Cancel Culture Running Amok

In America, a suc­cess­ful Governor gets run out of office large­ly by his own par­ty (yet unproven alle­ga­tions of improp­er advances toward women). Still, a one-term twice impeached failed pres­i­dent who trea­so­nous­ly planned a coup to over­throw the estab­lished Government to install him­self is charged with noth­ing after los­ing an election.
He gets to run around grift­ing to attempt anoth­er takeover of the Government.
Way to set out prin­ci­pled pri­or­i­ties for the rest of the world to emulate.
Sickening on all fronts.……
And I’m not even a Cuomo fan.
Those of you who would come for me, “I said what I said.

It is remark­able how Democrats are weak and feck­less, how quick­ly they turn on each oth­er at the drop of a hat. Imagine how quick­ly they turned on Andrew Cuomo while the oth­er par­ty coa­lesced around their [crim­i­nals] who com­mit far worse crimes, up to trea­son, things Governor Cuomo could nev­er imagine.
And while we are at it, let me say unequiv­o­cal­ly that I do not sup­port any sex­u­al assault against any­one. Not men on women, not women on men, not men on men, not women on women.
No unwant­ed sex­u­al advances of any kind; in fact, I rec­om­mend to all con­cerned that there be no sex­u­al con­tact of any kind.
To be safe, do not say any­thing to any­one, do not say any­thing to your women co-work­ers that could remote­ly be con­strued to be sex­u­al or flir­ta­tious in nature. Make your con­ver­sa­tions be only about work.
If you are a male man­ag­er, CEO, or in any lead­er­ship posi­tion in a com­pa­ny or orga­ni­za­tion and you must speak to female sub­or­di­nates, please have anoth­er female employ­ee present and, where pos­si­ble, to be on the safe side, record your con­ver­sa­tions with them.
[Me Too] is hyper-fem­i­nism on steroids. It is an unfor­giv­ing cru­sade deter­mined to can­cel with­out due process, any­one unfor­tu­nate enough to elic­it their ire at any giv­en time.
The truth is that it isn’t even about account­abil­i­ty because some of the worst offend­ers who have con­fessed have suf­fered no consequence.
In fact, the chief ser­i­al offend­er went on to be pres­i­dent of the United States.

Do not invite female sub­or­di­nates to any social event. If there are com­pa­ny socials, del­e­gate plan­ning to a female to avoid any sem­blance of impropriety.
There is a change in the matrix of what is accept­able in the work­place today.
Just as we frown at smok­ing in indoor spaces today, some­thing that was a sta­ple a mere five years ago, men must adjust to the new real­i­ties of what is and isn’t accept­able behav­ior relat­ed to women in the work­place, par­tic­u­lar­ly if you are in a super­vi­so­ry role…
We are in a tran­si­tion peri­od. It’s like a place where sev­er­al rivers meet. It is a place that becomes a whirlpool; in that whirlpool, it is pret­ty easy to get sucked in.
No one should have to sur­ren­der their dig­ni­ty to secure or main­tain a job. On the oth­er hand, many of the accusers of men today will not both­er to men­tion that they used every fem­i­nine wile they pos­sessed to get what they want, only to cry foul to get more, usu­al­ly wads of cash, usu­al­ly through civ­il lawsuits…
Many men are afraid to speak out, pet­ri­fied of incur­ring the wrath of the fem­i­nist can­cel horde.
Me, I am not. Go ahead and can­cel me for speak­ing the truth. You can­not can­cel some­one who has no pow­er or is not a clout chas­er. It is for those rea­sons that I speak my mind with­out regard for pop­u­lar sen­ti­ments. I do not write for likes. I write because it is what’s inside me.
This tirade is in no way a defense of Andrew Cuomo. I have no way of deter­min­ing whether Governor Cuomo is guilty or not.
Neither do you.
What we have are alle­ga­tions of impro­pri­ety, and they are yet unproven. The words of elven women words have not yet been test­ed in a court of law.
So, like Al Franken, Andrew Cuomo has been can­celed with­out even hav­ing a chance to defend him­self in a court of law.
Guilty or not.
Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.