Police Continue To Kill Unabated In The US

Walter Scott laying face down , and handcuffed with 5 bullets in him.
Walter Scott lay­ing face down , and hand­cuffed with 5 bul­lets in him.

Since the start of the year over 500 peo­ple have been killed by America’s police forces. Prior to this year there was no actu­al account­ing for the hun­dreds of peo­ple killed each year, as there are no laws or actu­al rules which forces police depart­ments to com­pile accu­rate data of cit­i­zens they kill.
The Federal Bureau of Investigations have said they do not have accu­rate data of the peo­ple killed in the name of law-enforcement.
In many cas­es the vic­tims are unarmed some suf­fer­ing from men­tal issues.
Since the begin­ning of the black lives mat­ter cam­paign, more peo­ple are being sen­si­tized to the seri­ous prob­lem of police mur­der in the United States.
There is still very stiff oppo­si­tion to scruti­ny of police, large­ly by white pro

Khijame Powell killed unnecessarily by st Louis police.Yes you may be legally justified to kill, but are you morally justified?
Khijame Powell
killed unnec­es­sar­i­ly by st Louis police.Yes you may be legal­ly jus­ti­fied to kill, but are you moral­ly justified?

police groups and indi­vid­u­als who are not opposed to cops killing blacks whether they are inno­cent or not.
In many cas­es cops do not hide their prej­u­dices as was the case in San Francisco California where cops tweet­ed to each oth­er that Killing Black People Is Okay Because “It’s Not Against The Law To Put An Animal Down”.
Despite the vile nature of these com­ments , hard­ly any of this made it to the main stream Media.

Shocking as these num­bers are they are not new. they are sim­ply more obvi­ous now that peo­ple are actu­al­ly record­ing police and more Americans are pay­ing attention.
Additionally there is evi­dence that many cops are engaged in the hor­ri­ble prac­tice of plant­i­ng evi­dence and fal­si­fy­ing records in order to gain convictions.

Michael Brown shot several times lay face down , like a dog in the street for hours
Michael Brown shot sev­er­al times lay face down , like a dog in the street for hours

As you might imag­ine the vic­tims of these atroc­i­ties are usu­al­ly Blacks , Latino, and poor whites.

Black Community lead­ers and grass-roots Organizations look to the FBI to take over and inves­ti­gate instances where local District Attorneys refuse to charge police when they com­mit crimes.
The prob­lem with that strat­e­gy is that the FBI main­tains sur­veil­lance assets on black demon­stra­tors who march for account­abil­i­ty of police actions.
Even as the Agency pur­ports to be engaged in some instances in Investigating mis­con­duct of the very same police…

Number 99 jersey Pantaleo killing Eric Garner with an illegal choke-hold while the other killers aided and abetted in the murder
Number 99 jer­sey Pantaleo killing Eric Garner with an ille­gal choke-hold while the oth­er killers aid­ed and abet­ted in the murder

Data from the Guardian shows that black Americans, par­tic­u­lar­ly young black men, face a high­er like­li­hood of being killed by police than their non-black peers. The Guardian’s report­ing sup­ports that find­ing, show­ing that 28.2 per­cent of all peo­ple killed by police this year have been black, despite mak­ing up just 13.2 per­cent of the population.

This Publication Supports Rachael .…

This pub­li­ca­tion sup­port Rachael Dolezal.
RachelDolezalThis pub­li­ca­tion wish­es to reg­is­ter it’s sup­port for Rachael Dolezal for­mer head of the Spokane Washington NAACP.
We would like to reg­is­ter our dis­gust with the per­cep­tion that a dried up with­ered man twice mar­ried and divorced can declare he is now a woman and be award­ed the Arthur Ash medal for courage.
Conversely this edu­cat­ed young woman who may have been eth­i­cal­ly mis­guid­ed in declar­ing her­self black but who have done tremen­dous good as head of her NAACP chap­ter and as an edu­ca­tor is being demo­nized and pilloried.
In essence soci­ety is dic­tat­ing one can mar­ry whomev­er and soon whatever.
One may chose his her gen­der, but nev­er ever assume to be black.
Rachael’s sup­posed birth moth­er when asked whether one can be trans-racial remarked “No, ones race is part of ones genet­ic code”.
Wonder at what stage is one’s gen­der decided?
Ironically the per­son who posed the ques­tion to the senior Dolezals was Thomas Roberts a man who is mar­ried to a man.

Jamaican Tourism: Not Knowing Where It’s Going Is Already There.…

Downtown Montego Bay
Downtown Montego Bay

Opposition spokesper­son on Tourism Shahine Robinson wor­ries that Jamaica is under-per­form­ing when com­pared to oth­er Caribbean destinations.

Robinson not­ed: “Jamaica’s five per cent growth for the first quar­ter of 2015 falls well below sev­er­al of our region­al com­peti­tors, includ­ing Cuba at 14.1 per cent; Dominican Republic 7.4 per cent; Aruba 19.7 per cent; Curaçao 10.3 per cent; and Barbados at 11.1 per cent.” These des­ti­na­tions, she said, reg­is­tered those growth rates in rough­ly the same peri­od as Jamaica.

Beautiful flowers in Montego Bay
Beautiful flow­ers in Montego Bay

This has been a strong con­cern by this medi­um for years, and we have con­sis­tent­ly point­ed to the need to improve the product.
For years Jamaican Authorities has basi­cal­ly rest­ed on their lau­rels, believ­ing that brand Jamaica alone will bring hordes of vis­i­tors flock­ing to our shores.
For decades after Cuba was block­ad­ed by The United States , Jamaica enjoyed tremen­dous fruits from Tourism it real­ly had not earned.
During that time Destinations like the Bahamas , and US Virgin Islands con­tin­ued to see mas­sive returns from their Tourism product.

Neither of the two par­ties Administrations demon­strat­ed the vision to mas­sive­ly trans­form the prod­uct. Like every oth­er sec­tor of the econ­o­my suc­ces­sive Administrations sim­ply sucked resources from the sec­tor with­out under­tak­ing the seri­ous upgrades to keep the prod­uct competitive.
Meanwhile Cuba is back as a des­ti­na­tion , just 90 miles off our coast. Despite mar­gin­al increase in tourists vis­it­ing Jamaica, the finan­cial ben­e­fit to our peo­ple became con­sis­tent­ly less and less.
Not only have they neglect­ed to ade­quate­ly improve Jamaica as a real­is­tic Tourism des­ti­na­tion the

beautiful Dunns River Falls
beau­ti­ful Dunns River Falls

Country has con­sis­tent­ly lost ground due to a seriess of issues.
As such even though there may be more peo­ple com­ing to our shores, the actu­al dol­lar count derived is not what it ought to be.
♦ Crime.
♦ Harassment.
These two issues in par­tic­u­lar has caused tourists to be com­pressed into all inclu­sive resorts which are owned by large cor­po­ra­tions and for­eign interests.
This has lit­er­al­ly shut out small vil­las and guest hous­es, con­cen­trat­ing monies derived from the indus­try into few­er and few­er hands. Small restau­rants , cafes, nov­el­ty stores, and craft shops can no longer depend on tourists to sup­port their businesses.
Most of their pur­chas­es are now done at in-bond stores.

Cruise ship docked in Jamaica
Cruise ship docked in Jamaica

Some of the prime venues in Montego Bay, Ochio Rios and Port Antonio are no longer oper­a­tional. Additionally the Nation’s sec­ond City of Montego Bay, the for­mer epic cen­ter of Caribbean tourism, is now a shell of it’s for­mer glory.
UN-planned , ille­gal set­tle­ments have sprung up all around the city, bring­ing mas­sive crime and oth­er social ills to the once pris­tine yet rus­tic west­ern city.
Despite Jamaica’s inabil­i­ty to devel­op a for­ward-lean­ing tourism prod­uct, tourists con­tin­ue to flock to Jamaica.
The num­bers though noth­ing to scoff at, are not what they could be had author­i­ties cre­at­ed a less myopic approach.
Revenue derived from Tourism could be more equi­tably dis­persed cre­at­ing a bet­ter stan­dard of liv­ing for locals.
Jamaica’s tourism has sur­vived despite neglect from the author­i­ties. Whether this will con­tin­ue remains to be seen.
Though not a bet­ting man , I am will­ing to wager that with Cuba now open for tourism, there will be a mas­sive explo­sion of tourists to that Island.
That will poten­tial­ly pose seri­ous chal­lenges to Jamaica’s abil­i­ty to main­tain it’s cur­rent lev­el of arrivals , much less increase them.
Time will tell.

Killing The Father Then Laughing At The Fatherless Children As A Strategy…

Baltimore Police officers arrest a man following the funeral of Freddie Gray near Mowdamin Mall
Baltimore Police offi­cers arrest a man fol­low­ing the funer­al of Freddie Gray near Mowdamin Mall

How about that?
You kill my father then deride me for being fatherless !!!
Such has been the strat­e­gy of Legislatures all across America in their con­tin­ued march to mar­gin­al­ize and side­line African-American people.

African-Americans could have, and can do a bet­ter job of pro­tect­ing them­selves against the sys­tem but that is a dif­fer­ent con­ver­sa­tion than the one I want to have today.
Systematically design­ing laws which tar­gets Black Americans, then Militarizing Police depart­ments and plac­ing them in com­mu­ni­ties of col­or with strict codes of aggres­sive polic­ing is only one way in which large­ly white leg­is­la­tures have designed the sys­tem to solve their Black problem.

Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton is now forced to put dis­tance between her­self and the oner­ous crime bill her hus­band Bill Clinton a Democrat signed on the backs of poor blacks.
The United States Supreme Court recent­ly stripped away part of the vot­ing Rights Act.
The Argument the Court used in jus­ti­fy­ing it’s deci­sion was that the law was no longer nec­es­sary because the South is not as Racist as it once was.
In oth­er words the court’s argu­ment is that it struck down parts of the law because it worked too well.
Of course, based on the rhetoric and leg­isla­tive actions across the coun­try , the new stan­dard of Democracy from the polit­i­cal right is to keep from the polls the peo­ple who are like­ly to vote for the opposition.

The Goal of the white pow­er struc­ture was always to keep Blacks out of posi­tions of power.
This means black men in par­tic­u­lar must be giv­en a record as ear­ly as possible.
The idea is to ensure that the most aggres­sive forms of polic­ing are employed, irre­spec­tive of legal­i­ty or constitutionality.
Making sure young black men get a crim­i­nal record is mar­ried to laws which says if you have a crim­i­nal record you can­not become a Lawyer or a Judge. You can­not get a job in any sen­si­tive area of Government. Oh and you can­not become a cop either.
It is imper­a­tive that Blacks are kept off police depart­ments if the plan is to work effectively.
As if that was not enough, blacks com­ing out of the prison indus­tri­al com­plex have had their vot­ing rights stripped away.

'We have a significant population gap among African-American males because so many of them have spent time in jail and, as such, we can't hire them,' Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said in an interview.
‘We have a sig­nif­i­cant pop­u­la­tion gap among African-American males because so many of them have spent time in jail and, as such, we can’t hire them,’ Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said in an interview.

If you ask any Legislator what is the rea­son for strip­ping vot­ing rights away from peo­ple with crim­i­nal records ? They tell you sim­ply , that they don’t deserve the right to vote.
That was the answer Presidential wannabes like Mitt Romney and oth­ers gave when asked.
Paying one’s debt to soci­ety is not enough as far as they are con­cerned. Those the sys­tem choos­es to give a crim­i­nal record must also wear a scar­let let­ter for the remain­der of their lives.
That has always been America’s answer to it’s ongo­ing cru­sade to tram­ple and sup­press it’s black population.

So when William Bratton, New York City’s Police Commissioner stat­ed recent­ly that his depart­ment can­not hire blacks because too many have crim­i­nal records,Bratton was essen­tial­ly laugh­ing at the father­less chil­dren he and oth­ers like him cre­at­ed after killing their fathers.
Bratton claimed his com­ments were tak­en out of con­text in an inter­view he gave to British Publication, the Guardian.
In the Interview Bratton said quote: “That’s well known. It’s an unfor­tu­nate fact that in the male black pop­u­la­tion, a very sig­nif­i­cant per­cent­age of them, more so than whites or oth­er minor­i­ty can­di­dates, because of con­vic­tions, prison records, are nev­er going to be hired by a police depart­ment. That’s a real­i­ty. That’s not a byprod­uct of stop-and-frisk,”

NYPD cops surround Eric Garner moments before choking him to death. No cop was held responsible for mister Garner's death.
NYPD cops sur­round Eric Garner moments before chok­ing him to death.
No cop was held respon­si­ble for mis­ter Garner’s death.

Bratton has stri­dent­ly made the case for New York City’s stop-and-frisk laws , dubbed bro­ken-win­dows, argu­ing they are nec­es­sary to remove guns from the streets.
As a for­mer police offi­cer I see ben­e­fits to police hav­ing that tool to stop and search some­one whom they believe may have an ille­gal weapon.
I also agree that when crim­i­nals know they will not be stopped and searched for ille­gal weapons, they are more like­ly to car­ry weapons and use them.

The prob­lem is not that the laws are par­tic­u­lar­ly bad. The prob­lem rests with those empow­ered to enforce them.
When cops uses those very laws to harass , intim­i­date, abuse and humil­i­ate, the laws become a problem.
Bratton like so many oth­ers, fail to see that the very med­i­cine he has been giv­ing the patient is killing him because he stub­born­ly fails to heed the side effects warn­ings in the disclaimer.
As always, when­ev­er I talk about police vio­lence, I try to point out that the police are mere­ly mir­ror­ing the intent behind the devi­ous laws craft­ed and passed by big­ots with­in state leg­is­la­tures across the country.
These laws are designed and passed in state and munic­i­pal leg­is­la­tures, the fight to erad­i­cate police aggres­sion should begin there.
Not in front of Police Headquarters.….

Cops Still Protecting The Drinking Fountains From.….…… The Blacks

Whites and Blacks have separate drinking Fountains....
Whites and Blacks have sep­a­rate drink­ing Fountains.…

The Institution of white Supremacy may be char­ac­ter­ized as ema­nat­ing from intel­lec­tu­al infe­ri­or­i­ty. It per­son­i­fies a psy­cho­log­i­cal weak­ness, intel­lec­tu­al infe­ri­or­i­ty and a mor­bid fear of los­ing if it com­petes on an even play­ing field.
It’s prac­ti­tion­ers though Bullies , demon­strate an infan­tile propen­si­ty to pick up the ball and go home because the oth­ers did not let them win.
Such has been the atti­tude of Europeans who came to the Western World and declared they dis­cov­ered it. Though they came and saw thriv­ing cul­tures where black and Native peo­ple coex­ist­ed peacefully.
They nev­er quite got around to explain­ing how they dis­cov­ered a place where peo­ple exist­ed for hun­dreds of years before they fig­ured out the world was­n’t flat.

Vestiges of the lie of white superiority .. Which is really fear .
Vestiges of the lie of white supe­ri­or­i­ty still exist in the minds of many whites, in essence it real­ly is fear, and the abil­i­ty to com­pete fairly .

Unfortunately for peo­ple of col­or the hoax the crim­i­nal Christopher Columbus and his band of European Dregs per­pet­u­at­ed on Humanity was just the begin­ning of one of the most bru­tal, oppres­sive and mur­der­ous peri­od in doc­u­ment­ed human history.
They pil­laged and raped Africa divid­ing up the con­ti­nent among themselves.
They slaugh­tered hun­dreds of mil­lions of Africans, and took hun­dreds of mil­lions more into slavery.
Native Americans did not fare much bet­ter, entire tribes were slaugh­tered by the set­tlers as they pushed far­ther and far­ther tak­ing all the land from the nether regions of North America to the Pacific Coast.

Killing and enslav­ing oth­ers was not enough, they need­ed to dom­i­nate the world , sep­a­rat­ing peo­ple based on skin col­or, based on the false nar­ra­tive that whites are intel­lec­tu­al­ly supe­ri­or to oth­er races.
The truth, is the guys with gun pow­der decid­ed they would con­trol every­one else.
Ironically the peo­ple who sought to place the rest of the World over a bar­rel at the point of a gun were not smart enough to invent gunpowder.
The Chinese invent­ed Gun-Powder in the 9th cen­tu­ry, more than four cen­turies before the lying Columbus set sail for India and China and lost his way.
Despite invent­ing Gun-pow­der which in my esti­ma­tion was the key com­po­nent of European aggres­sion, the Chinese did not use it to dom­i­nate the rest of the world as the weak mind­ed, uncul­tured Europeans did.
It was depraved indif­fer­ence and a cal­lous lack of moral­i­ty which caused the cap­ture, trans­porta­tion and enslave­ment of African peo­ple here in the west­ern world.
It is that same sub-human lack of con­sci­en­tious­ness which caused the dev­as­ta­tion Europe wrought on Africa.

Texas cop assaulted 15 year old girl
Texas cop assault­ed 15 year old girl

Jim crow laws, and the per­pet­u­a­tion of racial stereo­types still alive and well in America Israel, Canada, Britain and all across Europe are stub­born ves­tiges of a peo­ple who decid­ed the way to world dom­i­na­tion is guar­an­teed through phys­i­cal force and phys­i­o­log­i­cal warfare.
The scourge of police aggres­sion we are wit­ness­ing against peo­ple of col­or in America is not new.
The num­ber one issue of the time dur­ing During Dr. King’s life­time was police treat­ment of Blacks.
Over fifty years lat­er the num­ber one issue fac­ing Black peo­ple in America is Police abuse.

Notwithstanding, it is impor­tant to rec­og­nize that police aggres­sion on blacks and poor whites hap­pens because the Monied Oligarchy wants it so.
The so-called white mid­dle-class giv­en time will real­ize they too will be the next vic­tims of the same aggression.
Hopefully by then it will not be too late to do some­thing about it.

Would he do this to a young white girl? certainly not.
Would he do this to a young white girl?
cer­tain­ly not.

White Supremacy as a pol­i­cy is not sus­tain­able for much longer.
The resid­ual embers of white priv­i­lege some cling to even­tu­al­ly will have seri­ous con­se­quences for the holders.
Why does a cop feel it’s accept­able to toss around a 15-year-old girl, scant­i­ly dressed in bathing attire then kneel­ing in her back as if she was an ani­mal to be subdued?
Why did a cop feel com­fort­able enough to fire 8 bul­lets killing, a 50-year-old man run­ning away with no place to go?
What makes a cop use a banned choke-hold on a man killing him for sell­ing un-taxed cigarettes?
The tragedy for the vic­tims of some of these assaults is that they con­tin­ue to buy into the notion of peace with­out justice.

Texas Cop Eric Casebolt sits on teenage black girl
Texas Cop Eric Casebolt sits on teenage black girl

This behav­ior is rem­i­nis­cent of blacks being blud­geoned by police because they dared to sit at lunch coun­ters wait­ing to be served.
It is the same mind­set which caused black stu­dents to be beat­en and spat upon for dar­ing to want an education.
Eric Casebolt obvi­ous­ly arrived on scene intent on show­ing the black kids they were not human , they did not belong there. Never mind that he had no idea who lived where.
This is what Blacks com­plain about daily.
Black and white per­son in con­flict, black per­son call the police, cop arrives auto­mat­i­cal­ly defaults to the white per­son as the complainant.
The Black per­son is auto­mat­i­cal­ly in the wrong in their minds.
Many peo­ple have sug­gest­ed that cops should at least have a bach­e­lors degree going forward.
Many of their boss­es who write the laws have PhD’s, yet they are the most ignorant.
Eric Casebolt has since resigned. He most like­ly will nev­er be charged for assault­ing those young people.
This will allow him to lay low for some time and soon anoth­er hick-town will hire him to police the streets, where he will once again con­tin­ue to assault those he wants to bully.

Govt Play Cat And Mouse With Public Sector Workers

Peter Phillips finance minister
Peter Phillips finance minister

The Government is being real­ly coy in the way it approach­es these negotiations.
They knew full well that 6% for police would not be well received.
The Government is also aware that what they offered teach­ers would be reject­ed as well .
In essence the govt decid­ed not to nego­ti­ate with itself.
A 7% increase up from 6% makes a mock­ery of the process and the people.
What makes the offers insult­ing is that these work­ers have had their wages frozen in place for years, while infla­tion some months have reached an astound­ing 9.70% >
This means pub­lic sec­tor work­ers are rapid­ly slid­ing below the pover­ty line…

the Government has some seri­ous choic­es to make. In addi­tion to Police who have start­ed sick-out actions, some of the nation’s teach­ers have already start­ed two hour on the job demon­stra­tions. The Nations Doctors on the pub­lic pay­roll have indi­cat­ed that they aren’t feel­ing par­tic­u­lar­ly healthy.
There are over 40.000 pub­lic sec­tor work­ers with whom the Government still needs to meet on salary issues.
The Government has includ­ed some $165 bil­lion in the 201516 bud­get for wages and salaries, which is four per cent high­er than last year’s wage bill, accord­ing to the Jamaica Observer report­ing. The prob­lem with that increase is that the last wage bill was not last fis­cal year.
Public sec­tor work­ers who have been on a wage freeze deserve a pay increase, at least to off-set the cost of gal­lop­ing infla­tion. The infla­tion rate fluc­tu­ates from a report­ed 4% on the low end, to a 9.70% depend­ing on the month.

The gov­ern­ment can­not be in the busi­ness of pass­ing IMF tests for the sake of pass­ing tests.
Of course it is impor­tant to meet tar­get­ed goals !
It is dou­bly impor­tant to rec­og­nize that mere­ly meet­ing those goal does not advance the foot-ball down the field , meet­ing them sim­ply keep you on the field.
At some point in time the Government will have to come up with a game-plan that does­n’t just keep the team on the field but one that depicts a path to a poten­tial win.
Meeting IMF tar­gets is good for the Fund, bad for the work­ers and the nation.

Editor Does Not Get It Either.…

Editorial: Mr Dalley Should Do As He Says
Jamaica gleaner.

Published:Thursday | June 4, 2015
THE GOVERNMENT is final­ly telling pub­lic-sec­tor unions the truth. But talk­ing about its dan­ger, or hold­ing it above their heads like the sword so feared by Damocles is not the solu­tion. The answer is for the admin­is­tra­tion to muster the courage to cut away the problem.

Our ref­er­ence is to the warn­ing by Horace Dalley, the Government’s wage nego­tia­tor, that there would have to be a cut of up to 15,000 pub­lic-sec­tor jobs if the Government were to acqui­esce to the wage demands of state employ­ees, some of whom, like the police, have asked for as much as 200 per cent. Most, how­ev­er, are more mod­est at around 30 per cent, over two years. The Government’s offer is a five per cent hike on basic pay.

Mr Dalley and his boss, Finance Minister Peter Phillips, have cor­rect­ly placed the mat­ter of the wage nego­ti­a­tions in the con­text of the eco­nom­ic reform project being under­tak­en by the Government, with tute­lage from the International Monetary Fund. The pro­gram­me’s pri­ma­ry aim is to bring the fis­cal accounts into bal­ance and to place the coun­try’s unsus­tain­able debt on a down­ward tra­jec­to­ry. An impor­tant bench­mark of the pro­gramme is for the Government to run a fis­cal sur­plus of 7.5 per of gross domes­tic prod­uct (GDP).


The reforms, of course, make sense. For as the sen­si­ble often point out, Jamaica’s inep­ti­tude at man­ag­ing its finances con­tributed to its high lev­els of bor­row­ing, lead­ing to a bal­loon­ing debt that was head­ing towards 150 per cent of GDP. The Government’s gour­man­dis­ing on debt left lit­tle room for pri­vate invest­ment in the real econ­o­my. The result: anaemic growth.

Adjustments, such as those being under­tak­en, are nei­ther easy nor pain­less, to which Jamaicans will read­i­ly attest. But the more egre­gious wrong, over the longer term, would be for the Government to retreat from the project and to raise pub­lic-sec­tor salaries with­out doing more.


First, we believe that gov­ern­ment work­ers ought to be paid sub­stan­tial­ly more, but in the con­text of an effi­cient, pro­duc­tive entre­pre­neur­ial pub­lic sec­tor that func­tions as a part­ner with, and facil­i­ta­tor of, the pri­vate sec­tor. We do not, how­ev­er, believe that this can be achieved — that is, bet­ter paid, effi­cient pub­lic bureau­cra­cy — with the bloat­ed civ­il ser­vice whose pro­duc­tiv­i­ty con­tin­ues to decline at a rate faster than most oth­er cat­e­gories of Jamaican workers.

Yet, as a group, rel­a­tive to their per­for­mance, pub­lic-sec­tor work­ers can­not claim to have done all that bad­ly. In the past decade, since the 2004-05 fis­cal year, the Government’s wage bill, minus pen­sion pay­ments, despite two rounds of wage freezes, has risen by 157 per cent, not far (around 10 per­cent­age points) behind the move­ment in the con­sumer price index.

Indeed, even at only the pro­ject­ed five per cent increase, the pub­lic-sec­tor wage bill would, this fis­cal year, con­sume 36 per cent of the gov­ern­ment rev­enue and 26 per cent of all its pro­ject­ed spend. When inter­est cost is added to the wage bill, that eats up 65 per cent of the rev­enue, leav­ing not much to do little.

We agree with Audley Shaw, the shad­ow finance min­is­ter. Public sec­tor should be paid more. But that can’t hap­pen with their bulging num­bers. Genuine pub­lic-sec­tor reform is urgent, includ­ing tak­ing the scalpel to the sec­tor and, with sur­gi­cal pre­ci­sion, excis­ing the bloat, unnec­es­sary and the waste­ful. This, clear­ly, is not a polit­i­cal­ly easy task. It is the right one.




How can a Socialist Government take a Scalpel to the bloat­ed pub­lic sec­tor when it’s entire phi­los­o­phy is one of Government doing for peo­ple what they should do for themselves.

The present Administration does not under­stand how a mar­ket econ­o­my works, as such it becomes impos­si­ble for the coun­try to claw it’s way out of the present cri­sis it’ faces.
Anyone who believes the present path dic­tat­ed by the IMF is a path to rebuild­ing the Nation’s econ­o­my is delusional.
The path laid out by the fund is designed to ensure the coun­try is able to pay back to the fund what it owes with interest.
Of course if the peo­ple were wide-eyed they would real­ize this is an unsus­tain­able path to nowhere.
Wherever the IMF is hap­py social dis­or­der becomes the nat­ur­al order.
I wish the Editor would explain how this path will lead to pros­per­i­ty, or even a seri­ous reduc­tion of the nations debt.


You accom­plish this by telling your sup­port­ers that there are no safe havens any place, in any Garrison con­trolled by your party.
Then dis­man­tle the Garrisons.
No PM Miller, Garrisons do not have to have walls.
Equip, train, and pay the police.
Cut the bloat­ed pub­lic sec­tor workforce.
Yes that includes polit­i­cal hacks who are a drain on the coun­try’s mea­ger resources, . Yes fam­i­ly mem­bers and friends are included.
Pass laws com­men­su­rate with the rapid­ly chang­ing times . Penalties should put seri­ous offend­ers behind bars for long peri­ods of time . Seek to reha­bil­i­tate non-vio­lent offenders.

Cut unnec­es­sary restric­tions on imports, there­by remov­ing the pro­tec­tion accord­ed cer­tain sec­tors of the pri­vate sector.
A pri­vate sec­tor should be open­ly com­pet­i­tive. Those who can­not com­pete will be weed­ed out.
An open com­pet­i­tive pri­vate sec­tor dri­ves down prices to consumers.
Remove fam­i­ly friends and loy­al­ists from the pub­lic sec­tor pay­roll. Slash non-essen­tial work­ers , orga­nize to get them loans so they may go to school or do start up businesses.
Self explanatory.
Bring more small oper­a­tors into com­pli­ance this will relieve the bur­den on PAYE workers.
Jamaica has no short­age of sun and wind. Have Industry and Commerce get off their fat rear-ends and go seek investors who are inter­est­ed in help­ing to devel­op our Solar and wind capa­bil­i­ties. There is no rea­son Jamaica should be addict­ed to dirty oil.
Developing roads , water and elec­tric­i­ty , reduces urban sprawl, encour­ages rur­al devel­op­ment and builds the economy.
Adopt these sim­ple steps and watch Private sec­tor invest­ment flood our coun­try. Do these and guar­an­teed we have to turn some investors away.
There is no rea­son Jamaicans should be liv­ing in a pover­ty-strick­en crime infest­ed hell-hole.
That is how a nation is built , not on pseudo/​socialist give-aways.