Bye Bye Boehner.…

President Obama and Boehner
President Obama and Boehner

John Boehner is set to resign the Speakership of the House and his seat in Congress. Boehner will resign in the face of oppo­si­tion with­in his own party.
Boehner’s speak­er­ship has been a colos­sal fail­ure of leadership.
Throughout Obama’s Presidency Boehner did not stand for Governance he allowed the Right wing hate machine to block and hin­der the President’s agenda.
In the end Boehner will be remem­bered for not stand­ing for any­thing. As such he was des­tined to go this way. 
He will be remem­bered as the speak­er of Government shutdowns.
I can­not recall any oth­er time in my life­time when a Speaker of the House has pur­sued a more acri­mo­nious rela­tion­ship with a sit­ting President.
On issue after issue, Immigration, ISIS, Budget issues , Israel Foreign pol­i­cy in gen­er­al, John Boehner has been the most vir­u­lent oppo­nent of Obama.
In the end John Boehner com­mit­ted the ulti­mate sin of invit­ing Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu to address the Congress in oppo­si­tion to the President’s Iran deal with­out inform­ing the President.
This action was a mas­sive depar­ture from estab­lished protocol.
Boehner knew that Netanyahu was opposed to the deal being nego­ti­at­ed between the P5 plus 1. He knew that Netanyahu had a less than cor­dial rela­tion­ship with the sit­ting President Barack Obama .
As such what Boehner did was to side with a Foreign head of state over his own President.

In the days and weeks to come there will be much dis­cus­sion on this unex­pect­ed move by Boehner. Predictably the mass of the con­ver­sa­tion will be geared toward bur­nish­ing and san­i­tiz­ing the record and tenure of John Boehner.
Unfortunately for those who will spend their time in such endeav­ors we live in the infor­ma­tion age. Thanks to Google. Bing Yahoo. and oth­er search engines Boehner’s every action is a mat­ter of pub­lic record.
Nevertheless they will spend much time telling you that what you saw and read is not real­ly what you saw and read.
They will try to con­vince you that your eyes are lying to you.
John Boehner was par­tic­u­lar­ly dis­ap­point­ing because he did not come from wealth. In this pub­li­ca­tion we made know our feel­ing on Boehner on sev­er­al occasions.
He had a chance to side with the poor on issue after issue , instead he chose to stand with the wealthy and powerful.
This writer will shed not a sin­gle tear to see the back of John Boehner.
Interestingly those who will be in line to suc­ceed him will most like­ly be far worse than John Boehner ever was.