon cause with the hard-lin­ers in Iran” by attempt­ing to under­cut ongo­ing nego­ti­a­tions that face a first dead­line for a frame­work agree­ment at the end of the month.

Tom Cotton
Tom Cotton

The Republican point man on this lat­est affront to Presidential author­i­ty is Arkansas fresh­man sen­a­tor Tom Cotton. The fact that Cotton would be point man on this is even more unprece­dent­ed. According to sen­ate tra­di­tions Cotton who just took the oath has­n’t even fig­ured out his way around the sen­ate build­ing yet, much less to have inject­ed him­self into inter­na­tion­al nego­ti­a­tions, par­tic­u­lar­ly one this del­i­cate and one which real­ly is the purview of the President.

Only Seven Republican Senators did not sign Cotton’s let­ter to the Mullahs. They are Sens. Jeff Flake, Lisa Murkowski, Lamar Alexander, Dan Coats, Thad Cochran, Susan Collins and Bob Corker.
Guaranteed each had their own self serv­ing rea­son not to, which did not include their alle­giance to the Republic.

Under pres­sure to explain his unprece­dent­ed actions Cotton insist­ed there was noth­ing unprece­dent­ed about what they did, argu­ing that the let­ter was not intend­ed as a par­ti­san move and was instead aimed at keep­ing the U.S. from reach­ing a bad and “dan­ger­ous” deal.

This let­ter is about stop­ping Iran from get­ting a nuclear deal,” Cotton said. “One way that we make sure that we get a bet­ter deal is that we stand strong.”
Here’s the hypocrisy of Cotton and repub­li­cans, if they want­ed to stand strong they would do so stand­ing with the Commander in chief of their coun­try and the oth­er Nuclear armed pow­ers behind the deal being worked out with Iran. They would stand as Democrats did with George Bush after the events of September 11th 2001.
It is not unusu­al for the Political par­ties in this coun­try to be con­tentious. It is also not out of the ordi­nary that there are grave and seri­ous dif­fer­ences when issues of seri­ous import are being con­sid­ered. Never for­get this coun­try fought a civ­il war to decide its way forward.
What is out of the ordi­nary is that Americans would give aid and com­fort to oth­er pow­ers rather than sup­port their own twice elect­ed leader.

You do not stand strong by telling a for­eign pow­er that you are against your own leader.
That is not patri­o­tism, there are oth­er names for that kind of action, and they are not sim­i­lar in mean­ing to patriotism.
Cotton is a for­mer sol­dier and a Harvard edu­cat­ed lawyer. He is also a right-wing hawk who wants war. Republicans want war with Iran.
Expect that there will be far worse than Netanyahu’s speech and Cotton’s let­ter, they will not stop until they get anoth­er war with anoth­er mid­dle east­ern country.

Their goal is to neu­tral­ize any coun­try in that region that has the gall to stand up to the nuclear armed apartheid bas­tion of white suprema­cy we now know as Israel.
Obama will not insti­gate a war against Iran and that makes Obama dan­ger­ous. Waging war against Iraq using lies and dis­tor­tions was not enough. The con­se­quences of Republican lies and decep­tion result­ed in the cre­ation of ISIS and has rad­i­cal­ized young men across the Globe.
They see America as wag­ing war against Islam. President Obama who thank­ful­ly have seen the World out­side as com­pared to his Republican coun­ter­parts , some of whom have nev­er seen any­one out­side their coun­ty of birth,refuses to fall into that trap of mak­ing it seem that America is wag­ing a chris­t­ian cru­sade against Islam.
And for that the idi­ot­ic and idi­ot­ic repub­li­cans crit­i­cize him.

The New York Daily news did not bother with pleasantries
The New York Daily news did not both­er with pleasantries

During the American Civil War Lincoln did not want to free the slaves, con­trary to what you hear today. Lincoln was a slave owner.
Eventually Lincoln had to make the war about some­thing big­ger that him­self, even big­ger than the Union.
There need­ed to be a high­er moral argu­ment for this war…
Lincoln signed the Emancipation declaration.
Not because he was a man of high moral con­vic­tion on the issue of slav­ery as some revi­s­i­tion­ist his­to­ri­an would have you believe.
Lincoln need­ed men to fight, he need­ed a grand idea on which to ral­ly the Union, he also need­ed to pre­vent the French from com­ing in, in defense of it’s Louisiana territory.

It was the moral and right thing for Lincoln to do, the North won the war and the Union survived.
Obama under­stands the con­se­quences of the per­cep­tion of an American cru­sade against Islam, and is doing his lev­el best to avoid that perception.
Unfortunately that lev­el of com­pre­hen­sion can­not be expect­ed from the racist bunch of white suprema­cists which is now the Republican party.

Even those who have seen com­bat, Cotton included,and the car­nage of war, are in no way dis­suad­ed from the fal­la­cy and coun­ter­pro­duc­tive nature of con­stant­ly man­u­fac­tur­ing new enemies.
Instead they con­vince them­selves that brute-force and heavy hand­ed­ness are appro­pri­ate tools in deal­ing with Sovereign powers.
Then they wring their hands and won­der whats behind the think­ing of young peo­ple who head to Syria and Iraq to fight along­side ISIS.


President Obama speaks at the Edmund Pettus bridge
President Obama speaks at the Edmund Pettus bridge

U.S. President Obama speaks at the foot of the Edmund Pettus Bridge in SelmaIt is inter­est­ing to note that not one of these racist war mon­gers who signed Cotton’s let­ter to Iran both­ered to show up in Selma Alabama to com­mem­o­rate the 50th Anniversary of the march across the Edmund Pettus bridge.
Black America’s tri­umphant march across that bridge was sym­bol­ic of more them pre­vail­ing against the raw big­otry of Racist oppression.
They braved bil­ly-clubs, dogs and bul­lets know­ing they were writ­ing the indeli­ble sto­ry of America. The America which still, is an evolv­ing saga yet to be completed.
They had their heads bashed in , bones splin­tered ‚flesh gnarled by vis­cous dogs, because they believed in the phrase ” all men are cre­at­ed equal” and that they too deserve to live as equal men on this land blacks occu­pied before Europeans real­ized the world was not flat.
The big­otry and racism of 1965 has not died or gone away , it dwells just below the sur­face, forced there by strong Federal laws which guar­an­teed that peo­ple were not to be imped­ed when they want­ed to vote.
Laws which guar­an­teed that all Americans , regard­less of race, class, or creed, reli­gious or sex­u­al per­sua­sion should be able to study in the same schools.
Yet the very insti­tu­tion charged with the sacred trust of pro­tect­ing the fun­da­men­tal rights of all the peo­ple is the very insti­tu­tion tear­ing away at the fab­ric of the vot­ing rights act and the right for peo­ple to go to school where they please and con­gre­gate where they please.

When our President speak of the America of his dreams with euphor­ic ora­to­ry and bril­liance, I shud­der to think of what America will be under the likes of Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Marco Rubio, and others.
We may hide our heads in the sand and pre­tend all is well, or we may con­front the real­i­ty of what those like Cotton and his band of 46 dim-wits mean. These are elect­ed offi­cials who hold high office, yet they sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly missed, or chose to miss that whether they like it or not the African-American sto­ry is the sto­ry of America.
Choosing to stay away makes it clear they do not care to respect, rep­re­sent, or relate the black sto­ry, America’s story.
By so doing they have cast them­selves as incon­se­quen­tial foot­notes in the dust-bin of his­to­ry. Rendering them­selves and their par­ty incon­se­quen­tial to the con­ver­sa­tion going forward.
By turn­ing their backs on black America they turned their backs on America.
By turn­ing to Netanyahu and Iran they declared their das­tard­ly dis­loy­al­ty to America in no uncer­tain terms.
That my friends is what the Republican par­ty has become.
An inter­na­tion­al disgrace.….….