California Police Fatally Shoot Black Man Running Away In The Back

Police in San Bernardino, California, released body cam­era footage Tuesday evening show­ing offi­cers fatal­ly shoot­ing a Black man in the back.

The footage offers new details on Saturday’s police killing of 23-year-old Robert Adams, who fam­i­ly says may have been unaware of law enforcement’s pres­ence until they exit­ed an unmarked car with guns drawn.

The way they pulled up was like some gang mem­bers about to do a dri­ve-by,” his father, Robert Adams Sr., told HuffPost. “They nev­er rolled down the win­dow and said, ‘This is the police.’ We can see that they jumped out of the car and just start­ed imme­di­ate­ly open­ing fire.”

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The San Bernardino Police Department said it received a call from a “cit­i­zen infor­mant” on July 16 say­ing that a “Black male armed with a gun was in the park­ing lot” of what the author­i­ties said was an ille­gal online gam­bling business.

According to police, two offi­cers who were con­duct­ing “sur­veil­lance” in the area went to the park­ing lot and saw Adams hold­ing a gun in his hand. Police said they recov­ered a loaded gun on the scene, but his moth­er dis­putes that he was armed.

Tamika Deavila King, Adams’ moth­er, told HuffPost that he was on the phone with her talk­ing about his best friend get­ting a new car. King said her son was hold­ing a cell­phone, not a gun, when police arrived.

Robert Adams in a family photo.
Robert Adams in Family pic.

The body­cam footage shows Adams about 100 feet from the offi­cers’ unmarked car. He took a few steps toward the car, although it’s not clear he was aware of the police offi­cers inside.

As Adams stepped toward the unmarked vehi­cle, both offi­cers jumped out. Body cam­era footage shows an offi­cer with his gun already drawn as he got out of the vehi­cle. Surveillance footage from a near­by busi­ness shows the offi­cers exit­ed the car with their guns point­ed toward the 23-year-old.

Adams began run­ning in the oth­er direc­tion toward two cars and a wall in the park­ing lot, as seen in the body­cam footage.

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Officers said they gave Adams ver­bal com­mands. Police Chief Darren Goodman said in remarks paired with the body­cam footage that the offi­cers “believed” Adams intend­ed to use the two parked cars as a cov­er to shoot at them.

But before Adams could turn around or find cov­er, an offi­cer fired at him. The shots were fired with­in sec­onds of Adams turn­ing from police.

Civil rights attor­ney Benjamin Crump, who drew atten­tion to the shoot­ing on social media and appeared at a press con­fer­ence with the fam­i­ly on Wednesday, said King heard the gun­shots over the phone.

Crump com­pared the killing of Adams to how police treat white sus­pects who are arrest­ed with­out being killed, even after they mur­der mul­ti­ple peo­ple. He cit­ed sev­er­al cas­es, includ­ing those of two white suprema­cists: Dylann Roof in 2015 at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, and Peyton Gendron in May at a mar­ket in Buffalo, New York.

This is a clas­sic exam­ple of shoot first and asks ques­tions lat­er,” Crump said.

We see young white males who are con­firmed mass mur­der­ers, and you don’t see police get out and start shooting.”

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In the video, Adams is seen lying on his back near a red brick wall. While offi­cers tried to ren­der aid, a per­son in dis­tress could be heard in the background.

You shot my cousin, bro,” the per­son said in the body cam­era footage.

While the offi­cer told Adams that he was “going to be OK” and “stay with me,” he kept his gun point­ed toward him. Adams was tak­en to the hos­pi­tal, where he was pro­nounced dead.

Crump post­ed the sur­veil­lance footage on social media on Monday, prompt­ing outrage.

Police in San Bernardino, CA, fatal­ly shot 23-year-old Robert Adams exe­cu­tion-style! It’s report­ed Robert didn’t know there were police in the unmarked car before he ran for his life. We need a full inves­ti­ga­tion into this hor­rif­ic exe­cu­tion!” Crump tweet­ed.

Goodman, the police chief, said the area Adams was in was known for crime and that he was a sus­pect in a pre­vi­ous rob­bery. It is unclear if offi­cers knew at that time that Adams was a suspect. 

The video, which has been post­ed online, fails to pro­vide crit­i­cal details or con­text as to what actu­al­ly occurred dur­ing the event,” Goodman said, refer­ring to the sur­veil­lance footage.

Adams’ fam­i­ly has demand­ed more police account­abil­i­ty and ques­tioned the tac­tics of the offi­cers involved. His father told HuffPost that police shot his son in the back, and the bul­let also went through his arm.

Adams’ birth­day was on June 1, and the two cel­e­brat­ed togeth­er last month, his father told HuffPost.

King, Adams’ moth­er, told CBS Los Angeles that her son did not pose a threat to police and was “run­ning for his life.”

King called for Goodman to be removed as police chief. She told HuffPost she wants the offi­cers involved in killing her son stripped over their badges and crim­i­nal­ly charged, with the shoot­er charged for murder.

He mur­dered my son, coldblooded.”