Bunting’s Tirade Symptomatic Of A Government Tired And Out Of Ideas.…..

Peter Bunting  National Security Minister
Peter Bunting
National Security Minister

As Jamaicans con­tin­ue to be slaugh­tered in unprece­dent­ed num­bers the Country’s National Security Minister fresh from over­seas took imme­di­ate action.
Unfortunately the actions Peter Bunting took was not hud­dling with heads of the Island’s Security Agencies to fig­ure out a way forward.
Bunting instead unleashed a ven­omous attack against the Opposition Party for dar­ing to crit­i­cize the Government on what is clear­ly it’s fail­ure in all areas includ­ing keep­ing the Jamaican peo­ple safe.
Bunting claimed that he has tried to keep National Security out of the polit­i­cal fray but he lament­ed that approach can only work when you have an enlight­ened Opposition,”
Ironically, even as Bunting made those spu­ri­ous claim he was engaged in address­ing Party Loyalists of the Eastern St Andrew con­fer­ence at the University of the West Indies in St Andrew, the “Intellectual ghet­to” (accord­ing to the late Wilmott Perkins) and a hot-bed of failed left wing ide­o­log­i­cal-pol­i­cy-thought long dis­card­ed by the rest of the world.

Score one for Peter Bunting and his abil­i­ty to keep his min­istry apolitical.

In a scathing attack one expects to see on the eve of elec­tions on a plat­form some­where in the three miles area, Bunting blast­ed the polit­i­cal oppo­si­tion’s con­cern, for the demise of over three Jamaicans per day at the hands of crim­i­nal. Bunting charged: “Some in the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) lead­er­ship have been behav­ing like a set of John Crows, like vul­tures, glee­ful­ly react­ing to every loss of life as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to gain polit­i­cal mileage.”

One would have thought that after that parochial out­burst the Minister would have sobered up and real­ized that even though he is act­ing as a piece of car­cass for the polit­i­cal Vultures , he ought to rep­re­sent the Ministry and the men and women who are answer­able to him in a more dig­ni­fied man­ner. This was not to be, not want­i­ng to be out­done by AJ Nicholson’s ine­bri­at­ed out­burst last week , Bunting dived even deeper.

File photo: Portia and comrades having a good time
File pho­to: Portia and com­rades hav­ing a good time

Like the cow­ards that they are, they wait until my back is turned, until I’m out of the coun­try, to launch their most recent attacks,” he said. “That man is Derrick Smith, the peren­ni­al oppo­si­tion spokesman on nation­al secu­ri­ty, I believe the longest-serv­ing oppo­si­tion spokesman on nation­al secu­ri­ty in the his­to­ry of Jamaica,” declared Bunting. “The way he speaks, you would think that if only he became min­is­ter of nation­al secu­ri­ty Jamaica’s crime prob­lem would be solved.” 

Buntings com­ments should have been enough to cause offense to rea­son­able Jamaicans regard­less of their polit­i­cal stripe.
If not for the Political snip­ing, but at the fact that the Minister hav­ing no answer to the crime sit­u­a­tion chose to attack his polit­i­cal rival with­out lay­ing out a sin­gle pol­i­cy solu­tion for the spi­ral­ing crime wave.
Instead the brain-dead igno­ra­mus­es in atten­dance broke into rau­cous applause.

At a time when the mild­ly aware Prime Minister and oth­ers with­ing the delu­sion­al People’s National Party Administration in Kingston are trum­pet­ing pass­ing IMF tests, Jamaicans are being slaugh­tered in groups of threes and fours while sur­vivors can­not afford to pur­chase basic food necessities.
Reasonable observers already knew Bunting was over his head as far as solu­tions are con­cerned on stop­ping the bleed­ing. However, Bunting’s infan­tile response to crit­i­cisms are a tell-tale sign this cor­rupt Administration is run­ning on fumes.

Derrick Smith Opposition Spokesperson on National Security
Derrick Smith Opposition Spokesperson on National Security

From the retard­ed insis­tence of the clue­less Prime Minister in not speak­ing to the Media , to AJ Nicholson’s ine­bri­at­ed response about a Jamaican National incar­cer­at­ed abroad , to Bunting’s mouth-full of cow-feces tirade, it is abun­dant­ly clear this Government needs to be retired to obscurity.
These respons­es are symp­to­matic of a tired, clue­less, bunch of low-lev­el trib­al­ists who have had respon­si­bil­i­ty thrust upon them they can­not handle.
When will the peo­ple real­ize this bunch of self-serv­ing mis­cre­ants are only there to fat­ten their own pockets?

Whether one is par­tic­u­lar­ly fond of Holness or Smith has no bear­ing on the seri­ous crime prob­lem fac­ing the nation.
Blowing smoke up peo­ple’s behinds is a not a solu­tion. Bunting can­not be that stu­pid he must know this horse and pony show will come to an end soon.
It is indeed a sad tes­ta­ment of the depths to which our Country has sunken, when these are the peo­ple tasked with it’s care.