Practitioners of Islam do not see their Religious Book the Koran, or their Prophet Mohammed the same way Christians see the Bible and Jesus Christ, as such it is difficult for Christians to comprehend the burgeoning wave of anger and violence that allegations of disrespect directed at the Islamic prophet Mohammed has generated once again.

It is a very dif­fi­cult sub­ject for all of us, Christians and Muslims alike , on the one hand, we desire that all humans would be respect­ful of the reli­gious choic­es of oth­ers, yet on the oth­er it can­not be that those who feel dis­re­spect­ed, use vio­lence and mur­der as a rem­e­dy to any such per­cep­tion of dis­re­spect, real or perceived.

Some Muslims do not respect the Bible, some Muslims destroy Bibles, some Christians dis­re­spect the Koran, some Christians destroy the Koran. Some Muslims deface and destroy edi­fices with which they disagree.

Is it legit­i­mate then for non-Muslims to react they way some Muslims react under sim­i­lar cir­cum­stances when the shoe is on the oth­er foot ?

The truth is there are idi­ot­ic peo­ple who pro­fess to be Christians, Muslims and all oth­er Religions, they are with­in the ranks of Agnostics and Atheists too.

The ques­tion we must ask is sim­ply this “As reli­gious peo­ple, is it the right thing to do when we kill oth­ers all because our sen­si­bil­i­ties are offended”?

As occu­pants of this ever shrink­ing Planet we must avail our­selves to the real­i­ty that we all have to live here, as such it must be of para­mount impor­tance that all of us, irre­spec­tive of our dif­fer­ences , find the ties which bind us rather than strain the dif­fer­ences which divide us.

It can­not be that ever time some idiot with an Axe to grind have some­thing stu­pid to say, irre­spec­tive of how offen­sive it is, that the response is the killing of oth­ers and the destruc­tion of property.

If Islamic Countries can­not or will not guar­an­tee the safe­ty of American Nationals liv­ing and, or work­ing in their coun­tries, why should they expect that their pro­fes­sion­als and oth­ers doing the same in America and oth­er Western Nations be protested?

There are more than enough bone-head­ed Racists liv­ing in Western Nations includ­ing the US to make trou­ble for all of us, but equal­ly, the Neanderthal mobs who kill, maim and destroy in the name of Allah, cer­tain­ly do not occu­py a supe­ri­or moral perch.

Irrespective of pre­vi­ous teach­ings Muslims Must devel­op a greater tol­er­ance to views opposed to theirs, the penal­ty for dis­sen­sion can­not be death.

The reac­tion to the stu­pid ‚unin­formed opin­ions of a few agent provo­ca­teurs, can nev­er be jus­ti­fied with the shed­ding of the blood of the innocent.

I am not a stu­dent of Mohammed, I am how­ev­er inclined to believe he would be opposed to this course of action.