Call The United Incident What It Is: Police Violence

We thought that we would share this and get your opin­ion on whether this type of law enforce­ment is nec­es­sary, par­tic­u­lar­ly when the per­son being bat­tered paid for the seat he was sit­ting in and had done noth­ing wrong.
The ques­tion has got be what would cause Police to bat­ter a 69 year old man leav­ing him bleed­ing and dazed when all he was guilty of is sit­ting in the seat he paid for.
Over the years we have seen video evi­dence of police beat­ing , body slam­ming and assault­ing peo­ple of all ages. Yet it is even more shock­ing when we wit­ness so-called peace offi­cers who are sup­posed to pro­tect and serve the pub­lic act instead like reg­u­lar thugs.
Which begs the ques­tion, at what stage does an offi­cer say I will not use force on this per­son no mat­ter how right and jus­ti­fied that offi­cer may think he is?

The arti­cle speaks to whether this would have hap­pened to a white woman ? The writer knew quite well that it wouldn’t .
So we have to ask why is it that some peo­ple are treat­ed this way when oth­ers would­n’t be?
Watching Television this morn­ing I saw a woman in the news busi­ness relate to CNN she was paid $11,000.00 to give up seats as well . Only dif­fer­ence for her , her hus­band and daugh­ter on their way from Florida to New York.
They were all white.