Buntings Comments Shows A Serious Lack Of Desire To See The Activities Of The Klans-man Gang Brought To A Halt…

Left the Jamaica PM Portia Simpson Miller
Left the Jamaica PM Portia Simpson Miller

JAMAICA is run by two polit­i­cal par­ties, The Jamaica Labor Party(JLP) and the People’s National Party (PNP). Between the two Parties, Jamaica has devolved into a series of balka­nized criminal/​political enclaves, in some instances impreg­nable to the rule of law.

At present Jamaican tax-pay­ers are present­ly on the hook to the tune of 350 mil­lion dol­lars. Money being spent on the Tivoli Gardens Inquiry which will tell us what we already know.
That Tivoli Gardens , like Arnett Gardens, Wilton Gardens, Nanny-ville, Dunkirk, Riverton, and the pletho­ra of oth­er zones of polit­i­cal exclu­sions were made to ger­mi­nate and grow because both Political par­ties want­ed it so.

At least I hope that is what will come out of the fish­ing expe­di­tion present­ly gob­bling up scarce resources which could be bet­ter spent alle­vi­at­ing the coun­try’s dire pover­ty and crime problem.

The nar­ra­tive Jamaica’s bour­geoisie’ used dur­ing the 80’s to ear­ly 90’s when I served in the police depart­ment, was that the police were mere­ly big igno­rant men capa­ble of wield­ing batons. As we got clos­er to the ear­ly 90’s, the nar­ra­tive shift­ed slight­ly because of the lethal way some cops dealt with the coun­try’s vio­lent criminals.

The new nar­ra­tive was that cops were mere­ly “illit­er­ates” whose only claim to fame was their abil­i­ty to pull a trigger.
The truth of the mat­ter is that the true rea­son behind our nation’s bur­geon­ing crime rate has been the refusal of suc­ces­sive Administrations to deal deci­sive­ly with crime on the one hand, and on the oth­er hand both polit­i­cal par­ties engaged in an arms-race of sorts to see which par­ty could bet­ter arm it’s supporters.
In the mid­dle stood the ill-equipped, poor­ly trained, poor­ly paid, polit­i­cal­ly-neutered police force as the scapegoat.

The rise of the “Don cul­ture” is a direct result of both polit­i­cal par­ties direct involve­ment in plac­ing weapons into the hands of the coun­try’s young impres­sion­able youths.
Of course the Police depart­ment has had more lack­eys than any depart­ment should, but the prob­lem Jamaica faces today were cre­at­ed by both polit­i­cal parties.
The long list of mur­der­ous psy­chot­ic crim­i­nals Jamaicans cel­e­brate as “Dons” ‚receive the adu­la­tion the rule of law deserves, unfor­tu­nate­ly the polit­i­cal elites did not want it that way.

Today after the Tivoli inva­sion, an inva­sion nec­es­sary for annex­a­tion, there are report­ing which indi­cate the Spanish Town PNP affil­i­ate Clans-Man-Criminal Gang extract over 1.5 mil­lion Dollars per day in extor­tion fees from Businesses oper­at­ing in the old capital.
One report­ing indi­cat­ed National Security Minister Peter Bunting encour­aged busi­ness oper­a­tors to install sur­veil­lance cam­eras in their establishments.

Peter Bunting
Peter Bunting

Bunting promised that a police post would be re-opened at the bus park in July. It went on to add that it is esti­mat­ed that based on the num­ber of bus­es that use the park dai­ly, all of the monies added up is an esti­mat­ed $1.5 mil. Authorities cur­rent­ly have a num­ber of per­sons on a watch list, includ­ing six (6) wealthy, high-pro­file per­sons who are believed to be pro­vid­ing finan­cial sup­port for the extortionists.

That seem to be the extent of the nation’s secu­ri­ty appa­ra­tus abil­i­ty to com­bat what is clear­ly a seri­ous problem.
This prob­lem will only get more dire the more cash-flush this crim­i­nal enter­prise become.
Why is the Police Department not using aggres­sive Intelligence gath­er­ing to elim­i­nate once and for all this can­cer of extortion?
The police depart­ment now has a PhD at it’s helm. The bour­geoisie’ can no longer use “dunce­ness” to dis­par­age the police, at least not the entire high command.
Why then is there no cohe­sive effec­tive intel­li­gence ‑based strat­e­gy in the works, designed to erad­i­cate the Clans-man Gang from our country?

Is there polit­i­cal pres­sure on the police to hands-off that crim­i­nal gang? Or is the police sim­ply too stu­pid and inept to seri­ous­ly tack­le this scourge?
Encouraging busi­ness own­ers to install cam­eras is not a 21st cen­tu­ry strat­e­gy for this prob­lem , it is an invi­ta­tion for swift and sud­den death.
The Minister by his utter­ances have dis­played a sim­plis­tic, almost child­like lack of under­stand­ing of what needs to be done to arrest this problem.
Either that, or there is no desire to bring the activ­i­ties of the Clans-man Gang to a halt