California Police Officers Charged In 2020 Death Of Man That Mirrored The Murder Of George Floyd

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It’s been exact­ly three years since California Highway Patrol offi­cers pulled over Edward Bronstein for a traf­fic stop and he died in police cus­tody as he screamed, “I can’t breathe!” while offi­cers restrained him to take a blood sam­ple. You like­ly noticed the case sounds very sim­i­lar to the mur­der of George Floyd? Only dif­fer­ence is that it occurred less than two months before Floyd was killed by police offi­cers in Minneapolis as he also screamed, “I can’t breathe.

On Wednesday, Los Angeles County District Attorney George Goscón chargedsev­en California Highway Patrol offi­cers and a nurse with invol­un­tary manslaugh­ter over the death of Bronstein. According to the Los Angeles County coro­ner, Bronstein’s death was caused by “acute metham­phet­a­mine intox­i­ca­tion dur­ing restraint by law enforce­ment” But, Goscón argued dur­ing a press con­fer­ence that offi­cers had a “legal duty to Mr. Bronstein” and he believes that “they failed their duty and their fail­ure was crim­i­nal­ly neg­li­gent, caus­ing his death.”

On March 31, 2020, Bronstein was dri­ving on Interstate 5 in Burbank when Officers Osmanson and Terry pulled him over for sus­pect­ed dri­ving under the influ­ence. The offi­cers then took Bronstein to a near­by CHP park­ing lot and obtained a war­rant to draw his blood. Bronstein ini­tial­ly refused the blood draw but then agreed to com­ply as offi­cers pushed him to the ground

The offi­cers charged are accused of pin­ning Bronstein to the ground as a nurse drew his blood. While he was being force­ful­ly restrained, Bronstein noti­fied offi­cers mul­ti­ple times that he couldn’t breathe, to the point where he became unre­spon­sive. Nearly 10 min­utes after he became unre­spon­sive, the offi­cers attempt­ed CPR, but Bronstein nev­er regained con­scious­ness and was lat­er pro­nounced dead, accord­ing to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.

Also sim­i­lar to the mur­der of George Floyd, an 18-minute video was released a year ago show­ing what led to Bronstein’s death.

If con­vict­ed, the offi­cers face up to four years in prison.