Old Jamaica proverb “you lie with dogs you rise with fleas”. 

Sometime ago I wrote an arti­cle in which I cau­tioned Commissioner of Police Owen Ellington not to cozy up to the Reactionary Forces arrayed against the Jamaican peo­ple at Fagan Avenue. I argued then that they would encour­age him to dis­man­tle the police force then dump him. Ellington has embarked on a path of rad­i­cal change for the Force geared he argues, at the mod­ern­iza­tion and trans­for­ma­tion of the Agency. Many of the changes he enact­ed came at the cha­grin of mem­bers of his depart­ment and to for­mer mem­bers like myself. For exam­ple, the week­ly Force Orders is a pri­vate com­mu­nique between the Commissioner and his offi­cers. The gen­er­al pub­lic has no expec­ta­tion of access to such communication.


Commissioner Owen Ellington

Companies and Agencies whether pub­lic of pri­vate have inter­nal mem­os which are for the infor­ma­tion of employ­ees only . That argu­ment is more true for the JCF which is an Agency charged with Crime pre­ven­tion and National Security in a broad­er spec­trum. I thought it beyond the pale when Mister Ellington decid­ed to make it pub­lic. The Police Force Orders details com­mu­ni­ca­tion between the Commissioner and his offi­cers as well as move­ment of per­son­nel. I believed and argued it was a fun­da­men­tal breach of secu­ri­ty do so. Today as more and more offi­cer are killed in Jamaica, my con­tention takes on more res­o­nance. I believe Commissioner Ellington went over­board in attempt­ing trans­paren­cy to assuage and respond to the Criminal Rights Fraternity, Headquartered at Fagan Avenue, and in par­tic­u­lar to cur­ry favor with Carolyn Gomes. What Ellington did not know was that as soon as he had giv­en Gomes and her acolytes what they want­ed they would call for his head.

download (1)Criminal Rights Advocate Carolyn Gomes

It did not take long for my words to come to pass. JFJ Opens Fire On Ellington.http://​jamaica​-glean​er​.com/​g​l​e​a​n​e​r​/​2​0​1​3​1​1​2​3​/​l​e​a​d​/​l​e​a​d​2​.​h​tmlExecutive direc­tor of Jamaicans for Justice, Dr Carolyn Gomes, has tar­get­ed Ellington, blunt­ly call­ing for his head.She charged that Ellington has failed to keep the mur­der rate under con­trol and improve the police clear-up rate for murder.“He has presided over the high­est cumu­la­tive rate of police fatal shoot­ings ever seen in Jamaica …. It is time for him to go,” said Gomes.“We have seen three months in which more than one per­son a day was killed by the police, cul­mi­nat­ing in the killing of 36 per­sons by the police in the month of October,” she added.

I have con­sis­tent­ly warned that Gomes is not doing what she does because she cares about any­one but Carolyn Gomes. She has received large sums of cash from for­eign coun­tries like Germany and oth­ers. No one both­ers to ask what is it that these coun­tries want in return? Jamaicans are either too stu­pid or has their heads too far up their own ass­es. Too pre­oc­cu­pied with their own sense of self-impor­tance, to rec­og­nize that coun­tries do not have friends , they have inter­ests. What is their inter­ests in Jamaica ?

So here’s a thought , dis­man­tle the secu­ri­ty forces you dis­man­tle the rule of law. Dismantle the rule of law anar­chy prevails,anarchy equals no growth, no invest­ments, no pro­duc­tion, per­pet­u­al bor­row­ing. Look at what they did to Haiti the first black nation in the west­ern hemi­sphere. They made sure Haiti would not be a coun­try blacks could look at with pride, they nev­er for­gave the Haitians for win­ning their inde­pen­dence with bul­lets and guns. Jamaicans on the oth­er hand has allowed their elit­ist atti­tudes to cloud their vision to what’s real­ly going on . It is a clever sleigh of hand that has them com­plete­ly mes­mer­ized. I am here to look out for your Human Rights. So Gomes sows the seeds of anar­chy and gang­ster-ism, effec­tive­ly had the police shack­led, offers sanc­tu­ary to the crim­i­nals and when mur­ders gets out of hand she blames the police and calls for the head of the Commissioner. That is a bril­liant plot which she did not hatch alone, I have been warn­ing about her actions for two years in these blogs. Anyone doubt­ing this needs to pay atten­tion this is com­ing from high­er up than Carolyn Gomes. Look for crime to climb much high­er in the months to come, it’s all part of the plan.

It is incred­i­ble what harm one per­son can cause in a coun­try like Jamaica. A coun­try which is impressed with a light skinned mulat­to with DR behind her name!!!


  1. I am not a man who fan­cies the com­mish as you have already known from his stint with macmil­lan to dis­man­tle oper­a­tions base and trans­fer senior crime fight­ers to nev­er nev­er. That November had 30 days and mur­der was 39 and guess what it nev­er looks back after that. The crim­i­nal ele­ment knows where police per­son­nel are trans­ferred to and there­fore is able to track them and ter­mi­nate them then get big lawyers to rep­re­sent them in court. Even she the Carolyn Gomes is been played. No black coun­tries with poten­tial for growth will be spared

  2. Mister Ellington, there is a good old Jamaican say­ing “if you lie with dog, you will get fleas, if you sleep with dog, you will get fleas!”

    As a for­mer mem­ber of the JCF and I am not a sup­port­er of the cur­rent CP, Mr. Ellington. I must admit, he is “anti-police” as the “Mountebank” Dr. Carolyn Gomes. She is not there try­ing to make Jamaica a safer place, her job is to cre­ate “hav­oc, may­hem, fear and com­fort” for criminals.

    It is time for the well think­ing Jamaicans to rise and go to “Fagan Avenue” and let this woman know that “It is time for her to leave Jamaica and go to Europe.”

    Mr. Ellington you have done every­thing in your pow­er to “dis­man­tle, dec­i­mate and destroyed” the lit­tle left of the police force for this “Mountebank” and her organization.
    Now, the “moun­te­bank” is call­ing for your head?
    This goes right back to the core of the prob­lem for her “you’re a lit­tle poor man’s child with too much pow­er. She used you, now she wants noth­ing more to do with you.”

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