California Mayor Resigns After Racist Email On Police Brutality Goes Viral/+

A California may­or has resigned his office after com­ing under fire for send­ing out a racial­ly insen­si­tive email regard­ing police vio­lence.
James Stewart, who was elect­ed may­or of Temecula, California in November 2016, resigned the seat Thursday after he was called out for a reply email to a Temecula res­i­dent, who asked what was being done about police vio­lence, accord­ing to Too Fab.
“I don’t believe there’s ever been a good per­son of col­or killed by a police offi­cer,” Stewart said in the mes­sage that went viral.

People flood­ed the inter­net with crit­i­cisms and accu­sa­tions of racism on the south­ern California city’s offi­cial Facebook page. Stewart, who led the con­ser­v­a­tive-lean­ing city of about 115,000, post­ed an ini­tial apol­o­gy the day before issu­ing his res­ig­na­tion, stat­ing that he uses “voice text” due to his dyslex­ia, and didn’t proof-read­ing before send­ing.
“I absolute­ly did not say that,” he wrote in the post. “What I said is and I don’t believe there has ever been a per­son of col­or mur­dered by police, on con­text to Temecula or Riverside coun­ty. I absolute­ly did not say ‘good’ I have no idea how that popped up. Please for­give me for this egre­gious error.”

However, the back­lash con­tin­ued, prompt­ing him to make a fol­low-up state­ment to insist those aren’t his beliefs. “My typos and off-the-cuff response to an email on a seri­ous top­ic added pain at a time where our com­mu­ni­ty, and our coun­try, is suf­fer­ing,” he said. “I may not be the best writer and I some­times mis­s­peak, but I am not racist. I deeply regret this mis­take and I own it, entire­ly. I am tru­ly sorry.”Stewart addressed the bad tim­ing and tur­moil the email took on the com­mu­ni­ty and elect­ed to resign, anyway. 

I under­stand that even my sin­cer­est apolo­gies can­not rem­e­dy this sit­u­a­tion. Because actions speak loud­er than words, I will step down as your Mayor and City Council Member effec­tive imme­di­ate­ly,” he wrote. The news comes as nation­wide protests against racism and police bru­tal­i­ty con­tin­ue in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd, an unarmed Black Minneapolis man whose last words were “I can’t breath” as four offi­cers held him in cus­tody in pub­lic. One offi­cer, who was seen pin­ning Floyd down by press­ing his knee into his kneck for almost 9 min­utes, has been charged with sec­ond-degree mur­der. The oth­er three offi­cers assist­ing in the arrest have been charged with aid­ing and abet­ting in the alleged murder.

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EDITOR’S NOTE: They are such repug­nant liars, even when caught they still make them­selves seem even more pathet­ic and igno­rant by the sil­ly lies they tell in order to try and save face. I can under­stand the mag­gots who share racists ideals and admit it. What I absolute­ly abhor are those who are deep-seat­ed racists but try to pre­tend to be some­thing else when called out.
On a more point­ed note, the actions of this pathet­ic crea­ture ref­er­ence in the above sto­ry and the one ref­er­ence in the sto­ry below is exact­ly what I addressed in the video mono­logue above.



Lauderdale County, Tenn., Sheriff Steve Sanders has admit­ted to using the n‑word after a tape record­ing of him using the racist slur sur­faced when a local record­ing artist played the tape dur­ing an Instagram live ses­sion.
“I did. I won’t tell you no lie about it,” Sanders told News Channel 3 Memphis on Wednesday. Despite his use of the n‑word, Sanders said he isn’t a racist, and the word, “just slipped out.”
The sher­iff also said he doesn’t remem­ber when the con­ver­sa­tion took place and that he was unaware he was being recorded.

I got a lot of Black friends, I got a lot of ene­mies, as any sher­iff would, but I apol­o­gize to all of them,” Sanders said in the inter­view. “I’m going to apol­o­gize Friday to all the cit­i­zens in the coun­ty because they’re good peo­ple.”
Sanders has been sher­iff of Lauderdale County for 16 years, and is the area’s longest-tenured sher­iff.
The audio was also post­ed on Facebook and has prompt­ed some cit­i­zens to demand his res­ig­na­tion. One Lauderdale Country res­i­dent, Tiffany Driver, told New Channel 3 Memphis that it was “heart­break­ing” and “a slap in the face” after the coun­try is still deal­ing with the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic.
White peo­ple using the n‑word is a phe­nom­e­non that con­tin­ues to make head­lines. On Thursday, Oregon State fresh­man tight end Rocco Carley was dis­missed from his foot­ball team after an audio record­ing where he used racist lan­guage recent­ly surfaced. 

The record­ing was made when Carley was in high school. In the video, which was post­ed to Twitter, the fresh­man foot­ball play­er can be heard say­ing hor­rif­ic, racist state­ments against Blacks, homo­sex­u­als, and Muslims.
“I’d like to get all the Blacks in a cham­ber, and burn the sh*t out of them,” Carley says. In the video, Carley sounds as if he is using a south­ern accent. In an apol­o­gy post on Instagram, he said that the video was “satire.”

In the video below, I speak to the fact that the igno­rance of racism in many of these peo­ple stems from a lack of expo­sure, in addi­tion to being taught to hate. It is real­ly a marked diver­gence between the way many blacks are raised against their white coun­ter­parts.
Some peo­ple are taught to love oth­ers are taught how to hate. It is not impos­si­ble to root hate from the heart of some­one who was raised to do so, but it is incred­i­bly dif­fi­cult.
Exposure to oth­er cul­tures is edu­ca­tion­al, it opens the eyes to the beau­ty of God’s plan. Living in mono­lith­ic com­mu­ni­ties does noth­ing to help that process.

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