As the Election cam­paign heats up we have been giv­en a taste of what’s in store for us for the next 6 months. We can look for­ward to a steady diet of lies racist innu­en­dos and a con­stant [oth­er­ing] sic of Barack Obama.

We may also expect the same old pre­dictabli­ty of wishy-washy Democrats. They will hide wher­ev­er they feel will afford them some cov­er and they will leave all the heavy lift­ing to the President. Yet those cow­ards on the bal­lot come November will not hes­i­tate to ride his coat-tails in the event he is succesful.

Republicans have argued that this elec­tion will be about the econ­o­my. After all why not? Mitch McConnell Republican Minority leader in the sen­ate syn­op­sised the entire­ty of repub­li­can strat­e­gy for the dura­tion of Obama’s pres­i­den­cy. “Our only goal is to ensure that Barack Obama is one term pres­i­dent” This state­ment came while the pres­i­dent was just inau­gu­rat­ed and grap­pling with try­ing to save the coun­try from a total finan­cial col­lapse. They have spent the last 3 12 years doing every­thing in their pow­er, and trust me they have pow­er­ful friends , to destroy the pres­i­den­cy of Barack Obama, pick up the pieces lat­er and gov­ern for anoth­er decade. That is the strat­e­gy of repub­li­cans. Real patri­ots those republicans.

It is clear that the elec­tions will not be about the econ­o­my as the talk­ing heads on cable have been par­rot­ing, it will be about lies.

On issue after issue, repub­li­cans have dis­tort­ed pres­i­dent Obama’s record and have vir­tu­al­ly got­ten away with it. Cable hosts like Wolf Blitzer, Candy Crowley and Howard Kurtz of CNN have allowed them to lit­er­al­ly spout their talk­ing points as truth, with­out stop­ping them and point­ing to what they know are lies. Fox mis­in­for­ma­tion does not pre­tend, so we know what to expect from them , but CNN has parad­ed as a gen­uine News Organization , which they real­ly aren’t .

One of the knocks against Democrats is that they are wishy-washy, they have for decades allowed repub­li­cans to frame the debate paint­ing them as what the repub­li­cans want them to be at any giv­en time. Big spenders, tax and spend lib­er­als, social­ists, weak on nation­al defense, lovers of big gov­ern­ment, and a whole hosts of oth­er labels which are bet­ter suit­ed to repub­li­cans , but which they suc­cess­ful­ly project onto democrats.

What do democ­rats do ? Nothing, they do noth­ing, they parse and speak from the cor­ners of their mouths even, though they are the par­ty of bal­anced bud­gets, look­ing out for the poor and the mid­dle-class, the par­ty which keeps the peace, and the par­ty which have striv­en for the rights and dig­ni­ty of all Americans.

Republicans are gen­er­al­ly racists and liars, some racists, some liars, some racist liars, they may be all those things , but they are disciplined.

President Obama is out cam­paign­ing and stick­ing it to Mitt Romney the can­di­date of the 1%, many argue that the pres­i­dent should leave some of the heavy lift­ing to sur­ro­gates. If recent occur­rence are any barom­e­ter, then the pres­i­dent is doing what he needs to do, do what he wants done, himself.

With friends like Ed Rendell and Corey Booker Newark’s Mayor it is clear to see why the pres­i­dent can­not trust his mes­sage to democ­rats. Many democ­rats are look­ing out for their own brand, or are either sold out to the very spe­cial inter­est the pres­i­dent is lash­ing out against.

Barack Obama has a ter­rif­ic sto­ry to tell, he has pulled the coun­try back from the precipice of finan­cial ruina­tion, under his watch we have had con­tin­u­ous growth and over 5 mil­lion jobs cre­at­ed, Osama Bin Laden is dead and General motors is alive. the lat­ter coined by Joe Biden so I can­not take cred­it for it. A health care Bill has been passed and even though repub­li­cans have stat­ed their inten­tion to repeal it, we are yet to hear what their plans are for the coun­try’s over 25 mil­lion peo­ple who have no health care and the tens of mil­lion more who have insufficient.

What’s inter­est­ing is that repub­li­cans have offered up not one sug­ges­tion as to what they would do with the peo­ple whom are already cov­ered under the afford­able care act(Obama care). So we must con­clude that all the young peo­ple now cov­ered untill age 26 on their par­ents insur­ance will be thrown off, these peo­ple are not heavy users of health insur­ance because of their age, but what will hap­pen to the seniors, and the mil­lions who were told they had pre-exist­ing con­di­tions before the afford­able care act became law?


This elec­tion is close because Republicans are ‚mas­ters of lies and decep­tion. It is an absolute art-form which enables one to con­vince oth­ers to take actions against their own self-inter­est. Marvelous indeed, repub­li­cans have tapped into hate, fear and anx­i­ety of the ill-informed mass­es of whites in this coun­try. They have paint­ed the pres­i­dent as an Other, Socialist, European Socialist, Fascist, Kenyan, Illegal Alien, Traitor,Arab, and a pletho­ra of oth­er deroga­to­ry names with a view to dis­cred­it him and to nul­li­fy his presidency.

This is at the heart of Mitch McConnell’s state­ment about mak­ing Obama a one term president.

This is at the heart of what they mean when they talk about tak­ing back their coun­try, take back their coun­try from who ? what makes them feel this land is any­more theirs than it is Obama’s or blacks or any­one else?

Trump  Palin

It is what’s at the heart of the birther non­sense, pro­mul­gat­ed by this orange haired ego­ma­ni­a­cal moron, it is what at the heart of this clue­less race bait­ing idiot Sarah Palin. One would have thought that after pres­i­dent Obama squished Trump at the White house cor­re­spon­den­t’s din­ner he would have dis­ap­peared like the Carnival Barker he is. But his over-sized ego will not allow him to dry up and blow away.

These are the faces of the mod­ern-day repub­li­can par­ty, the par­ty which has with­out a doubt staked its claim as the par­ty of the 1%. They havent even tried to cov­er this up, yet mil­lions and mil­lions of peo­ple will fol­low a bought-and-paid for cor­po­rate shill over the cliff, like rats to the wail­ing flute of the pied piper, vot­ing the inter­est of the 1 %.

Joan Walsh Editor of Salon​.com http://​www​.salon​.com/ put it suc­cinct­ly, when she stat­ed it was one of the most embar­rass­ing days of her life when the pres­i­dent of the United States had to show his birth cer­tifi­cate to an orange haired bul­ly. I agree with Joan Walsh, I dis­agreed with President Obama, I would not have released my birth cer­tifi­cate, he had no oblig­a­tion to do so and as pres­i­dent of the United States I would be all too will­ing to have that issue dom­i­nate the dis­course all the way to the next elections.

Joan Walsh.

Republicans have noth­ing to run on , in any oth­er coun­try this pres­i­dent would be a shoo-in for a sec­ond term. Some argue that race does not play a part in their crit­i­cisms of Obama. After all they argue he was elect­ed pres­i­dent even though he is a mem­ber of the minor­i­ty. To those I say with due respect, have you seen the most recent cen­sus reports as it relates to the latter?

There is a chasm between white men and pres­i­dent Obama as far as the polling data in con­cerned. This leads me to con­clude what I already knew and what we became aware of many years ago. The most feared man in America is an edu­cat­ed black man. Barack Obama has unearthed their deep­est fears, they have nev­er been forced to com­pete on an even play­ing field. They made the rules, they offi­ci­at­ed the games, they picked up the ball and went home when they saw fit.

This all came crash­ing down when Barack Hussein Obama became the 44th pres­i­dent of the United States of America.

Every lie they ever told for over three hun­dred years were laid bare. Staring back at them was the by-prod­uct of every­thing they had tried to kill, sup­press, and emasculate.

Like a phoenix the Black race has shown its indomitable spirt and its will nev­er die, but that it poss­es the will to rise from the ash­es of what some thought was its demise.

Like a phoenix we will con­tin­ue to rise.